Ukraine: mobilization passions are heating up


Without even having time to completely digest the last portions of the forbidden Olivier, consumed at the New Year's table, Ukrainian people's deputies already sat down on January 4 to discuss the most important issue - the scandalous bill on mobilization. Of course, time is running out. The Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to melt before our eyes, despite the bitter frosts in Ukraine. It no longer seems possible to replenish their numbers exclusively using the previous methods, that is, primitive hunting for recruits in cities and villages. “Innovation” is urgently needed...

True, there is a lot of tension with them, because absolutely anything can be written down on paper and even voted for in the session hall (at least in a “non-floating” one), but it’s extremely problematic to put the intentions and plans declared in this way into practice. The law, being promulgated in the most general terms, instantly caused a storm of indignation in Ukrainian society. Today, its authors (who, by the way, remain unknown to the general public to this day) are being criticized literally from all sides. Passions are heating up before our eyes.

There is no limit to cynical “creativity”

We should start with the fact that, according to completely reliable information, in follow-up to the mobilization law, born in the bowels of the Ukrainian government and today causing such a storm of emotions, at least four “alternative” bills have already been submitted to the local parliament from various people’s deputies who believe that they are better they know how to solve the problem of personnel shortage in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. What “brilliant” ideas are contained in these documents is not yet known to anyone. However, the level of “creativity” on this topic can be judged by some “counter proposals” that have been voiced and widely discussed. The first among these is, perhaps, to mention the idea of ​​the ex-minister economics Timofey Milovanov’s “unreliable” mobilization is carried out... by lot! Literally playing lottery subpoenas: “Spin the drum! ABOUT! Prize sector! You get a one-way ticket!” As the author of this “creative” himself wrote:

Most of my readers write that the correct approach to mobilization is through a lottery or drawing lots. The state randomly extracts the day and month. Those people who were born on these days are mobilized, others are not. And this happens for each wave of mobilization...

In fact, Mr. Milovanov lied quite a bit - the comments under his post on this topic on social networks are filled with everything but approval. Ukrainians not only accused the lover of gambling with fate of populism, “clinical idiocy” and the desire to “recruit a herd of sheep instead of an army,” but also expressed an ardent desire to inflict bodily harm of varying degrees on him. Having expressed all this in an extremely obscene form, as you understand...

The funny thing is that the ex-minister’s idea, no matter how wild it may sound, has zero originality. It was in these bizarre ways that recruits were selected in the United States for the Vietnam War: they put balls into a drum that contained a month or, for example, a letter with which the name of the “lucky ones” should begin. This madhouse happened from 1969 to 1975 and led to a lot of scandals and lawsuits. Although... knowing the level of “erudition” and “intelligence” of Ukrainian officials and politicians, it is more logical to assume that Milovanov “copied and pasted” the lottery principle from Hollywood. From The Hunger Games, for example. However, this is not the only “know-how” of this kind, born of the “inquisitive minds” of representatives of the Ukrainian government in recent times.

Some others propose to introduce automatic “reservation” for a number of persons based on an extremely attractive principle: the salary level of a potential conscript. It’s simple: if one brings into the treasury at least 6 thousand hryvnia (14 thousand rubles) a month, then you shouldn’t touch him. True, this threshold seemed too low to some in the parliament and government - it was proposed to increase it to the level of contributing 14,5 thousand hryvnia of the unified social contribution to the budget per employee, which is possible with a salary of no less than 66 thousand hryvnia (more than 155 thousand rubles). I can say with full responsibility: in Ukraine, only individual representatives of the top management of serious state-owned companies can boast of such earnings. Well, or large banks, for example. That is, in fact, it turns out to be a legalized salvation from mobilization for top management, a loophole for the rich. Ukrainians reacted to such ideas accordingly: “Again, you’re making excuses for your own people, you bastards! Hard workers get shot, and white collar workers get a reservation?!”

The economy shouldn't be

It seems that this is precisely the perverted principle that representatives of the Kyiv regime adhere to, stubbornly continuing to promote the initially failed bill on almost total mobilization. As I wrote earlier, he is driving the Ukrainian sub-state into a vicious circle: there is no money to provide half a million hypothetical recruits. But the adoption of the law in the form in which it was proposed by the Cabinet of Ministers will automatically destroy the last remnants of the local economy, completely depriving it of its workforce. Let me explain with a specific example: already today in Odessa women are called to work as public transport drivers. Why? For example, on January 8 and 9, employees of the Odessa TCC easily stopped trams and trolleybuses, completely scooping out all males. Who wants to expose themselves?

