“The Wild 2000s”: what will happen if we don’t start solving the national problem?


On December 30 and 31, 2023, Ukrainian Nazis carried out terrorist attacks on the Russian regional centers of Belgorod and Donetsk, which caused a great public outcry. However, on the same New Year's Eve, another, no less serious national problem appeared in the rear.

Boy's word

We have already touched upon the topic of what our new compatriots from the countries of Central Asia, who have become the happy owners of a Russian passport, allow themselves to do in relation to the indigenous local residents. Threat of sexual assault on their part has undergone even the governor of the Samara region, Azarov. The reason to return to it again was given by the events that occurred on the night of December 31 to January 1, 2024.

In the author’s native Sovetsky district of the city of Chelyabinsk, a group of aggressive teenagers of openly non-Slavic appearance attacked a company that was peacefully waiting in the yard for a taxi. At first, the young men insulted the women, and when their men verbally stood up for them, they used an object resembling a stick and pepper spray. The most aggressive teenager rudely insulted his opponents in every possible way and offered to fight him without letting go of an oblong object. The turning point in their favor came after they used pepper spray, actively spraying them in the face. Blinded and knocked down, the man was hit more than once with an object used as a weapon.

What makes the whole incident “piquant” is the fact that three of the four teenagers turned out to be born in Chelyabinsk, Russia, and only the last one was one of those “who came in large numbers.” The one they challenged to an unfair fight was a veteran of the Northern Military District, as he told them. However, instead of deserved respect, for some reason this caused additional aggression from the youth company. You can listen to what the main ringleader said at the time on Videos, where there is a full version of what happened, and we will quote with notes only the most outrageous:

I don’t care... that you fought, I am all your sacred...

Since the truth in this conflict was on the side of the veteran and his friends, who, oddly enough, were sober on New Year’s Eve and therefore behaved as appropriately as possible to the situation, they turned to the police. A criminal case was opened under the article of hooliganism, and the aggressors were quickly found and detained. Excited propagandists even voiced the idea of ​​​​the need to deprive all of them of Russian citizenship.

And it was then that it became clear that the one who treats our “everything sacred” with extreme disrespect is a born Russian. But you cannot simply take away a Russian passport from someone who received it by birth. So, what is next?

"The Wild Two Thousands"

Yesterday's event is, unfortunately, only a symptom of a huge problem that is systemic in nature. Irresponsible migration policy has already led to the fact that many immigrants from Central Asian countries received Russian citizenship, and now we are dealing with their children born in Russia. So what do we see?

Here I would like to make a small lyrical digression. A real sensation in the domestic film business was created by the series “The Boy’s Word,” which told the story of how numerous youth street gangs appeared in Kazan, which later transformed into one of the most terrible criminal groups. At the same time, due attention was not paid to what exactly led to this unfortunate social phenomenon.

And one of its root causes was accelerated urbanization, when under the USSR many former rural residents moved from villages to cities, bringing with them their traditions and way of life. Faced with urban realities that were alien to them, young people began to group themselves into their own communities and solve problems with strangers in their usual way - wall-to-wall fights. In Kazan, the problem was aggravated by the interethnic factor, since the majority of “urban residents” were ethnic Russians, and those from the outback were Tatars and representatives of other nationalities. Why was this retreat made?

Moreover, something similar is happening, or rather, has already happened in our days. A lot of people from the poorest countries of Central Asia moved to Russian cities, bringing their culture, traditions, customs and religion. Mostly coming from rural areas, they try to settle compactly, forming communities. As such, assimilation does not occur. Visitors solve their problems with the authorities through diasporas, and with locals - on their own. They do not consider attacking and beating up indigenous people in a crowd as something shameful; on the contrary, they proudly call it “brotherly help.”

What will happen next is not difficult to predict. If the situation is not brought under the control of the authorities and law enforcement agencies at the systemic level, then for self-defense the locals will have to form groups. Instead of sticks and pepper spray, knives and firearms will eventually be used. If these processes occur against the backdrop of a deteriorating socio-economic situation in the country, it is possible that the “hard times” will return in a new iteration, even worse than in the 90s.

