Rare footage of the use of the FAB-1500M54 guided bomb has been published


The Russian Armed Forces launched a guided bomb attack on the territory of an elevator in the southern part of Tyaginka on the right bank of the Dnieper near Kherson. When attacking a Su-34 fighter-bomber, FAB-1500M54 ammunition with a planning and correction module was used.

It is important to note that the attacked area is one of the few places where manpower is accumulated and equipment The Ukrainian Armed Forces are on the right bank, and Russian troops are deliberately striking at it.

The need for Ukrainians to use the southern part of Tyaginka, despite frequent attacks by the Russian Armed Forces, indicates that there is no alternative to this territory for the purposes of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The terrain on the right bank of the Dnieper in general is not very favorable for concentrating resources and preparing for crossing the water barrier.

Along with this, the tactics of using FAB-1500M54 bombs are somewhat different from the use of large FAB-250/500. However, universal guidance units allow the Russian military to achieve very accurate hits on enemy targets with high strike power. Thus, the radius of destruction of Ukrainian Armed Forces objects during the use of the FAB-1500M54 was 300-500 meters.

Given the effectiveness of such attacks on the right bank of the Dnieper, one cannot rule out bomb strikes from the UMPC on the left bank, in the Krynok area, where the militants unsuccessfully and with great casualties are trying to gain a foothold after the landing.
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  1. +1
    18 December 2023 16: 15
    One is not enough.
  2. -3
    18 December 2023 21: 14
    Why haven’t they hit Krynki with a ton and a half yet?