Seven stages of development: what artificial intelligence can become


Technology artificial intelligence is gradually developing, successfully solving some problems and making human life easier and more comfortable. But the AI ​​we encounter today is still very far from perfect.

At least that's what some scientists think. Moreover, today there is even a theory about the stages of development of this technology, which sheds light on what we should expect in the future.

In total, according to the above theory, AI will go through seven steps, the field of which will reach its highest development.

The first is based on a set of rules that make the system consistent but not very adaptive. For example, cruise control in a car.

The second is more “advanced” and is based on context, where systems adapt their responses to a specific situation. This is how chatbots known to many of us work. At the same time, from the second stage, the neural network becomes self-learning.

At the third stage, AI can already afford to be an expert in a particular field. Such systems can quickly process huge amounts of information and, thanks to this, are able to surpass humans.

In the fourth stage, the AI ​​tries to be human-like. In this case, he not only remembers information and follows the rules, but, for example, can read books, delving into their plot and analyzing the behavior of the characters. Additionally, these systems can even analyze business metrics and try to predict monetary trends.

At the fifth stage, according to the theory, “general purpose” AI appears. Theoretically, such programs should be no different from people in terms of thinking. Experts believe that some modern programs are just beginning to approach this level.

The sixth stage, again, theoretically, will be marked by the emergence of super-strong AI. He will be able to act like a supercomputer and will be able to think better than any genius from the human world.

Finally, the last, seventh stage or singularity is the emergence of artificial intelligence, which will be able to instantly modernize itself, and humans will no longer be able to influence the development of such systems.

Today all this looks fantastic, but in the future it may become a reality. At the same time, the question remains open: will humanity be able to cope with the technology it created if something goes wrong.

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  1. 0
    28 January 2024 13: 10
    No need for scarecrows. At the seventh (or rather already at the sixth) stage, communism will come - “robots work hard, not people.” fellow There will be time for a family - everyone will give birth to 10 children (there will be no need to work - there is plenty of time, and there is no need to think about how to provide for them) and immediately give them to robo-nannies to raise. This is how we will solve the demographic problem throughout the world! winked
    1. +1
      29 January 2024 07: 10
      The more advanced artificial intelligence is, the more snow there is in parking lots.
    2. 0
      30 January 2024 13: 21
      Quote: Strange guest
      This is how we will solve the demographic problem throughout the world!

      Strange Guest, apparently, you decided to deal with the demographic problem in the wrong place. laughing
  2. 0
    30 January 2024 11: 57
    We don’t even need him, this AI is yours!
    1. 0
      30 January 2024 13: 13
      Why don’t you need it, what if you go to another place? Or think? laughing
  3. 0
    30 January 2024 13: 29
    Artificial intelligence, like other artificial organs - arms, legs, teeth... are just prosthetics. Don't forget about it! Yes