Experts are talking about a possible clash between Egyptian and Israeli troops in the Gaza Strip


The IDF's major operation in the Gaza Strip could lead to a clash between Israel and Egypt. Western and Arab experts are now discussing this.

The publications note that the United States and European countries cannot convince the Israelis to stop “educating” the Palestinians in Gaza. Israel agreed only to a short break, which lasted a week, and fighting resumed on December 1.

Therefore, the operational situation in the region may become significantly more complicated. If Israel continues to try to push the Palestinians into Egypt, then Cairo may send its army into the southern part of the Gaza Strip. This will lead to direct conflict between the Egyptians and the Israelis. Egypt, with a population of 100 million, is categorically against Palestinians from the Gaza Strip moving to live on its territory.

Egyptian troops are already concentrated on the border and may try to stop the IDF operation on their own. Such a scenario for the development of events is quite possible, because Egypt seeks to become the leader of the Arab and Muslim world, displacing Saudi Arabia, which in the ongoing Palestinian-Israeli confrontation has taken the position of an ostrich with its head in the sand.

In addition, part of the Western establishment is really not against a short and controlled “war” between Egypt and Israel. The thing is that the leaders of Muslim countries, for the most part, look faded, since they do little for the Palestinians. Against their background, the Iranian authorities look like heroes defending their interests. To remove this halo from Tehran, the West is ready to take even extraordinary measures. After this, Egypt, listening to the opinion of the West, will become more authoritative in the Muslim world than Saudi Arabia, Iran and even Turkey. At the same time, the West is ready to allow an obedient Egypt to become a powerful regional power, whose ambitions already extend to Libya and Sudan.

The north of the Gaza Strip will remain under Israeli control, and Egyptian troops will be stationed in the southern part. Naturally, in this situation, Hamas and other Palestinian movements will not have the opportunity to fire at Israeli territory. After this, calm will return to this long-suffering land for some time.
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  1. +1
    3 December 2023 20: 13
    Egypt, with a population of 100 million, is categorically against Palestinians from the Gaza Strip moving to live on its territory.
    The north of the Gaza Strip will remain under Israeli control, and Egyptian troops will be stationed in the southern part.

