How Israel managed to become one of the most high-tech countries


Today, Israel is undoubtedly one of the most high-tech military countries. But how did a state that was formed in 1948 and did not have a single development of its own, purchasing weapons from other countries, suddenly, in such a short period of time, manage to reach such a high level in weapons production?

The whole point is that what pushed Israel to accelerated development was, without exaggeration, the desire to “survive.” Indeed, in the 70s of the last century, France, which was the main supplier of aircraft and tanks for the Jewish state, stopped this cooperation for political reasons. At the same time, Arab countries began purchasing advanced weapons from the USSR.

Despite the victory in the Yom Kippur War, the Israeli leadership was well aware that the next such conflict would be the last for the country. After all, the young state could not compete with the Arab countries either in human resources or in the quantity of weapons.

There was only one way out - to resort to innovation, which was done.

Israel has embarked on a nationwide program to form new branches of the defense industry. All educational resources in the country were directed towards research and development.

Israel spent a significant share of its GDP for this purpose. Much more than other countries spent on research.

Several programs were created directly within the IDF, the participants of which were people who showed outstanding academic and managerial abilities. Their main task was to study the needs of the army and introduce innovations.

In addition, the Israeli authorities have completely eliminated the bureaucracy factor, separating the military leadership from scientists and entrepreneurs.

Finally, junior IDF soldiers were allowed to argue with senior commanders. This innovation became unique and has not been used in any army in the world. However, it was precisely this that made it possible to eliminate stereotyped thinking and increase productivity in the process of introducing the necessary innovations.

In the end, all this brought outstanding results. In subsequent years, the Israeli military-industrial complex proved that it was capable of quickly solving problems at both the tactical and strategic levels.

Naturally, one should not exclude Israel from the “formula of success” and assistance from the United States, which from the 70s of the last century to 2021 provided the Jewish state with support amounting to about $80 billion.

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  1. +4
    8 December 2023 18: 22
    We must not forget that, before the collapse of the USSR, the last waves of repatriates were highly qualified personnel in science, industry, medicine, etc., not on a par with the early repatriates from the USSR - troublemakers and demagogues. It is not for nothing that the leaders of Israel spoke with delight about the latest repatriates, for this was a powerful injection into the development of Israel. And in the early periods, much of the advanced technology and equipment of the USSR was “merged” into Israel by personnel (Jews) in high positions and responsibilities.
    1. 0
      8 December 2023 19: 40
      In addition, Israel had access to new Western technologies and equipment.
    2. +2
      8 December 2023 22: 38
      Moreover, these highly qualified personnel were not paid decently. Many had to work for pennies. I'm not even saying that their higher education was given to Israel for free.
  2. -2
    8 December 2023 18: 28
    Jews.. hi they are Yes
    1. RUR
      8 December 2023 21: 39
      In the book They Dare to Speak Out by Paul Findley - a former US congressman - there is a whole chapter about how Israeli, like, friends and allies stole thousands of the latest technical and military developments of the United States - this explains, like, Israel's success. Jews... they are like that...

      The book They Dare to Speak Out can be downloaded for free on the Internet
      1. -2
        8 December 2023 22: 21
        They didn’t steal, but adopted experience.
        1. RUR
          8 December 2023 22: 27
          The book should be read before chatting
          1. 0
            9 December 2023 00: 38
            No, you tell me - who didn’t steal secrets? Why then is reconnaissance needed at all? Sitting out your pants for people's money?
            1. 0
              10 December 2023 18: 19
              Quote: Strange guest
              Why then is reconnaissance needed at all?

              You have little imagination if you don’t see other uses for intelligence. laughing
    2. The comment was deleted.
  3. 0
    9 December 2023 05: 08
    Naturally, one should not exclude Israel from the “formula of success” and assistance from the United States, which from the 70s of the last century to 2021 provided the Jewish state with support amounting to about $80 billion.

