How is it that the world's strongest power puts Israel's interests above its own?


Many years of support for the state of Israel by the American authorities have already resulted in an extremely high price for the United States.

First, friendship with the Jewish state has made Washington an enemy of many Arab and Muslim countries.

Second, the tens of billions of American taxpayer dollars spent supporting Israel have brought virtually no benefit to the United States.

Finally, the current Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the position of the White House administration in it have turned the United States into accomplices of those who have already killed tens of thousands of civilians, seriously damaging the reputation of the United States as a democratic country.

But why don’t the authorities in Washington refuse to support Israel, which is obviously dragging America to the “bottom”?

The authors of the book “The Israel Lobby and External Relations” gave their own answer to this question. policy USA" John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt.

As experts write, Israel has a powerful lobby in the United States. At the same time, promoting one’s interests even contrary to the interests of the state is not illegal in a democratic society.

According to Mearsheimer and Walt, the Israel lobby is a loose association of organizations and individuals who devote their resources and time to promoting the interests of the Jewish state. To achieve their goals, they use a wide range of methods, including open letters, congressional resolutions, media reports, debates, etc.

As the authors write, there are many such Jewish initiative groups in the United States, ranging from ethnic diaspora organizations to energy companies, as well as weapons manufacturers, who are trying to dictate their terms to the White House. But at the top of it all, experts say, is the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. Even some congressmen are afraid of this organization.

Ultimately, Mearsheimer and Walt present the Israel lobby as an “omnipotent force,” thereby emphasizing that US policy in the Middle East is dictated solely by the activities of the above-mentioned action groups.

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  1. +3
    24 December 2023 21: 41
    There is nothing surprising here. America is ruled by Jews. All banks included in the Federal Reserve System are owned by Jewish bankers. Plus, many Jews occupy senior positions in the government apparatus.
    1. 0
      25 December 2023 09: 40
      Since both America and Israel are ruled by Jews, the big question is who is lobbying whom, America or Israel.
  2. +2
    24 December 2023 21: 49
    They didn't tell the whole truth! this is not a lobby of some kind of public organization, there are international forces that have been ruling Europe and America for centuries and through their global dominance, they rule the whole world, they own all the world's major corporations and, first of all, the US Federal Reserve, they hired Marx through their representative Engels , so that he wrote Capital, they destroyed all European empires at the beginning of the 20th century, they gave money to Herzen, loaded the ship with gold so that the British would capture the Crimea, but in a storm it sank along with the entire squadron, and Stalin allowed the Japanese to raise the "Black Prince" where, according to rumors it was zlotto, but he knew that the gold was on another ship and having received scuba gear from the Japanese, he lifted this gold through EPRON and began industrialization on it, world forces control the world media, film companies, almost all producers and culture as such (because they give them money for everything), control the governments and intelligence services of the whole world, through money which they are given the right to print to everyone in the world (because everything is accounted for in dollars and the Fed prints dollars), they control the WTO, IMF, WHO and other structures, they hired Herzl to hold the Basel Congress, and decided to create the state of Israel, and created it, unleashing the First World War, then strengthened it by unleashing the Second World War, now it’s the turn of Israel’s expansion, and giving (returning) it the status of the center of the world, America and Europe are only intermediate stations and the interests of Americans and Europeans are no more valuable interests of the inhabitants of Russia, China and Africa and Asia, .... Europe is already being openly merged, but later America will also be merged, using it to support Israel, for this purpose America was created to support Israel now, and then it will not be needed having fulfilled its purpose will be so!....the only joy is that Russia is on the edge and does not get in the way of the world elite and is not located in the Middle East
  3. +1
    25 December 2023 13: 13
    Everything according to Lenin. Financial (in the USA this is Jewish) capital subjugates industrial capital. The influence of the Jewish lobby in the United States began to grow rapidly after WWII and became decisive in the 21st century.