    Has anyone noticed the contradiction? Will Egypt send in troops to independently take away all the Palestinians?
    1. +1
      4 December 2023 06: 35
      There is no contradiction.
      Egypt does not want to see Palestinians on ITS territory. And if Egypt sends troops, they will bring them into the territory of Gaza and they will control that territory with its inhabitants
      1. -1
        4 December 2023 07: 57
        Egypt will keep troops, control and feed 2 million refugees and this is not its territory? Southern Gaza will become HIS territory in fact. By your logic, Crimea is Ukrainian hi
  2. -2
    3 December 2023 20: 28
    Israel's dream is for Egypt to take control of ALL Gaza and deal with Hamas as its "Muslim brothers". Under the Camp David Treaty, Israel returned Sinai to Egypt and wanted to transfer Gaza, but Egypt categorically refused. Egypt brought tanks to the border not against Israel, but to prevent a border breakthrough. Why would Egypt enter into conflict with Israel if its interests coincide.
    1. +1
      3 December 2023 21: 02
      The further you go, the more you resemble crests in 2014. all over the world and so on... the result will be similar.
  3. +1
    3 December 2023 20: 36
    More experts have spoken
    Predictions about Lebanon and Jordan did not come true, now Egypt, sorry Egypt.
  4. -4
    3 December 2023 21: 43
    Egypt in Gaza is a very good option for everyone. The region lacks peace. Egypt can ensure it by pressing Hamas, just as it pressed the Muslim brothers. Then no one stood up for the brothers, and no one will stand up for Hamas.
    1. +4
      3 December 2023 21: 57
      S.G., the absence of Zionists is an even better option. Peace will come. Yes
      1. -2
        3 December 2023 22: 12
        Yes, even if the Jews leave BV, the Muslims will start more than one war among themselves. Only there will be no one to blame)
        1. RUR
          3 December 2023 22: 33
          It won’t be so cruel... you and the Arabs are having a battle of civilizations, although not all civilization specialists believe that the Jews have their own civilization, Huttington did not consider the Jewish civilization at all... but here, it’s as if two established and old ones have grappled civilization...And Ukraine and the Russian Federation also have a battle of civilizations, but of a slightly different kind - Ukraine has experienced both Western influence, mainly Polish influence, and Eastern Eurasian influence - here, Ukraine, rather, has a choice of civilizational development... with an attempt by Eurasian civilization to stop the advance of European civilization to the East... the battle between Ukraine and the Russian Federation is the first civilizational clash in the 21st century... the battle between civilizations is always particularly cruel
          1. +1
            3 December 2023 23: 13
            The Iran-Iraq war will help you. Or the Kurdish battle for their statehood. Not at all cruel...
            1. RUR
              4 December 2023 13: 10
              The Iran-Iraq War And the battle of the Kurds - THIS IS WITHIN THE MUSLIM CIVILIZATION, I have not heard about the bombing of civilians in cities for 2 months with water, electricity, etc. being cut off in these conflicts
              1. 0
                4 December 2023 16: 57
                So only...the Kurds were gassed...but yes - no big deal, just little things...and under a million killed in the Iran-Iraq conflict is also nonsense..
                1. RUR
                  4 December 2023 19: 11
                  the Iran-Iraq conflict is a classic war, a significant part of it, especially at the end, is mutual artillery shelling... the Kurds... who were poisoned - military or civilians and how many died?
                  And then, there was a terrible dictator there, and you, like, have the only democracy - hahahahihihi - in the MIDDLE EAST... Lawyers say that your affairs in Gaza now fall under genocide... now, by the definition of genocide, a million victims are not required ... there will be claims against Israel as against Germany... they themselves set an example....
          2. +3
            4 December 2023 06: 38
            How beautiful it sounds - a battle of civilizations! But in reality there is a redistribution of markets, cash flows and labor.
            1. RUR
              4 December 2023 08: 51
              In fact, they are trying to create a Greater Israel from the Euphrates to the Nile, something ok. million sq. km., so the battle of civilizations...
            2. RUR
              4 December 2023 21: 20
              And again again: Lawyers say that the cases in Gaza fall under genocide... now, by the definition of genocide, a million victims are not required... claims will be against Israel as against Germany... they themselves have shown an example.. if the redistribution of cash flows, smart lady, then only in favor of PALESTINE in claims, since you can even file individual claims, i.e. Jews will now be the workforce in this case, do not think that Netanyahu does not know this.... Netanyahu is leading the way to a major regional war, in which, according to his plans, a new Israel will be born, territorially much larger, where he is the great winner, which is not they are judging... there is also the right of the winner, don’t consider Netanyahu stupider than you, smart guy...
        2. -1
          4 December 2023 22: 37
          Quote: Strange guest
          Yes, even if the Jews leave...

          I'm talking about the goats of Zionism, not about the Jews.
          Remember how the Nazis set up the German people?
      2. The comment was deleted.
  5. +4
    3 December 2023 23: 26
    When people talk about the Jewish-Masonic conspiracy and laugh at me or us, I say that otherwise it would be impossible for the Zionist regime to have its own land. The British, French, Americans and the Russians themselves worked in favor of this occupation regime. It is true that Jews have a possible right to this land, but it is the same and no greater than the right of the Palestinians. I mean, if the Jews weren't so powerful, they wouldn't even have a piece of land in the Sahara Desert.
    1. 0
      4 December 2023 14: 33
      This has always been and always will be, before the advent of communism. Whoever has the power is right. The power of “truth” is abstract, nonsense. Everyone has their own truth. Shot all the "wrong" and right.