Russian Tu-95MS launch a massive missile attack on Ukraine for the first time since August


On the morning of December 8, nine Tu-95MS bombers attacked military-industrial facilities of the Kyiv regime with Kh-101 cruise missiles. According to Ukrainian sources, explosions occurred in Kyiv and the region - in the area of ​​Irpin and Boryspil.

An air raid alert has been declared across most of the country.

Russian Tu-95MS launch a massive missile attack on Ukraine for the first time since August

According to media reports, the missiles entered the capital of Ukraine from the Kharkov and Cherkasy regions.

The enemy also reports a high probability of repeated launches, since the strategic aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces is still at the launch lines.

It is interesting to note that the last time such large-scale missile launches were carried out by the Russian Aerospace Forces was in August of this year. Since then, the Russian army has limited itself to the use of kamikaze UAVs "Geran" and rare launches of cruise missiles "Oniks" and "Caliber".
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  1. +5
    8 December 2023 09: 22
    Has Operation Lights Out begun?!
  2. +2
    8 December 2023 09: 25
    Jellied meat preparation has begun!

  3. +2
    8 December 2023 09: 47
    Pilots need to fly for hours, but they still don’t have to fly around airfields, and what a experience! Yes
  4. 0
    9 December 2023 04: 53
    They decided to consolidate the decision to become president again with heavy aviation. Like... Be brave, be brave.
    1. +1
      9 December 2023 09: 36
      Quote from Voo
      The decision to become president again.

      A wise decision... and most importantly, unexpected. Well, who would have thought! laughing lol
  5. +1
    9 December 2023 08: 53
    They were inactive for 4 months, I wonder for what reason?
  6. +1
    9 December 2023 11: 27
    Over my dacha yesterday, for half a day, there was a high and loud buzz, clearly something from a turboprop.