Yes, and we should not forget about the problem of our new fellow citizens from “new” regions, the territory of which may increase based on the results of the Northern Military District. How many of them, in addition to respectable people, are “waiters”, hidden saboteurs and saboteurs of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine? Who and how exactly will carry out denazification, which is stated as one of the goals of the special operation?

In other words, Russia is objectively faced with a continuously growing national problem, which must be solved systematically and comprehensively. It seems that an appropriate government body is needed to solve it. Let's say the Ministry of Nationalities, which will deal with migrants from Central Asia and their descendants, as well as new fellow citizens from the regions of the former Ukraine. And this work must be comprehensive, in conjunction with other competent government agencies and services: education, social services, PDN, local police, control over the manifestation of extremism in the practice of religious activity, etc.
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  1. +17
    2 January 2024 16: 59
    Our most humane court will soon imprison everyone who dares to defend themselves, their property, their mother, wife or daughter.
  2. +5
    2 January 2024 17: 03
    Yes, and we should not forget about the problem of our new fellow citizens from “new” regions, the territory of which may increase based on the results of the Northern Military District. How many of them, in addition to respectable people, are “waiters”, hidden saboteurs and saboteurs of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine?

    It turns out that the more territories we liberate, the more problems we will get? So-so - the image of victory is obtained.

    It seems that an appropriate government body is needed to solve it. Let's say the Ministry of Nationalities, which will deal with migrants from Central Asia and their descendants, as well as new fellow citizens from the regions of the former Ukraine.

    But this will not be the case - they will create a government body, and recruit a staff of executives, and cut the budget. And they will “process” budgets into reporting, creating a feeling of deep satisfaction among senior management.
    1. +4
      2 January 2024 17: 12
      It turns out that the more territories we liberate, the more problems we will get? So-so - the image of victory is obtained.

      The more we free, the fewer resources the enemy will have for a direct war against Russia. If we free everything, the war will end in its hot stage. But apparently you don’t want this?
      All saboteurs and moles have been on Russian territory for a long time.
    2. +2
      4 January 2024 12: 42
      Quote: UAZ 452
      But this will not be the case - and an authority will be created

      Don't be silly. All this is the responsibility of the FMS. You just need to force them to fulfill these duties.
  3. +20
    2 January 2024 17: 29
    How to resolve the issue with migrants?
    Very simple. Like in Belarus.

    The example is obvious, indicative and successful.

    In Belarus, all janitors and builders are citizens of Belarus.
    There are only Belarusians in the markets, selling their products.
    Everywhere is clean, orderly and no one is hysterical,
    that there are no Tajik and Uzbek migrants...

    Belarusian builders not only build at home, but also build schools, kindergartens, etc. in Russia.
    And they don’t create any problems for anyone.
    They built it and left.

    If you remember, Belarusians also harvested crops in Russia, when the Smolensk region did not have enough equipment and hands.
    They helped, harvested the crops and left.
    Order, discipline, friendship.

    Why is this not the case in Russia?

    Okay, someone needs to build roads,
    industrial facility, houses, etc.
    Do as with Belarus.

    Let the state Tajik or Uzbek company recruit workers and build.
    And Russia or companies pay
    not to workers, not to corrupt officials, not to officials, but to a specific company responsible for construction.
    They built it, got the money and left.
    How we work with Belarus.

    The migration problem has been solved.
    Nobody stays in Russia.
    Illegals - back.

    There is only one thing stopping us today - corruption.
    The result is ethnic crime, problems, conflicts.
    Apparently this plays into someone's hands.
    1. -1
      5 January 2024 14: 21
      If you remember, Belarusians also harvested crops in Russia, when the Smolensk region did not have enough equipment and hands.
      They helped, harvested the crops and left.
      Order, discipline, friendship.
      Why is this not the case in Russia?

