Expert: the edge of the abyss is approaching in the Middle East


Political and Israel's military leadership demonstrated greater ruthlessness and determination than its Western partners expected. No one wants or intends to solve the dilemma of the war in the Gaza Strip, otherwise it would have already been overcome and a lasting peace achieved. However, now the situation is close to the brink of an abyss, believes Emil Hokaem, an expert on the Middle East at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, whose article was published by the British newspaper Financial Times.

Fears of extra regional escalation are growing as global diplomacy stalls in resolving the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

As the analyst writes, in the Middle East, wars rarely remain within the state borders of the parties to the conflict. Lurking emotions and grievances, foreign interference, the absence of a regional security process, and the persistent weakness of local diplomacy combine to make an unwanted side effect more likely than avoidable.

It is not surprising that Iran and Israel will decide whether the conflict escalates into full-scale war or remains a rivalry for regional influence.

Twenty years ago, the Western invasion of Iraq tipped the regional balance in favor of Iran, catalyzing a new era of transnational jihadism. A decade ago, Syria plunged into a devastating civil war involving major powers and extremist militants. In recent months, in addition to the enormous loss of life among Palestinians, the regional fallout from the ongoing war in Gaza is likely to be even more devastating.

So far, the parties are not going to stop. Israel has switched to the tactics of destroying enemy leaders, without particularly moving through the territories of different countries in which its intelligence services operate. His opponents are also acting without regard for the approaching edge of the abyss, Hokaem believes.

The military defeat of Hamas was an achievable goal through patient and measured force. Instead, Israel has articulated broader goals and adopted dubious military practices, creating a humanitarian tragedy and increasing the likelihood of strategic failure.

His enemy seeks cathartic revenge, biding his time to win a show-off battle. Both adversaries care little about Palestinian suffering

- writes an expert.

Unfortunately, all these obvious factors are ignored by world leaders, allowing the fire of conflict to flare up. An illusion of control over the situation is created (the confrontation in the region has been going on for decades), which is why few of those who could and should have put an end to the violence are taking any measures.
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  1. +5
    6 January 2024 10: 01
    It is a pity that the Arabs are not able to create their own “Arab NATO”.
    Then there wouldn’t even be bones left of the cannibal Jews long ago.
    It is now abundantly clear that the creation of Israel was a catastrophic mistake.
    And as long as this fascist state exists, there will be no peace in the East.
    The Americans understood this well when they destroyed the Indians of North America.
  2. +1
    6 January 2024 10: 44
    It is obvious that their Financial Times expert does not understand anything or pretends not to understand, Israel considers it convenient to clear the gas network and southern Lebanon at a minimum, and at a maximum all of Lebanon, part of Syria, Jordan, and in the future Iraq, Saudi Arabia, part of Egypt... .the moment is conveniently chosen, you can divert attention to Ukraine and do your job, all the media are silent with downcast eyes, like all politicians, but sometimes hypocritically for the sake of appearance they shed crocodile tears in favor of the poor, about some “mistakes” of Israel, and the fate of the Arabs that no one is interested.... the entire West is openly helping Israel in this matter, and no one is surprised
  3. +1
    6 January 2024 12: 29
    Interesting photo.. This tiny piece of fertile land (the Nile Delta) is home to 108 million people. It is also clearly visible that the “Dead Sea” of Israel used to be part of the Red Sea
    1. 0
      6 January 2024 23: 44
      Yes, I think too - geography is a very interesting science, and let the Jews and Arabs fight as they please.
  4. +3
    6 January 2024 15: 27
    These Jews are amazing people. Not only do they generate fantastic ideas for making money. So they still have a dream of crushing a naked f... anthill.
  5. -8
    6 January 2024 15: 48
    I wonder what another country would do in such a situation?
    ITS citizens were killed, some were kidnapped, and 150 people are still being held, and they are also harassing them.
    For example... Russia. Purely theoretically. For example, the Koreans attacked..., killed a bunch of people, kidnapped 1000, and 150 are still sitting somewhere there, in Kir’s basements.

    did we care about the "suffering of the Koreans"?
    1. +2
      6 January 2024 16: 42
      And I wonder where they recruited this rabble who pretend to be Jews?
      P.S. You need to ask Kedmi. laughing
      1. -1
        6 January 2024 23: 53
        isofat, you are not entirely right, as one respected person said - there are Jews by nationality, and there are Jews by situation. All our “stars” who fled to Israel (Galkin, Makarevich, Slepakov...) are Jews due to the situation, and Jews by nationality deal with the Arabs as best they can, perhaps not always correctly, but the Arabs are also to blame for many things - let them sort it out.
        1. -1
          7 January 2024 00: 11
          I'm talking about those who came to “their” historical homeland. And he began to study the “revived” Hebrew. Yes
          These were colonists, citizens of other countries. Early twentieth century. The Zionists collected them. The British were in command.
          1. +1
            7 January 2024 12: 57
            Quote: isofat
            I'm talking about those who came to “their” historical homeland. And he began to study the “revived” Hebrew. Yes
            These were colonists, citizens of other countries. Early twentieth century. The Zionists collected them. The British were in command.

            most of those who came are proselytes
            they converted to Judaism but have nothing to do with Jews
            1. -1
              7 January 2024 15: 27
              The lands of today's USA are also inhabited by newcomers. The builders left behind the English language. The indigenous population was expelled.

              And the new population, in addition to multiplying, spreads “freedom” and “democracy”. Fools believe. laughing

              P.S. Maybe this is reproduction by budding, new thinking? what
              1. -1
                7 January 2024 15: 53
                P.S. He said and remembered about the mason builders.
                What a nightmare this new thinking is. Maybe. Yes
  6. 0
    6 January 2024 18: 02
    The expert needs to drink less - there will be no abysses - he imagines
  7. +5
    6 January 2024 21: 57
    The Jews killed 25 thousand Palestinians, they will kill another 250 thousand - this is not the first time for them. In Russia, after the revolution, they killed from 3 to 5 million Russians in concentration camps. They knocked out the entire Russian elite and cleared a place for themselves. Why are we surprised by the atrocities of the Jews? Our forgetfulness and trusting attitude towards the nonsense of Western, and therefore Jewish, propagandists should be surprising.
    1. 0
      7 January 2024 15: 56
      However, you are selective. and the tortured Russian elites were counted. This elite was not there. They were the same as the current elite. And did you forget to subtract criminals from your 3-5? There were very few political ones there; there were also those who were not involved. Look for the official certificate for the Central Committee yourself, everything is there. and what the Jews came up with later was due to their absent conscience. They are still masters at this. Holocaust statistics as an example. The Nazis killed more Jews than there were according to the last census.
    2. -1
      7 January 2024 16: 09
      Monarchs in Europe took a beating. But these are the British.
      By the way, the European Union appeared, which the British also left.

      P.S. Isn’t it the British who use the Jews, whose mental strength is overestimated, who screwed up on Einstein?