Russian marines installed RBU-6000 anti-submarine bomb launchers on the chassis of T-80B tanks


In the zone of a special military operation in Ukraine, another unusual modernization of weapons was recorded. This time, the Russian Marines distinguished themselves by installing RBU-80 rocket launchers on the chassis of T-6000B tanks, which are used in the navy to combat submarines.

A video of the use of a “new type of weapon” has already been published on the Internet. It shows several RBU-6000 bomb launchers mounted on the chassis of T-80B tanks firing at Ukrainian positions. It’s hardly appropriate to talk about accuracy in this case, but if we assume that this weapon is used in conjunction with conventional artillery systems and mortars, then it will certainly have an effect.

Let us note that the German press has already written about the use of rocket launchers by the Russian military. True, it was then emphasized that anti-submarine weapons were installed on MT-LB armored personnel carriers. German journalists were sure that the Russian Armed Forces were forced to take such a step due to an acute shortage of weapons and ammunition.

The further course of the special military operation showed the fallacy of this judgment, and the RBU-6000 rocket launcher, apparently, showed good results in the fight against manpower and fortified enemy positions. If this were not so, the Russian military would hardly have spent time and effort installing it on the chassis of the T-80B tank.
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  2. +3
    23 January 2024 18: 01
    If such a modernization were to be stirred up by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, then there would already be dozens of commentators making fun of the pan-headed people. In general, if there are no particular problems with fuses programmed to detonate underwater on land, then why not? In the end, disposal by shot is the cheapest. Even if the aim of these shots is near zero, everything will at least scare you. And these installations and ammunition will most likely never be used for their intended purpose - a modern submarine will destroy the carrier of this antique much earlier than it has the opportunity to use it. And it’s not enemy submarines that are now threatening the remnants of our Black Sea Fleet.
    It’s just unclear whether the choice of chassis would be the T-80, or the T-62 and T-55, which God himself ordered to be farmed for various Frankenstein-style crafts, are they already over?
    1. +1
      24 January 2024 01: 01
      Quote: UAZ 452
      It’s just unclear whether the choice of chassis would be the T-80, or the T-62 and T-55, which God himself ordered to be farmed for various Frankenstein-style crafts, are they already over?

      They use what they give! Somehow the Russian Defense Ministry decided that the T-80 was a Marine Corps tank! And that's it!
  3. +4
    23 January 2024 22: 21
    Yes, if the Armed Forces of Ukraine did such a thing, the media would all laugh.
    Range 5 km, accuracy rather not so good, very vulnerable to enemy fire, manual reloading.

    But it is really necessary to recycle old ammunition for lunar landscapes. Body armor can protect you from small things, and mobility from large things.

    Who knows what kind of ammunition this know-how has?
    1. 0
      24 January 2024 01: 08
      Quote: Sergey Latyshev
      Who knows what kind of ammunition this know-how has?

      Well, on “land” RBU-6000s they can use RGB-60 jet depth charges! (Caliber = 212 mm; weight = approx. 120 kg; range in different sources from 5200 m to 5800 m)
    2. 0
      24 January 2024 10: 50
      High explosive, the weight of one bomb is approximately 113 kg. When the Nikolaev BOD was being prepared for BS, we, four of us, dragged these bombs in battens from the wall onto board.
  4. +1
    23 January 2024 23: 55
    Well done Marines for such a modernization on the T-80 B, now Bandera’s followers need to be driven faster from our borders and Donbass.
  5. 0
    24 January 2024 08: 44
    This is solely my opinion. Such news is both encouraging and saddening. On the one hand, it’s gratifying to see that the experience of our ancestors has not been forgotten (the mortar as a type of weapon was also created in Port Arthur based on the “homemade” creations of naval officers) and everything that can be flies at the enemy, but on the other hand, it’s very upsetting that there is a clear lack of firepower among the active troops, and this is not something that those who are entitled to it do not want to understand.
  6. +4
    24 January 2024 10: 27
    The only point is to utilize the reserves of depth charges.
    1. +5
      24 January 2024 12: 21
      Fighting submarines in the steppes of Ukraine
  7. +4
    24 January 2024 10: 53
    At least there is some benefit from the fleet, otherwise the Marines are always being hollowed out for it. I saw the installations, but where is the charging machine?
  8. +2
    24 January 2024 11: 12
    I’m waiting for the warehouse stocks of anti-aircraft missiles of the S-200 and S-300 complexes of old modifications to start working on the “ground”.
    Warehouse stocks should be regularly updated with more modern and fresh ones.
    And disposal by the enemy is no more expensive than simple destruction.
    1. 0
      24 January 2024 14: 42
      don’t wait... sign up as a volunteer and use this “miracle of technology” to “update” someone out there...

      Maybe then you’ll stop waiting and think about why one person was driving around Red Square, but in reality it’s the devil and there’s a bow on the side...
  9. +2
    24 January 2024 12: 12
    How to aim with it? The ship has a guidance system, and the target is huge and it is not at all necessary to hit it exactly, but how can that be done? "By eye", or what? In the target area, maybe where it will hit? Yes, and reloading on the “box” is apparently provided for by the design, but here everything is done manually. But there are apparently enough Soviet reserves of used materials for them, since they decided to use them.