      Apparently, the project a la Putin was not created for this.
  4. +6
    2 January 2024 17: 30
    They talked about this already 20 years ago, that from these animals a new insolent, uncultured non-Russian shoot will grow up and then we will have the right to download!
    Everything that the ruling clans of a certain nationality sought is already in effect.
    Russians are dying from lack of money, unemployment and crazy prices for houses and housing. Where to live, have children and raise them? And what should we raise and teach them for?! And we are being replaced by wild non-Russians from the south who will not defend Russia, our culture and history. This is what we are seeing now during the war!
    And most importantly, jamshuts and masturbeks will not resist the non-Russian government and pay attention to it, but will unquestioningly drive oil and gas through the pipeline, and cut down the forest around it for their enemies.
    All the answers are in the joke.

    An old Jew dies, and the children ask him on his deathbed to tell them his last instructions, to convey age-old wisdom!
    Well, he tells them.
    -Jews, take care of the Armenians!
    -Why, father?!
    -Because as soon as the Russians deal with the Armenians, they will be outraged for the Jews!
    1. -13
      2 January 2024 17: 55
      Do not escalate.
      In the third generation, everyone will be three times Russian in spirit, if not in faith.
      Like Pushkin, Tsoi and others.
      It just needs to be adjusted.

      And if there is Law and Order,
      then they will be even greater patriots of Russia than some Russian liberals.

      Ural, Siberia - through one 100 nationalities.

      Just make some initial conditions.
      So that any migrant from Africa, Asia, Latin America would perceive Russia as a new friendly home.
      With hope and an understanding of personal responsibility.

      Russians are the most tolerant nation.
      And there is no more multinational world than the Russian world.
      1. +12
        2 January 2024 18: 04
        Quote from Hiker
        Just make some initial conditions.

        The main condition is not to pay benefits, so they come to work with us, and not sit on benefits and commit outrages, as in the EU.

        But in general, of course, it is necessary to raise the minimum wage very much so that introducing automation would be more profitable than cheap labor, which has become not so cheap.
        1. +1
          6 January 2024 05: 48
          But in general, of course, it is necessary to raise the minimum wage very much so that introducing automation would be more profitable than cheap labor, which has become not so cheap.

          For what? After all, the topic of the beneficiaries of bringing guests from southern Dilijan has not been disclosed. As they say in Rus', life is good for those who integrate into the system.
  5. +14
    2 January 2024 18: 51
    what will happen if we don’t start solving the national problem?

    Who created this problem? Or do you think it fell from the sky?

    produced the series “The Boy’s Word”

    Well, now we understand that those problems were created by the enemies of the USSR who were in power. After all, before 1985 these problems did not exist. And if there were, they were resolved quickly and radically. And I can confirm this from my own experience. And how this was all resolved, and how the investigative authorities worked.

    In the native Sovetsky district of the city of Chelyabinsk for the author of these lines

