The list of drones with which Ukraine is attacking Russian territory has become known

The list of drones with which Ukraine is attacking Russian territory has become known

For a long time, Ukraine has been sending attack UAVs deep into Russian territory, which attack residential buildings, enterprises, airfields and other objects. Now the list of drones with the help of which the Kiev regime carries out attacks on the Russian Federation has become known.

A military analyst and OSINT researcher known as HI Sutton provided details in his blog. According to him, Ukraine is currently using at least 10 different types of long-range drones for air attacks.

He clarified that such a variety of models makes it possible to achieve several tasks, citing an image with the devices. First, decentralize UAV production by involving different specialists and capacities in the process. Secondly, to test in combat conditions the effectiveness of different systems for performing specific tasks. Thirdly, to test the ability to produce both a large number of simple UAVs and a smaller number of more complex and deadly ones, he concluded.

In turn, the American publication The Wall Street Journal reported that 62 different types of UAVs are currently being produced in Ukraine. One company in particular has developed a large attack drone capable of carrying 10 kg of explosives. An enterprise of two dozen employees is capable of producing 3 thousand FPV drones per month, but they plan to increase the figure to 10 thousand. Manufacturers make most of the components for UAVs themselves, using 3D printers, the media explained.
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  1. +3
    3 February 2024 19: 45
    It’s strange, enterprises with 20 employees produce 3 tons per month of fairly large UAVs, that is, 35 tons. in year. Where then is our military-industrial complex and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation with HUNDREDS and THOUSANDS of workers and an appropriate budget, such an assortment and quantity is not visible.
    1. +1
      3 February 2024 23: 27
      Where then is our military-industrial complex and Moscow Region?

      Quality issue.
  2. 0
    3 February 2024 20: 06
    It seems that the media say that we have much more UAVs. Superiority in everything.
    Individual statements by Rogozin and others can, as it were, be ignored.
    1. 0
      3 February 2024 20: 32
      Replica. An overweight is possible, only for Chinese mini-copters (up to 0,5 kg of total weight), but otherwise there are only questions.
  3. 0
    3 February 2024 20: 58
    Another year and it will be very difficult for the guys at LBS. crests are increasing the production of drones. What did they have in February 22nd and what now...
    1. 0
      4 February 2024 09: 03
      And in February 22nd they had an advantage in drones. Overwhelming.
  4. +1
    3 February 2024 21: 52
    An enterprise of two dozen employees is capable of producing 3 thousand FPV drones per month

    It doesn't seem like much. But what prevents you from creating at least a hundred such enterprises?
  5. +2
    3 February 2024 22: 04
    The longer the country's leadership remains silent about the participation of countries supplying weapons (including UAVs) in the war against the Russian Federation, the more Russians will die.
    It’s time to officially declare, to the President or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, that the Russian Federation has every right at any time to launch a preventive nuclear strike on any of the countries that supplied weapons to terrorists from the Armed Forces of Ukraine... give a list of 50 countries in plain text. And to intimidate, destroy one of the cities of a potential enemy on the territory of Poland or Romania.
    1. +3
      4 February 2024 03: 50
      not a city, but a whole country. there is no population - there is no one to produce or supply weapons. This is exactly what the Allies did when they burned out the working-class neighborhoods of Hamburg during World War II. Population density is high in Europe, so the effect will be maximum.
    2. +3
      4 February 2024 09: 04
      Yes, no one in the world seriously reacts to the statements of our Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the President, since they diverge from real affairs.
      Today what is needed is not preventive nuclear strikes on NATO countries, but complete isolation of the territory of the Ukrainian Reich, this is how during WWII the Germans organized a naval blockade of England. And if you believe history, the British had a very bad time. Only the presence of a huge military fleet allowed them to avoid the blockade, but in Ukraine there is no way to withstand massive attacks on the border transport infrastructure. And without the supply of weapons from outside the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Reich, they will quickly be blown away.
    3. 0
      6 February 2024 20: 49
      What are you talking about, this is World War III right away. There is only Sarmat without a nuclear filling, in Lvov and the region is not below zero. The Kyiv junta is immediately thought of.
  6. SYG
    4 February 2024 00: 12
    Find out or buy the coordinates of enterprises that produce drones and level them with missiles. We need to be more active! am
  7. +3
    4 February 2024 05: 02
    An enterprise of two dozen employees is capable of producing 3 thousand FPV drones per month, but they plan to increase the figure to 10 thousand." Let's assume 3 thousand per month, with daily work, 100 units per day, each employee must produce 5 units. i.e. 1 drone for 2 hours. As the author points out, they are ready to produce, not assembly, but the production of FPV drones, well, this is overkill, respected, a maximum of 2 units, and then it’s unlikely. So all this is nonsense, and also increase it to 10 thousand???
    1. The comment was deleted.
  8. 0
    4 February 2024 08: 48
    Today, the problem of drones is not being solved comprehensively.
    There is an obvious attempt to chase down each individual drone, shoot it down or jam it.
    The rifle and artillery duels of World War I escalated into drone firefights.
    This will not solve the problem.
    On Kostya Saprykin, other methods are needed that can change the tactics and strategy of the war itself.
    But this is of course if there is such a goal - to win.
  9. 0
    4 February 2024 10: 12
    During the Patriotic War, how many dogs died throwing themselves under tanks with bunches of grenades. It might make sense to try to teach large birds to drop nets on drones. Can you teach them this? After all, if you drop the net on top of the propellers, the drone will fall. True, then they will begin to prepare drones with propeller protection, but this will make the design heavier