Why Qatar spent a record $220 billion on the World Cup


The 2022 FIFA World Cup will be remembered not only for the epic confrontations between the teams, in particular, the intense struggle of the Argentina and France teams in the final, but also for the phenomenal cost of the event.

Qatar spent a record $2022 billion on the 220 World Cup. This is almost 15 times more than was spent on the previously most expensive championship, held in Brazil.

Undoubtedly, Qatar today is the richest and economically developed state. But even this does not explain such large-scale expenditures by Doha on the above-mentioned event. However, there is an explanation. But they are far from being in the sphere of prestige or economics.

The fact is that, despite the highest level of development, Qatar still remains a tribal state. Its territory today is home to 30 disparate tribes, which must constantly negotiate with each other. Regarding economic development, the state succeeds to a greater extent due to labor migrants from Asia, who, by the way, already outnumber the indigenous population.

But let’s return to the reasons for the colossal costs of hosting the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Qatar is located in a dangerous region, where internal contradictions are like death for a state. After all, neighbors can immediately take advantage of this.

Thus, to maintain its integrity and overcome tribalism, Qatar needs to carve out its proper place on the world stage by emphasizing national pride.

In other words, Doha needs stand-alone major events, one of which was the aforementioned World Cup. Moreover, special attention is paid to sports in Qatar, as the country's authorities hope that it will be able to unite young people from different tribes, thereby reducing the degree of internal contradictions.

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  1. 0
    22 December 2023 19: 06
    Qatar spent a record $2022 billion on the 220 World Cup. This is almost 15 times more than was spent on the previously most expensive championship held in Brazil

    Kyiv is crying and nervously smoking on the sidelines
  2. 0
    24 December 2023 10: 38
    Why Qatar spent a record $220 billion on the World Cup

    Dust in the eyes.
    Fortunately, there is a lot of dust and sand in the desert.
  3. 0
    18 January 2024 21: 57
    Show-offs are worth more than money. Maybe someone knows in which sports discipline Qatar is leading. Except for camel racing