An American told what Russian habits remained with her forever

American Joanna Stein lived and worked in Russia for two years. Returning to her homeland, she brought with her new habits, which she acquired while in our country. She considers some of them even very useful and suitable for life in the USA. Others simply remained in memory, but the girl does not use them in America.

Cult slippers

At first, Joanna was surprised that when she went to visit her Russian friends, she was offered to take off her shoes and put on slippers. But then she realized how convenient and pleasant this Russian tradition is. Indeed, in slippers, the legs feel much more comfortable than in street shoes. And the dirt from the street does not spread around the apartment.

Now she is at home in America, she wears slippers herself with pleasure and offers to wear them to her guests.

Public Transport

Perhaps partly the habit of the Russians not to wear street shoes at home is due to the fact that many people here do not take private vehicles, but use public or walk. In Russian cities, most of them move using public transport, rather than in private cars, as in America.

Joanna noted that in Russia the network of buses, trams and subways is more developed than in the USA. This allows people to move freely around the city without having their own cars.

Be beautiful for no reason

If an American woman can afford to leave the house in a shapeless, crumpled T-shirt, without hair and makeup, then Russian girls usually do not do that. And it is not only about employees of companies where there is a strict dress code. In Russia, a woman should always look beautiful in public, and not just on a special occasion. Therefore, a Russian girl met on the street with a carefully styled hairstyle, flawless make-up and high heels is more a rule than an exception.

Returning to America, Joanna continued to monitor her appearance and even learned to wear high-heeled shoes daily.

You want to be clean - temper

Most of us are familiar with the situation when hot water is turned off for about two weeks in the summer. Of course, we are talking about those who have hot water enters the apartment through the water supply. And then we have to either warm the water in the basins, or bathe in a cold shower. If it is hot outside, then for many of us it is a pleasure to refresh under a cold stream of water. And there is no special choice. If you want to maintain hygiene - swim in cold water.

For Joanna, at first the lack of hot water was a serious test, but then she even began to like it. And upon arrival in the United States, she occasionally takes pleasure in a refreshing and invigorating cold shower.

Russian tea

Americans usually associate tea with the British. Joanna also used to think that the main tea lovers in the world live in England, but now she does not think so. What was her surprise when she came across Russian tea parties.

At work, her Russian colleagues often took small breaks after a spiritual conversation and a cup of tea. And when she came to visit, she was surely offered tea.

She did not bring the habit of regular tea parties to America, but she always keeps a pack of tea in case any of her Russian friends come to visit her.

Amazing build

In America, nobody cares about your build. Everyone doesn’t care whether you are complete or not. But in Russia, as noted by Joanna, everything is different.

The most interesting thing is that it has a slim and tiny figure. The Russians, when they learned that she was American, were very surprised. After all, according to the idea of ​​many Russians, all Americans, except for Hollywood actresses, are fat and ugly. Well, not only Americans have false stereotypes, we also suffer from them sometimes.

Why wash your hands?

Having been in Russia, Joanna acquired a very useful habit - to wash her hands immediately after coming home. She took it from her Russian acquaintances.

It seems to us usual and natural that, having entered the house, you should immediately wash your hands. After all, they donkey invisible layer of street dust. Americans, oddly enough, are not accustomed to this.

Joanna and now, being in America, each time, stepping on the threshold of the house, first of all she goes into the bathroom and washes her hands with soap.

Toilet paper

Joanna did not immediately get used to the fact that there is usually no toilet paper in the booths of public paid lavatories in Russia. Most often it is stored at the entrance where the cashier is located. A roll of this essential item is present in a single copy. Everyone who wants to do this simply unloads the right amount to himself and goes to the booth.

Why do we need two entrance doors?

It seemed to Joanna strange, and even now it seems that some of her Russian acquaintances have two entrance doors at home. And in their apartments do not lead two entrances, just on one entrance two doors are installed, one after the other.

She did not understand why this was necessary - for security reasons or for insulation, and she was ashamed to ask. So it is for her and remained the biggest Russian secret.
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  1. +6
    17 December 2018 12: 04
    It seems to us usual and natural that, having entered the house, you should immediately wash your hands. After all, they donkey invisible layer of street dust. Americans, oddly enough, are not accustomed to this.

    It only confirms that all Western partners were dirty from Christmas to the XNUMXth century ...
  2. -1
    17 December 2018 16: 05
    Joanna will have to tell a long time about the story of "two doors". - God forbid America to go through this!
  3. Alf
    17 December 2018 21: 01
    Returning to her homeland, she brought with her new habits, which she acquired while in our country. She considers some of them even very useful and suitable for life in the USA.

    Soon she will be declared "Agent of Putin". laughing
  4. +2
    19 December 2018 03: 09
    It’s good to hear that Americans like Russian culture and customs.
    Consequently, not everything is as bad with us as we ourselves love to criticize.
    For example, Russian cuisine is one of the best in the world and it is well known, and the population is hospitable, roads have become better and not only in Moscow or St. Petersburg, and much more.
    Therefore, foreigners come every year more. Okay
    1. 0
      19 December 2018 22: 51
      Truly okay.
  5. +1
    9 January 2019 11: 27
    In America, nobody cares about your build. Everyone doesn’t care whether you are complete or not. But in Russia, as noted by Joanna, everything is different.

    The most interesting thing is that it has a slim and tiny figure. The Russians, when they learned that she was American, were very surprised. After all, according to the idea of ​​many Russians, all Americans, except for Hollywood actresses, are fat and ugly. Well, not only Americans have false stereotypes, we also suffer from them sometimes.

    and while in Russia there was no American chemical food, in the USSR there were very, very few full women.