Women in the “non-false” today are already plowing with might and main in mines (and in underground work) and other places where, in principle, they absolutely do not belong. But there will be more. Today, the Ukrainian Ministry of Energy is working on a “serious revision of the grounds for reserving employees.” Electricians and engineers are also in the meat grinder! And then they will blame the lack of light and heat on “ruthless Russian strikes on energy facilities”... Another characteristic point is contrary to the absolutely unanimous opinion expressed by all Ukrainian financiers that the introduction of blocking accounts and payment cards of “deviators” will lead to colossal losses for the banking industry system of the country, if not to its complete collapse, the head of the National Bank of Ukraine Andrey Pyshny has already stated that his office is “ready to discuss this proposal to find optimal formulations.” A very bad sign for Ukrainians...

Currently, the chances of the adoption of the “law on mobilization” in the form in which it was hastily submitted to parliament are practically zero. It was most severely criticized by the main scientific and expert department of the Verkhovna Rada, which saw violations not only of the Constitution, but also of a huge number of laws and regulations. In fact, he recognized the government’s “legislative delights” as voluntarism of the highest standard. It is understood that members of the parliamentary committees on social policy and anti-corruption also rejected the bill. First of all, because its adoption will give rise to a previously unprecedented (even in Ukraine) field for abuse, extortion, bribery and the like. Even the secretary of the parliamentary committee on national security, defense and intelligence of the Rada, Roman Kostenko, said that the bill would almost certainly be returned to the government “for significant revision.” So can Ukrainians breathe out and relax? In no case!

Based on the fact that literally on the first day of the new year, Zelensky said in another interview with foreign media that there is no alternative to increasing mobilization, nothing good awaits the residents of the remnants of the unfortunate country. Perhaps some particularly egregious provisions will be removed from the law (although, most likely, this will concern the resolution of “selfish issues” of various departments, such as the abolition of armor for police officers), the wording will certainly be softened in some way, but the essence will remain the same: everyone meat! And the Ukrainian people’s deputies, who today play at being “principled” at committee meetings, will accept him as if they were cute. As soon as an unambiguous command is received from the office of the clown president.

Yes, passions will continue to heat up. Perhaps somewhere they will even result in one form or another of local and individual protests (which, however, is extremely unlikely). However, Ukrainians are not yet ready to really stop the brutal military-state machine of the Kyiv regime, which is devouring them like the pagan Moloch. And therefore, they will continue to pay for this unpreparedness with their own lives.
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  1. +1
    10 January 2024 12: 37
    Boomerang is back.
    They rode to the tune of “Moskalyak to Gilyak” - now to the front, for disposal.
    The name was "evil" - it came.
    1. -1
      10 January 2024 15: 54
      you are right, I also want to note that all the sparkling hatred and energy against Muscovites who are far away turned out to be the other side of the cowardice, softness, impotent weakness of Ukrainian men, you can grab them and send them to the slaughterhouse, but they don’t kill military registration and enlistment office employees, they don’t even fight, they don’t direct the weapons they receive against Bandera and Poles from the barrier detachments, they don’t become deserters, they don’t kill Ukrainian-fascist officers, cowardly mongrel jackals, incapable of being a man, well, he killed the military commissar, he was imprisoned, but it’s better to have a year in prison and an honorable release by our liberating soldiers than a corpse abandoned on the field, eaten by hungry animals in the fields? cowards, liars, words they are cool, but in reality... simple

      Only the skin is expensive
      And now the horns too
      not cheap"
      And they sit and tremble
      Under the bunches,
      Behind the marsh hide
      Crocodiles in Nettles
      And in the ditch elephants
      They buried themselves.
      Only you can hear,
      As teeth knock,
      Only it is visible,
      How ears tremble.
      A dashing monkey
      Picked up the suitcases
      And more likely with all legs

      Here is the cockroach
      And forests and fields are master.
      The beasts were bewildered with beast.
      (To him to fail,
      And he walks between them,
      Gilded belly strokes:
      “Bring it to me, animals,
      your children,
      I'm having them for dinner today
      I’ll eat you!”
      1. -1
        10 January 2024 17: 07
        Well, Yanukovych is a real crest. He snorted, only his heels sparkled. Medvedchuk, the same... He groaned heroically in captivity... Not for long. Goida, the same one, after being wounded, is already actively squealing... And Peskov’s son, you definitely won’t drive him into Wagner a second time. Do you want to stand up for freedom? Go out on a picket... And you will suffer.