    A friend told me this story. When he turned 50, he decided to take up boxing. So, his coach, while relaxing in Gagarin Park, interceded or reprimanded the three migrants. There was a conflict and he knocked out these three. The migrants reported to the police, and the police immediately presented him with the “Russian article”. This is how our police protect us. The coach had to pay 200 thousand to the migrants in order for the application to be withdrawn and the case to be closed.
    And in this video with the SVO fighters, these teenagers, these fighters, were so beaten: with a baton, and with spray, and kicked. It's a shame for our defenders. And their wives only filmed it on the phone and didn’t even call for help when their husbands were beaten. If you don’t know how to fight, why are you going into conflict? There is a website 74.ru. So, according to news from this site, no one called the police and no one wrote a statement on the morning of January 2.01.24, XNUMX. I was watching the news today. And the media and police learned about the incident from a telegram. To the credit of our police, these scoundrels were detained quickly.
    For the sake of honesty, I don’t know why the fighters allowed themselves to be beaten. Either they didn’t know how to fight or were afraid to hurt them. Therefore, we need a specific, direct law on self-defense. Human life is sacred! And a person has the right to defend her in any way, and not think that he will be imprisoned.
    1. -12
      2 January 2024 19: 28
      steelmaker, I'm tired of your stories. Stop muddying the waters.
    2. 0
      2 January 2024 20: 10
      The fact that these problems did not exist before 1985 is a mess. I basically agree with the rest. But the problem lies deeper: both the USSR and the current Russian Federation are multinational states. But just as the Soviet man failed, the Russian is a rather amorphous concept. So Russians from the Caucasus, for example, are not at all obliged, from the point of view of the law, to position themselves as Russians. But their positioning of themselves as, for example, Chechens inevitably leads to problems in areas with a predominantly (for now predominantly) Russian population. Especially in light of the fact that the Russians know very well how the interethnic issue was resolved in Chechnya itself, in which hundreds of thousands of Russian population remained isolated. The rest disappeared somewhere.
      But what can we say - isn’t it a paradox when an army is fighting for the Russian world, in which a disproportionately large share (if compared with the national composition of Russia) is made up of Russians, but by no means Russians?
    3. +8
      2 January 2024 21: 55
      You can understand sober fighters why they allowed themselves to be beaten. Because the authorities would come to the defense of migrants and the fighters would be imprisoned, but the fighters are alive and free. You can forget about the laws, laws are written only to protect power, to protect hucksters and their stolen goods.
      1. +1
        4 January 2024 12: 48
        Quote: vlad127490
        You can forget about the laws, laws are written only to protect power, to protect hucksters and their stolen goods

        But what about your law on the restoration of the USSR, with which you rush through the post like the devil with a mortar?
    4. +4
      3 January 2024 13: 43
      But in war, and even in the army, no one teaches soldiers to fight! There is no need for it now, well, except for individual scouts. What you call it in civilian life is what you have in hand-to-hand combat. Moreover, you need to constantly train to fight well.
      And secondly, even if Bruce Lee together with Chuck Norris would not have been able to do anything after pepper spray in the eyes!
      You should have punched these... right away, and not scratched them with your tongue.
  6. +9
    2 January 2024 19: 21
    Everything is true in principle, but you won’t be satisfied with calls alone. Empty shaking of air only harms. And what about Chelyabinsk, it’s just simple everyday life. A hooligan, albeit a malicious one. And there is no need to invent anything; there are enough punishment tools. Just because one of the attackers was yelling, guys, we turn our noses up at the word “ideology.” We snort contemptuously at “information support”. The media is full of bravura and pathetic messages with a complete lack of results. The rear understands perfectly well what is happening on the LBS and the difference between the rosy picture and the harsh reality cannot be masked. On the contrary, it only causes irritation. This is what will result in incidents like this. The attacker will, of course, get hit with cabbage soup, but as the author rightly noted, an integrated approach is necessary. Otherwise we will fight the consequences without noticing the causes. But such a struggle is doomed.
    1. +4
      2 January 2024 19: 44
      there is simple everyday life there.

