The Houthis opened training camps and announced general mobilization


Yemen's Houthis announced a general mobilization and began recruiting people into training camps in the north of the country. According to the Politburo of the Ansar Allah movement, tens of thousands of citizens of the country have already expressed their desire to take part in hostilities against the armies of Israel and its allies.

After a short training in military skills, the fighters are planned to be sent to Gaza.

Meanwhile, mobilization measures were announced against the background of threats to Yemen from the United States. At the same time, the Houthis represent a very formidable force for both Israel and its satellites in the region, since they can attack enemy positions with missiles and drones. Thus, the radicals are quite capable of striking Saudi Arabia and the UAE, as well as enemy ships in the Red Sea.

At the same time, an invasion of NATO troops into Yemen is unlikely to be undertaken, since Washington understands the futility of such an idea. A bloody war raged across the country for about five years, which officially ended only in May 2023.

The most likely options are US air strikes on Houthi positions and a naval blockade of this country. The Pentagon has already announced the imminent launch of Operation Guardian of Prosperity, the purpose of which is to ensure freedom of navigation in the Red Sea.
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  1. 0
    21 December 2023 03: 20
    I support the Houthis! Well done, they defend the freedom of the Arab people, because... Israel's belligerence is not abating, but rather the opposite.
    1. +1
      21 December 2023 15: 45
      Hello, dear friend of the “Arab people”! winked
      I am sincerely surprised that you are not there yet, among the Palestinian freedom fighters etc.! lol
  2. -1
    21 December 2023 08: 40
    Australian Defense Minister Richard Marles said they would not be sending a warship for Operation Prosperity Sentinel against the Houthis, but would be content with stationing six troops in the area. He said Australia should focus on the problems of its "immediate" region.
