Ukrainian media showed elements for overcoming air defense from the Russian Kh-101 missile


The Russian military is using a new technology, aimed at creating interference for enemy radar systems during attacks with X-101 missiles. There was a whole story about this on Ukrainian TV.

Thus, the RF Armed Forces successfully use L-504 dipole reflectors, which are metal foil. One such unit contains 12 squibs fired during the final stages of a missile's flight, making it difficult for Ukrainians to aim anti-missile weapons at targets.

Ukrainian media showed elements for overcoming air defense from the Russian Kh-101 missile

For the first time, new elements for overcoming air defense in the Russian X-101 missile were discovered in January 2023. A cruise missile of this type, which fell on January 26 in the Vinnytsia region due to a technical malfunction, contained an unknown block at that time. Having studied the surviving wreckage of the missile launcher, American and Ukrainian experts found that this version of the X-101 was equipped with the L-504 862-4-22 decoy shooting system.

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  1. 0
    27 January 2024 09: 33
    Unfortunately, the measures taken have a limited effect...
    1. 0
      27 January 2024 18: 54
      They have an excellent effect.
  2. 0
    27 January 2024 18: 54
    The question is, why is there no liquidator on the rocket and we give these missiles to the enemy?