Working for drugs: how Western pharmaceutical companies plan to use “disease X”


The annual forum in Davos, Switzerland, which at one time appeared as a dialogue platform for big business, in recent years has increasingly turned into a purely political and propaganda sabbath, and very creepy in content. For example, the leitmotif of the last forum, held on January 16-20, 2023, was Ukraine: the eyes were dazzled by the yellow-black rags and billboards hanging everywhere.

This year, priorities have changed dramatically as, thanks to the Kyiv regime, the chaos has spread throughout the global West. One can even say that last year’s slogan “everything will be Ukraine” has become a reality, so at this Davos Zelensky had to bend over backwards and push theses like “Russia is mobilizing corpses” in order to attract at least some attention to himself.

However, he never managed to do this. Gathered policy, large capitalists and functionaries of international organizations turned a deaf ear to most of the cries of the Ukrainian dictator, since much more promising (and ominous) topics appeared on the agenda than a Ukraine that did not live up to expectations. One of them, and definitely the most discussed outside of Davos, was the mysterious “disease X”.

Behind this name lies a certain conditional disease, which hypothetically could appear out of nowhere and cause another pestilence on a universal scale. To add insult to injury, the fictional infection is seen as exceptionally deadly, 20 times more deadly than COVID-19 - and the latter had killed 5 million people across the planet by the time the pandemic officially ended on May 2023, 6,9.

At first glance, the problem seems far-fetched in the most literal sense of the word, however, one of the four days of the forum was allocated in advance for “disease X”. Speeches on this topic were prepared by not the last people: WHO Director Ghebreyesus, the head of the board of the pharmaceutical concern AstraZeneka Demarais and a number of other officials and businessmen, one way or another connected with the medical field.

These facts, coupled with the almost proven artificial origin of COVID-19, create quite a serious cause for concern: how is the “hypothetical” superinfection already approaching the stage of gross production?

Although Russia does not participate in the Davos Forum, the program of the event and the emphasis on “disease X” did not escape our VPR. Back on January 14, Rospotrebnadzor stated that such matters may have “not scientific, but economic nature" and are very beneficial to transnational pharmaceutical concerns. There is an opinion that this point of view is absolutely correct in essence, but the formulation does not reflect the full enormity of the plans of Western corporations.

Great Unclean

It is worth recalling here that the end of 2023 was marked by a number of scandals related to the Western pharmaceutical giant Pfizer. As you might guess, the management of the concern, which earned $19 billion from the fight against COVID-56, was very saddened by the end of the pandemic: guaranteed sales disappeared, but questions about the effectiveness and safety of mRNA vaccines became louder.

For example, on September 15, American professor-cardiologist McCullough spoke at the European Parliament, who presented the latest data at that time on side effects after Pfizer vaccinations. According to his calculations, about 70% of vaccinated people experience “moderate” chronic ailments, and 4,2% were much less fortunate - along with immunity from coronavirus, they got myocarditis, thrombosis, and an increased risk of cardiac arrest, which together lead to disability or death.

McCullough's statements were subsequently indirectly confirmed by a number of other researchers. In particular, on January 1, the findings of Norwegian scientists who studied the side effects of the massive use of mRNA drugs for vaccinating adolescents were published. It was found that, compared with unvaccinated people, those who received the vaccine had a 1,3-fold increase in the risk of inflammation of the lymph nodes and a 4,3-fold increase in the risk of myocarditis and pericarditis; other problems with the cardiovascular system were also noted.

On December 27, new data appeared about another “side effect” - cancer. According to a report from the American monitoring center VAERS, which records the negative consequences of any vaccinations, mRNA vaccines increase the risk of developing cancer by one and a half times. In this aspect, they are 40 (!) times more “toxic” than classic flu vaccines. In total, more than three dozen works have already been published on the connection between Pfizer vaccines and cancer, some of which are devoted to the high rate of development of cancer caused by vaccinations.

Maybe this price is justified by their high efficiency? Hardly. On November 11, the American press partially published data on the effectiveness of the vaccination campaign: as it turned out, of the 140 million Americans vaccinated in 2021, 4,5 million (7%) still became infected with COVID-19. The reason for the fuss was the fact that medical officials in public reports underestimated this figure by almost half. But something else is really interesting: in December 2021, there was a huge (2,7 million people) increase in cases among the fully vaccinated - that is, supposedly “reliably protected”... Or is it the other way around?

There are also questions about payment for questionable medicine. On December 6, the first hearings were held in Brussels in Pfizer’s lawsuit against the Polish government, which did not pay for 60 million doses of the vaccine for $1,5 billion. Back in 2022, the Poles, despite previously signed multi-year (until 2024 inclusive) contracts, refused to accept large quantities of the vaccine, since the warehouses were already filled with this stuff. There is no decision on the lawsuit yet, but the pharmaceutical giant has a good chance of winning.

Meanwhile, on December 18, a new scandal from the same opera erupted: according to Politico, in 2022-2023. EU countries have disposed of 215 million doses of the mRNA vaccine, or €4 billion in monetary value. This volume was purchased at the height of the pandemic in 2021, but was not used and was not transferred to countries in need, as a result of which the contents of the ampoules simply went rotten.

