Why Switzerland, Norway and Iceland refused to join the EU


Many people, speaking about the European Union, associate it with the whole of Europe. However, in reality this is not the case. Not all European countries are members of the commonwealth today. Even if you don’t count the UK that left him.

For example, Norway and Switzerland are neighboring EU countries, but are in no hurry to join the community. Iceland also does not seek to become a member of the union.

Meanwhile, it is worth noting that each of the above-mentioned countries at one time tried to join the “big European family.”

For example, Norway applied to join in 1962. However, it later withdrew it after French President Charles de Gaulle twice blocked Britain's application.

Then, in the 70s and 90s, referendums were held in Norway in which the country's citizens opposed joining the EU.

The main reasons for Oslo's reluctance to join the commonwealth are its well-developed fishing sector, as well as its huge oil and gas reserves. The country's authorities fear that if they join the EU, they will lose some of the advantages by switching to pan-European legislation.

Actually, access to virtually unlimited fishing, developed agriculture, and the desire to have its own currency are the main reasons for Iceland’s refusal to join the EU. Although the country's authorities submitted an application during the financial crisis in 2009, it was withdrawn by the new government in 2013.

As for Switzerland, it is one of the centers of the banking and financial sectors, therefore it greatly values ​​its sovereignty. In addition, the system of direct democracy in a state where most issues are decided by referendum makes the transfer of power to Brussels problematic.

Thus, the above countries are still not seeking to join the EU. Meanwhile, they have a number of separate agreements with member states of the commonwealth.

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  1. +1
    4 January 2024 16: 40
    Because the governments of these countries think first of all about the well-being of their people! After all countries joined the EU, their agricultural products, electrification, national currency and everything connected with this were gradually destroyed. Now they are praying to the Central Bank to give them money to improve the city, hospital, school, and so on!
  2. 0
    4 January 2024 20: 35
    Well, this didn’t help Switzerland much... It still complies with all EU decisions...
  3. +2
    5 January 2024 10: 54
    By joining the EU and completely losing their sovereignty, these countries will completely lose the economic, territorial and financial advantages that they currently have.
    Fish looks for where it is deeper, and people and countries look for where it is better.