    The author seems to be telling us that this is not accurate.
    But if bombings took place over Israel, such as over Germany, the successes would remain recorded in the newest testaments.
    If we look at successes, then these are Japan, South Korea, China. And Israel is the exception to the rule.
    1. +1
      9 December 2023 10: 54
      Israel in 47 started from scratch. From an open field. No industry, no science, nothing. Germany on the 47th was in a much more advantageous position.
    2. RUR
      9 December 2023 14: 20
      Germany then, after the war, created this Israel - the railway system - a gift from the German people, power lines - a gift from the German people, etc., etc... plus financial assistance from the United States and the theft of their technology, plus access to Western markets, etc. Now Jews proudly tell us about their achievements
      1. -1
        9 December 2023 17: 08
        Yes, the Germans, if they are honest, should still pay and pay reparations to the Jewish people. And not in the amount that older Jews are paid now.
        1. -1
          10 December 2023 00: 19
          S.G., there is no Jewish people, the Zionists set a goal to recreate it. Ancient Hebrew has been desecrated by modern words. And the language is dead, see for yourself...

          PS The Jews were abandoned by the British and the Zionists. It was the British who assembled the brigade of Jews from which the Israeli army emerged.
          Perhaps the British wanted to use the Zionists in Operation Unthinkable.
          But what happened was what happened. Leave the Jews and Palestinians alone. Fuck you. am
          1. -1
            10 December 2023 01: 12
            You won’t understand - then there are no Jewish people, then leave the Jews alone... who should be left if there are no Jews?
            1. -1
              10 December 2023 13: 12
              S.G., the community of people that the Zionists gathered in Israel did not become a people. Yes
              So see?
              1. 0
                10 December 2023 14: 38
                Clear Yes there are only Russian people fellow Goida!! fellow
                1. -1
                  10 December 2023 15: 54
                  If it makes you feel better, the Soviet people lived very little and died. Kissinger was sorry, sort of. Yes
      2. 0
        10 December 2023 14: 44
        Why should Jews steal anything, especially from the United States, given the nationality of the magnates of finance, the press and the military-industrial complex in the United States, and in England and others. They simply transfer to Israel, at the request of the latter, everything they ask for. Plus, decent tranches are coming. Although, to be honest, Israel is not a high-tech state in all areas. Often what they brag about has inflated marketing characteristics. Some are simply copied, slightly modified, so as not to be accused of plagiarism. And a lot of what they simply transferred or purchased is modified for themselves or for resale. In some things they themselves achieved success, and some of the knowledge and skills were brought to them by repatriates. Well, their intelligence works all over the world. And their compatriots (by nationality) help them with this. So it’s an ordinary state, existing mainly at the expense of others. If they cut off all third-party contributions and remove the “roof” of the USA, then it will not be very good for them.
        1. -1
          10 December 2023 15: 45
          Vyacheslav, ask any criminal why he steals? laughing
        2. RUR
          10 December 2023 16: 41
          There, in the book, everything is outlined and written, read it if you are in English. language you know, and don’t fantasize, then, the Jews slightly exaggerate the influence of their nationality - the USA, as it turned out, is not a dependent overseas province, like the great Israel, as they tried to imagine - they don’t give money, they’re not going to fight for the Jews... they support creation of a Palestinian state, etc...
          1. -1
            10 December 2023 17: 27
            RUR, Jewish nationality, like a little humpbacked horse. The word exists, but the meaning is virtual, fabulous. laughing
            Who do we call a Jew? The LGBT community has figured out who is a boy and who is a girl. smile

            PS This community used by the British. My opinion. Israel is their project. USA too.
      3. +1
        14 January 2024 18: 09
        Why couldn’t we borrow Western and American high technologies?
        1. -1
          14 January 2024 18: 38
          Because they hid them on the Moon. And they buried it. laughing
  4. 0
    9 December 2023 11: 05
    It is best to ask Yakov Kedmi on this issue - it was his intelligence that was engaged in industrial espionage in the USSR and the export of Jewish specialists to Israel.
    1. 0
      10 December 2023 13: 44

      Zionism returned to us in 1980, somewhere like that. smile

      The Israeli army appeared after the Second World War.
      Kedmi is a rogue whose native language is Russian. laughing
      PS There is a separate conversation about Solovyov.
  5. -1
    11 December 2023 12: 38
    How Israel managed to become one of the most high-tech countries

    It's simple.
    There was no oil in the depths of Israel.
    1. 0
      1 January 2024 18: 55
      Get messy in your kitchen.
      1. -1
        15 January 2024 13: 30
        Alex Pan, let's tell the Zionists to leave their foreign homeland. laughing