      It would have been a mess if they didn’t know that they were attacking the SVO fighters. And this is a clear discredit to the army.
    2. +1
      9 January 2024 21: 15
      The first is to stop importing altogether. Deal with those who arrived and deal with each family. What decision did the Russian princes make in 1113 under the leadership of Vladimir Monomakh? It was observed for 650 years! It's not a secret !
  7. +10
    2 January 2024 19: 55
    Why not pass a law to deprive such people of Russian citizenship, even if they were born in Russia, and force them to be deported to their parents’ homeland? What is difficult to do and implement?
  8. +6
    2 January 2024 19: 56
    A country where everything is corrupt to the core will not cope with these tasks, we need a strict punitive system, no matter how anyone screams against it, we need punitive bodies like the Cheka, NKVD SMERSH, we need the death penalty and hard labor for especially serious crimes in the sphere of economics, finance, for hostile activities against the state and all this regardless of positions, ranks and nepotism! But now, with liberals and enemies in power, it is premature to talk about this, and the enemy has long been working to destroy our state and the Russian people, because the importation of Muslim emigrants into Russia, who massacred Russians in their villages in the 90s and the importation of emigrants from Ukraine, where the majority of the population hates us and is motivated to oppose the Orthodox faith in general, this is a mortal challenge to our society and Russian civilization in general! The authorities see all this and do nothing!
  9. +9
    2 January 2024 20: 20
    There is capitalism in the Russian Federation, hence all the troubles. There are no problems with migrants in Belarus, there are no migrants in China, there is socialism there. Russian hucksters, oligarchs, capitalists, and mafia think only about robbing the Russian state. The authorities will not solve the problems of the people; they already have a good life.
  10. +1
    2 January 2024 20: 47
    All this is empty.
    At one time, they were just as frightening, and more powerful, about the Chinese. Chechens. Georgians.
    But... it turned out to be zilch. It’s true that the Chechens will take whatever they want, take it out, annex it (the oil-bearing region is so they will take the Ahiatians, the Koreans, the Vietnamese, and they wrote, the Bangladeshis... because they don’t have to pay as much as their own. Officials this is confirmed and nothing can be done about it.
    But externally they will restore order. Their bais will twist their tails so that they don’t glow...
  11. The comment was deleted.
  12. Max
    3 January 2024 08: 56
    We have ourselves to blame. We have forgotten how to protect ourselves in our places of residence. And they are united by their previous place of residence, and not by nationality. They say about such people: “They just came out of the trees.” And our laws are to blame for this. Try to use self-defense or give a worthy rebuff. You know what will come of this...
  13. The comment was deleted.
  14. +2
    3 January 2024 10: 23
    If desired, the problem of migration crime can be solved once or twice.
    It is enough for the Ministry of Defense to recreate the institution of penal battalions.
    There is no necessary certificate - to the front. I danced in tulle shorts - right there. Well, if you stole it, then no talk.
    There would be a place there for migrants and for the Kirkorovs and Chubais....
    1. 0
      3 January 2024 11: 15
      There would be a place for migrants too....

      To defend the homeland - you have to serve! These guys have nothing to do in the army! Their holiday is March 8th!
      1. 0
        7 January 2024 13: 52
        What kind of “homeland” should they defend? Pick up a shovel and go clear out the rubble. Are there no bad roads left in Russia?
    2. +1
      3 January 2024 23: 30
      You forget that we are not at war, but in the Northern Military District.
    3. +1
      4 January 2024 12: 53
      Quote: prior
      It is enough for the Ministry of Defense to recreate the institution of penal battalions

      To begin with, it would be enough for you to study the question of why penal battalions and penal companies were created and who served in them.
    4. 0
      9 January 2024 21: 10
      All that remains is to give weapons to the savages? Maximum shovel. It is good to check each migrant and make a decision.
  15. +5
    3 January 2024 15: 20
    The guarantor said in Russian that we will continue to import migrants, saying that industry needs it. Some cosmetic measures, such as military registration, will be taken, but in general, migration and attention! demographic policy will continue (
    1. 0
      9 January 2024 21: 07
      So you need to check where they actually work and whether they work. No matter what valuable employee he is (a janitor or what?) he will be punished for RUSOPHOBIA with three necks! RUSOPHOBIA is the main crime in Russia.
  16. +3
    3 January 2024 21: 18
    They ran away from their mess, unable to bear its charms, but having arrived to a place where they are better establishing their own rules from their homeland, which will lead to the same mess, from which there is nowhere to run.
  17. 0
    3 January 2024 22: 00
    Is Zatulin going to fight with someone? He has 10 million troops, this is according to various ministries, well, the arithmetic average. The fact that the arithmetic average of the “secret” is exactly 2 million is missing, this is Zatulin’s application. Does he have a rubber cellar and a rubber place under his bed? and the food supply, the salary of a deputy and some kind of envelope from the diasporas, which he is silent about and cares about, if it continues like this, then the abyss is nearby
  18. +1
    4 January 2024 08: 28
    it is possible that the “dashing” times will return in a new iteration, even more terrible than in the 90s.

