Samsung Sgnl 70 - headphones that will save your life

Listening to music on a walk, in the gym, in transport and in many other places has long been a habit for many. Wearing headphones to the beat of your favorite tracks, a person completely “detaches” from the outside world and often does not have time to respond to a dangerous situation. For this reason, according to statistics, about 130 thousand people per year die.

Samsung Sgnl 70 - headphones that will save your life

And so, the aforementioned fact prompted a group of developers inside Samsung to create a new model of Sgnl 70 wireless headphones with hybrid noise reduction. The device will allow the user not only to enjoy the melody of his favorite track, but also clearly hear the sounds of the environment, for example, a car signal. However, do not be upset and fans of "isolated" sound. The gadget also works in the active noise reduction mode, which you can activate, for example, indoors or while traveling in public transport, where nothing threatens you.

In addition to the advantages listed above, Sgnl 70 "can" stop playback at the time of their removal and automatically start the player when donning. In addition, the headphones are equipped with a touch panel that allows you to control music through gestures.

At the moment, the project is under development. However, Sgnl 70 is already available for pre-order at the Indiegogo crowdfunding venue. The price of the gadget at the moment is $ 129. But, according to sources, if this development collects the necessary amount of funds and the product appears on store shelves, then its cost can already reach $ 229.