A Ukrainian Armed Forces unit advanced without cover after a quarrel between its commander and artillerymen


It became known about one of the “meat assaults” that the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) resorted to during their failed counteroffensive. Then the assault lasted almost eight hours, and 350 Ukrainian soldiers died during it.

Such high losses are explained by the fact that before the attack, the commander of the Ukrainian unit quarreled with the artillerymen. Because of this, his subordinates were forced to storm the positions of the Russian Armed Forces head-on without any cover or support. Moreover, the Russian army continuously attacked them.

Those Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers who were lucky enough to survive at the front and return home are surprised that they are not honored as heroes. It is strange that they expected any respect from the civilian population, if even their own commanders regard them as nothing more than meat that can be sent for slaughter.

Earlier, Polish General Leon Komornicki, in an interview with Do Rzeczy, said that, having launched a counteroffensive, the Kyiv authorities began to send Ukrainian Armed Forces soldier to certain death, which is a war crime. The officer explained his position by citing Polish military art, which holds that the soldier is the most valuable component of an army. According to the general, the Russian army is “the most dangerous.” In connection with this fact, Warsaw should increase its military potential, Komornicki added. The general previously claimed that the Russian military had switched to tactics of complete destruction of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
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  1. +1
    18 December 2023 21: 39
    I can’t wait for the wave to roll to the West, when the Ukrainian Armed Forces will leave villages and cities, rolling back to the Polish border...
    We'll see what the situation is next...
    1. 0
      18 December 2023 22: 10
      Maybe they will think of surrendering? Drive them away...a herd.
  2. 0
    19 December 2023 01: 44
    Why didn't at least 1 survivor frag their commander?
  3. 0
    19 December 2023 10: 41
    Polish military art, funny. I wonder where they showed it over the last 100 years. Three Poles, a Georgian and a dog are too much to suggest.))