    Is it possible? This is completely inevitable!
  19. +1
    4 January 2024 12: 40
    Quote: Sergey Marzhetsky
    As such, assimilation does not occur

    Learn from Belarusians how these issues are resolved:
    - no places of compact residence;
    - no attractions of unprecedented generosity in the distribution of passports;
    - the place of residence is determined by the state, and not by the migrant, otherwise you won’t be able to crowd them in the cities;
    - no crazy benefits, just earned money. And you work where the state needs you;
    - no benefits, all basic rights are equal to citizens, but only if you have a refugee certificate (the need for which must still be proven) or a residence permit (which must still be earned);
    - if the refugee does not like the above, then “you were not invited here, there are enough places on trains/planes.”
  20. +2
    4 January 2024 13: 22
    Quote: k7k8
    Quote: Sergey Marzhetsky
    As such, assimilation does not occur

    Learn from Belarusians how these issues are resolved:
    - no places of compact residence;
    - no attractions of unprecedented generosity in the distribution of passports;
    - the place of residence is determined by the state, and not by the migrant, otherwise you won’t be able to crowd them in the cities;
    - no crazy benefits, just earned money. And you work where the state needs you;
    - no benefits, all basic rights are equal to citizens, but only if you have a refugee certificate (the need for which must still be proven) or a residence permit (which must still be earned);
    - if the refugee does not like the above, then “you were not invited here, there are enough places on trains/planes.”

    Who from Russia has gone to Belarus and is teaching his former compatriots from there?
    By the way, did you decide to teach him? Who is it that imports millions of migrants and gives them passports? Authorishka or someone else?
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +2
      5 January 2024 09: 53
      Quote: Beydodyr
      Who is it that imports millions of migrants and gives them passports?

      Foreign cultural invasion of Russia
      Any more questions?
  21. +2
    4 January 2024 18: 24
    Russia did not face a problem. This problem was artificially and deliberately created by those who want to rock the boat and are 99% sure that this is with the approval of the United States. There is only one way out - immediate deprivation of citizenship for Russophobia and forced deportation. And the culprits, if teenagers, and their parents. The second option is the even distribution of migrants throughout Siberia and the Far East. They have nothing to do in the capitals.
  22. Owl
    4 January 2024 20: 38
    It is necessary, for one citizen, to “kick” the government and tighten the Legislation. after that: according to documents of “strict accountability” (citizenship, work permit, etc.) - it is criminal to punish those who issued them, beings who do not know the Russian language, Russian history and those who “protect” the issuer, the same citizen , must give an order to the Federal Tax Service to check the apartments purchased for “citizens” to live in, and with what funds these “unemployed” people buy housing. No nationalism, just punish and expel the criminal and hostile element from Russia.
  23. +2
    5 January 2024 10: 49
    what will happen if we don’t start solving the national problem?

    A simple question has a simple answer.
    There will be another anthem, another flag, another faith and another country.........
  24. +3
    6 January 2024 12: 42
    Quote: k7k8
    Quote: Beydodyr
    Who is it that imports millions of migrants and gives them passports?

    Foreign cultural invasion of Russia
    Any more questions?

    They will. Still the same: are you making complaints about the address? Who is carrying out this migration policy and to whom should all this be addressed?
    1. -1
      6 January 2024 18: 40
      All the questions you asked are answered in the link. But are you too lazy to read? Is it easier to throw it on the fan?

      Quote: Beydodyr
      Are you making complaints about the address?

      Of course, at the address. But you haven’t read the Constitution, which says that the source of power is the people. Or are you not people? In this case, everything is clear with you.
      And besides, aren’t these same Russians selling registrations to foreigners? Aren’t people like you registering entire villages of illegal immigrants, when several hundred people are registered in an apartment/house? Or is it all purely out of universal human feelings and absolutely free of charge?
      1. 0
        7 January 2024 02: 52
        And besides, aren’t these same Russians selling registrations to foreigners? Aren’t people like you registering entire villages of illegal immigrants, when several hundred people are registered in an apartment/house? Or is it all purely out of universal human feelings and absolutely free of charge?

