Nine-dash line: US and China approaching armed conflict


Hypothetical confrontation between the USA and China. Many experts are talking about it today, predicting victory for one side or the other. Meanwhile, when comparing the capabilities of the armies of the two countries, few people dwell on what exactly this confrontation will be like, if it happens at all. After all, it is obvious that it will not happen in China or in the United States.

The latter are too far from the PRC, and the PLA does not have bridgeheads near the United States. The Americans have such bridgeheads, but the land territory of China is too large in size and population for the US Armed Forces to dare to directly invade.

As a result, according to some experts, the main military operations will take place in Taiwan, the South China and East China Seas. However, China is in a weak position in this case.

The thing is that the Chinese mainland is surrounded by islands and archipelagos, from which they control the narrow straits connecting the South China Sea with the Indian and Pacific oceans. Any of these territories may host enemy air and missile forces.

A difficult situation is also observed in the East China Sea (in the so-called Nine-Dash Line zone), where the islands stretching from Japan to Taiwan act as “sentinels”.

The loss of access to the world's oceans will be a serious blow for China with its export-oriented the economy. That is why the hypothetical struggle between the United States and China, according to experts, will be fought over the above-mentioned islands.

Washington will seek to deploy its troops on these land areas and block Chinese merchant ships from accessing the Indian and Pacific oceans, “suffocating” the Celestial Empire economically.

Beijing, in turn, will aim to quickly seize the islands and deploy its strike aircraft, anti-ship and other missile systems there in order to keep the United States away from this sector.

At the same time, Western experts doubt that the missiles currently in service with the PLA can pose a threat to American aircraft carrier groups. Therefore, in their opinion, China will decide to confront the states only after it has hypersonic missiles and fifth-generation fighters in commercial quantities.

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  1. +1
    26 November 2023 09: 57
    In case of war, China will lose more than it will gain. China will not enter into a local war with the United States, even in a local war.
  2. +2
    26 November 2023 17: 28
    Not serious, this is not an analysis, but just someone’s wishes.

    Losing access to the world's oceans will be a serious blow for China with its export-oriented economy. That is why the hypothetical struggle between the United States and China, according to experts, will be fought over the above-mentioned islands.

    Why did the leaders of the PRC and the USA just meet and communicate closely, wasn’t it to reduce tensions in relations???
  3. 0
    27 November 2023 01: 18
    China and the USA are Siamese twins. Why should they hurt themselves?
    1. 0
      29 November 2023 20: 38
      It is not the PRC that is approaching a conflict, it is China that is expanding its interests, and the United States, wanting to maintain dominance, is gathering forces and bringing the conflict closer.
      In the last 35 years, forces have been growing in the monopolar world that can pose a danger to monopolarity and dictatorship, and this is where the struggle to maintain the old order and privileges begins. New growing forces in the world are uniting (BRICS and others) and putting forward an alternative world order. The struggle between them is inevitable; the law of the jungle among mega packs of people is more sophisticated and bloody. Now there is a disengagement of forces and preparations for decisive confrontations. When they begin or when the powers of the monopolist fade away and the transition to a multipolar world occurs, time will tell...
  4. 0
    4 January 2024 17: 30
    I remembered an old expression - the last Chinese warning. For information: in 1968, more than 900 such warnings were made, that is, more than 900 times American aircraft violated China's air borders. Now it’s even funny to talk about American planes violating China’s borders. It will be interesting for me to hear in 20 years about China’s weak position.