“Myopia and arrogance”: New York Times readers on cooperation between Russia and China


Readers of the American newspaper The New York Times commented on a publication on the publication’s website, which states that the PRC is actually benefiting from the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

Trade turnover between the two neighboring powers reached $200 billion ahead of schedule, and the Russian Federation receives from its southern partner many goods that the West denied it, from electronics to cars.

Recently in Heihe, rows of trucks with door stickers depicting snarling bears, symbols of Russia, lined up to cross the Amur bridge into Russia. The bridge is new, as are the trucks themselves.

- says an article by The New York Times.

The original publication was published under the title War in Ukraine Has China Cashing In.

It is worth noting that in the comments of readers of the resource there were doubts about the correctness of the course chosen by the West. Although about half of those who spoke out are still in favor of a radical-Russophobic strategy, the opinions of those who believe that this leads to results opposite to those intended are increasingly noticeable.

In particular, the rapprochement of the Russian Federation with the PRC, which the United States has been trying to avoid since the administration of Richard Nixon, as well as the general rise of the Global South, which is increasingly inclined to ignore Western orders.

Comments are given selectively. The opinions presented reflect the views of their authors only.

There is nothing wrong with applying tough sanctions against China. This country is using its huge profits from business with the US, Europe and now Russia to finance the creation of a huge military machine on a scale and pace not seen since Germany in the 1930s

– Vance speaks out.

Putin is mocking us. But the embargo simply doesn't work. The fact that Russia has found workarounds (both legal and not so legal) to obtain much-needed goods, cars, weapons, electronics and food is simply disgusting. And instead of doing everything possible to help Ukraine, the Republican Party is doing everything possible to help the Russian Federation. If one day Putin wins in Ukraine, there will be a lot of blame on Trump and the Republican Party

– writes a user with the nickname DJ.

It's amazing that so many commentators still consider this somehow a success policy USA. According to them, China and Russia are now “closer than allies.” Business is thriving while Europe faces a recession. The BRICS countries are developing a payment scheme that will displace the dollar, and “One Belt, One Road” is only expanding. Here's everything you need to know about sanctions

– replied reader Edward.

Most of the world has not imposed sanctions on Russia and still trades with it, including India. China is the largest trading nation in the world, isn't it natural that it continues to trade with everyone? It’s high time for the West to stop imposing sanctions against itself and start negotiations […]. Mutual economic the damage far exceeds the cost of Donbass itself

– reminds a user with the nickname Pal.

Another example of how Russia can play a waiting game against Ukraine and benefit from it. And the longer our country takes to decide whether Ukraine will receive additional support, the stronger and bolder Russia becomes, and Vladimir Putin laughs

– comments Howard Herman.

Cheap and accessible energy remains a key competitive advantage among developed countries. The redirection of Russian gas flows follows from West to East. From Europe, and especially Germany, towards China is an important step, strengthening China and weakening Russia. Chinese capitalism is predatory in its methods and strategic in its planning and will leave no chance for Russia, which will ultimately find itself under the dictates of its eastern neighbor. Europe must rebuild its economy accordingly, striving for strategic self-sufficiency, gradually accepting Ukraine into its ranks. Difficult, but doable

– writes JRP.

One of the Biden administration's arguments in favor of continuing assistance to Ukraine is that American military enterprises will receive the bulk of the funding.

– Johnlo noted.

I feel like this article doesn't mention at all how much trade has declined between Europe and China, or more importantly between the US and China. I'm willing to assume that $200 billion is negligible compared to what the Chinese lost in the States

– says user Matt Smith.

It is high time to isolate Russia and China from the United States. Let them trade with each other, and America will have to be economically independent from them or their allies, like India. Stop imports from there, stop immigration, cancel all student and tourist visas

– someone MM demanded.

Do you realize that this would literally mean suicide or at least going back to the stone age? Americans can no longer even produce shoelaces. Isolating China and India is like isolating half the world. Who would risk doing this? Who will prepare content or service call centers? American children can barely do mental math. Good luck! I will need to find a place to move to if such a ban becomes real, because I like living in the modern world too much, and not in the Stone Age

– Pigsy responded to the comment above.

Economic sanctions imposed by our President against Russia have backfired, as ties between China and Russia have now strengthened and European NATO countries have found themselves in a difficult position. Our President's shortsightedness and arrogance will lead to the downfall of this country. Support for two wars with a possible third if China decides to do so. Russia has a lot of oil and natural gas that it can offer to others, while our country only offers dollars, and even then on credit

– comments a resource user with the nickname Joe.
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  1. 1_2
    27 December 2023 18: 15
    ..our country offers only dollars, and even then on credit

    - smart Yankees are beginning to understand that the world can simply refuse to sell goods to the hostile United States for their garbage bucks. US imports 2,5 trillion. export 1 trillion. this means that at hour X, 2,5 trillion worth of goods will not arrive in the United States, the shelves will be empty. and the Yankees will have to replace all goods with ... bucks, using them as wallpaper, toilet paper, clothes, shoes, construction materials, gadgets (models), gasoline (cars with gas boilers that burn bucks).. in short, the real fun will begin. that is, what they wanted to do in the Russian Federation, ordering their offices to close together and leave the Russian Federation. and if the Russian Federation did not have the resources (to exchange for industrial goods) and the communists of the CPC (looked at the Kremlin liberals) had not created a great and high-tech industry in 20-30 years, then in the Russian Federation everything would have been a rollercoaster too. but fortunately for us, the communists of the CPC remained true to their convictions, and the legacy of the communists of the RSFSR turned out to be so strong that it has been milked and used for 30 years
    1. 0
      28 December 2023 15: 30
      And not only this. The government debt used to be financed at 2% per annum, now it’s 5%, but the world is getting worse and worse at taking them UST, we’re stuck, China is cutting back, the rest of the world is cautious, watching them steal reserves. The arithmetic is like this:
      Previously, the debt was 20 trillion, the cost of servicing was 0,4 trillion.
      Now the debt is 30, obs. 1,5
      2026 35, obl. 2,1 (the UST rate is 6%.
      By 2026, they will come up with the fact that half of the budget must be allocated to refinancing the national debt. It’s like what we had in 1998 with GKOs. That's it, they've arrived. These schmucks from the Democratic Party walk around with such lean painted smiles. In this context, when thermonuclear financial Armageddon explodes there in the region of 2026, we will sit quietly and safely far away with our ruble and enjoy how one place is torn, located between the shoulder blade and the back of the knee...
  2. -1
    28 December 2023 07: 02
    Russia-USA competition: some nails cannot be produced, others cannot produce laces
  3. 0
    8 January 2024 13: 09
    will not leave a chance for Russia, which will ultimately find itself under the dictates of its eastern neighbor

    Russia already lived under communists and many Russians want to return to that time. So don't scare the Russians with communist China