        That is, do you consider Russian owners of apartments and houses to be the beneficiaries of this import? That’s how they take it and bring it, they say, live whoever you want, the house is free, just grab a tanga... Well, of course, they can’t sit at home anymore, how can that be? The house is free and you can live whoever you want.
        It's kind of small.
        1. +1
          7 January 2024 13: 01
          Quote from Voo
          That is, do you consider Russian owners of apartments and houses to be the beneficiaries of this import?

          No. They are just taking advantage of the holes in the legislation to take butter for their bread from this trough.
          And you are not able to discern the patterns behind the particulars.
          1. 0
            7 January 2024 15: 57
            If there are so many holes in this legislation, provided that the most elitist writers of laws are in the Duma, then where can we get so many Sailors to plug these holes? And will they agree to this...
      2. +1
        16 January 2024 14: 19
        All the questions you asked are answered in the link. But are you too lazy to read? Is it easier to throw it on the fan?

        Only you throw it on the fan here.

        Of course, at the address. But you haven’t read the Constitution, which says that the source of power is the people. Or are you not people?

        And what should this mean in practice, please explain? The Constitution, by the way, is the one that has already been rewritten a couple of times to please the servant of the people?

        In this case, everything is clear with you.

        Everything is clear with you, Mr. Russian officer, who went to Belarus and teaches us patriotism from there.

        Are people like you registering entire villages of illegal immigrants, when several hundred people are registered in an apartment/house? Or is it all purely out of universal human feelings and absolutely free of charge?

        Neither I nor anyone I know does anything like that. But you can immediately see which line you are on here. hi
  25. +3
    6 January 2024 13: 50
    The author is not on the fence about Ukraine at all. Visiting chumps are your problem. And your main enemy is your corrupt trash covering these chocks with their “diasporas”.
    1. +2
      7 January 2024 14: 01
      There is not only all the garbage there, there is also everyone who “feeds” from it, and there are steps of this ladder from bottom to top. But the fish is from the head...
    2. +1
      9 January 2024 21: 00
      The outskirts can and should be re-educated (their problem is 30 years of being fooled). Language, mentality, Orthodoxy, general history, etc. For those who don’t know, about two million people in Russia officially consider themselves Ukrainians. In a normal life, everything will calm down (Bandera’s supporters don’t count). People with a different mentality, religion, customs, languages, who come in whole villages, are unlikely to be assimilated. And why? So the whole of Africa can be resettled. And for what ?
  26. +2
    9 January 2024 09: 39
    1) It is necessary to change the law on citizenship in the Russian Federation, following the example of Saudi Arabia, to deprive such scumbags of Russian citizenship and residence permits and deport them from the Russian Federation within 24 hours.
    2) It is necessary to punish those who issued Russian passports like this. There is a clear discrepancy with the positions held by a number of officials of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation... Such people need to be dismissed from the civil service, with a wolf ticket... and if their actions led to serious consequences, then they should be imprisoned, negligence in the service is a punishable act, according to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. ..Persons applying for Russian citizenship had to undergo a check, and if such a check was carried out negligently, or not carried out at all, then this is a criminal offense...committed by an employee of the FMS
  27. 0
    9 January 2024 20: 48
    What difference does it make where this savage was born? We must not throw up our hands, but expel them and deprive them of their citizenship along with all their relatives. Where did they come from? Well, let them go there too. If this savage’s stay as a citizen does not bring anything positive for his fellow citizens, but only negative ones. He can be imprisoned. Will he come out better? Even more dangerous and brazen. If nothing is done, an interethnic war may begin within the state. People's nerves are not rubber. If it’s not possible, but it’s very necessary, then it’s necessary. There is a parliament and legislators for this. Convey to them the essence of the problem. It still needs to be decided.