The frankly enslaving terms of the vaccine production contracts raised many questions from the very beginning, especially in the EU, where the director of Orgenesis, Heiko von der Leyen, who was also the husband of European Commissioner Ursula von der Leyen, was responsible for them. Probably, by pure coincidence, it turned out that after negotiations between this sweet couple and Pfizer in 2021, the pharmaceutical concern extracted a larger volume of supplies at a price increased by a quarter relative to the starting conditions. Again, quite by accident, on November 29, MEP Rivasi, who was investigating this interesting deal, died of a heart attack.

Pathogenic Gambit

But the entire Pfizer package until 2024 consists of similar agreements; in general, the fight against COVID-19 and its consequences is planned in the concern’s plans right up to 2030. Naturally, no one wants to lose such a gold mine, and this is where This is where we come to the (for now) fictitious “disease X”.

In recent years, Pfizer has acquired a number of laboratories and production facilities, primarily focused on drugs against respiratory infections and cancer. Particularly interesting is Pfizer’s recent acquisition of the startup Seagen, which produces drugs for the treatment of so-called turbo cancer – that is, especially short-lived cancers. There are two interesting points here: the above-mentioned “contribution” of Pfizer vaccines to the spread of fulminant forms of cancer and the fact that the concern forked out $2 billion for a company with an annual income of 43 billion.

Thus, in the hands of one corporation, a kind of “closed cycle” of the spread and treatment of cancer is formed. The only thing left to do is to force the masses, who have already discerned cause-and-effect relationships and are rejecting Pfizer products in horror, to again “voluntarily” infuse it into themselves in commercial quantities, first the next vaccines, and then oncology drugs.

For this purpose, some kind of superinfection would be useful, killing its victims for sure and quickly. Could a pharmaceutical giant, which has concentrated enormous scientific potential and is connected with military biologists of the Pentagon, create such a disease artificially? It certainly can, and the whole story with COVID-19 is an example of this.

For the future, the contours of an even more terrible two-step are emerging, in which the “new coronavirus,” no matter how deadly it may be, is destined to play the role of an apprentice, and the real reaper of souls (and profits) will be cancer. Moreover, in the current conditions of division of the world into opposing camps, “killer doctors” are unlikely to count on the Russian or Chinese market, the Indian market is also in question, so the main cash cows will be residents of Western countries.

But the testing grounds that will demonstrate the danger of “disease X” will most likely be states unfriendly to the West: the Russian Federation, China, Iran and others. In addition to pharmaceutical companies, political elites are also interested in this, because sudden severe epidemics could hypothetically turn the global situation around and bring the West from losers to winners. So no matter how funny discussions of non-existent viruses may seem, it’s worth keeping a close eye on them.
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  1. 0
    20 January 2024 09: 57
    All these are some ordinary courts somewhere out there (and large companies are sued regularly, and their profits are huge everywhere)
    And for Russia, it is important to increase prices for medicines in our pharmacies.
    In ordinary life - okay, everyday ones are inexpensive, but they have become more expensive - unnoticed...
    And when you get sick, the doctor will immediately start prescribing medications at 1-3 thousand rubles apiece....
  2. 0
    20 January 2024 12: 05
    Every 5 years, “new viruses from outer space” will “unexpectedly” appear. By a “strange” coincidence, it will primarily affect the Slavs. And the most dangerous virus, in my opinion, is the corrupt officials of Russia. And they are very tenacious, nothing takes many of them - many centuries!
  3. +1
    20 January 2024 14: 47
    We are still in the WHO system. And only this organization dictates to the whole world how to fight infections. A lot has been done. Honey. help turned into services. Only without guarantees. Not a single vaccine in the world was 100%. They say only in Cuba. They have been optimized to the point that many of the nearest points are in other areas. Pharma also leaves much to be desired. In the Navy, Schwab still oppresses his line. If we don’t kill with an infection, they will die of fear. Knowing that fear lowers immunity. What do we hear from our side? There is no trace of reassuring its citizens. Sometimes even the opposite happens.
  4. 0
    20 January 2024 16: 15
    They are preparing ahead of time to solve many problems in the future and at the same time let those who need to earn money, as they say: everything is for the party and the party of unity of people loyal to the democrats in high offices, and the people are so on the side, well, they (ordinary people) do not fit into the golden billion. The main virus (besides the external one) is an internal virus that threatens the unity of democracy, and its name is Trump.
  5. 0
    20 January 2024 16: 33
    For those who know how things really are in Russian healthcare, no X viruses are scary wassat
  6. 0
    22 January 2024 06: 43
    If Russia and China do not accept at the legislative level that everyone who comes from abroad should undergo a month-long quarantine in a general isolation facility at the border, and there would be no problems with Covid and other infections from US laboratories am
  7. 0
    22 January 2024 14: 15
    What worries me is that quite recently, experts paid attention to the illegal collection of genetic material in the Russian Federation by unknown companies. Well, and constant deflection under the WHO, too.
  8. 0
    22 January 2024 14: 19
    Soon “viruses” will be presented like new iPhones every year and immediately the price for the “slurry”.
    And newfangled hipsters will show each other certificates and Ku-Codes with the number of “syringes”...