Sanctions have made room for Russian cinema


Still from the Russian film “Sky”

Recently, the Russian film industry has been learning to survive in difficult conditions. Domestic cinemas survived the coronavirus pandemic, and are currently trying to exist under sanctions. Thus, in 2022, the number of cinemas in the Russian Federation decreased by 11%. The departure of the Hollywood majors and the insufficient level of development of Russian cinema played a key role in this. Let's try to figure out what prospects await the domestic film industry in the very near future.

Having barely begun to emerge from the pandemic crisis, due to which, according to some experts, Russian cinemas could have lost about 2020 billion rubles in 50 alone, the domestic film industry again found itself in a difficult situation due to geopolitical changes, which eventually transformed into sanctions against Russian Federation. Thus, already in the spring of 2022, the decision to stop the distribution of their own films in cinemas in the Russian Federation was made by the largest foreign film studios Disney, Sony Pictures, UPI, Paramount, Warner Bros., Lionsgate and others. It is necessary to understand that before these changes, among the ten films with the highest box office receipts in Russia in recent years, domestically produced films accounted for only two or three positions.

Quite strange against this background is the statement of the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Olga Lyubimova that in 2023, 87 million viewers have already watched domestic films in the Russian Federation, which is twice as many as in 2020, when 42,5 million people watched Russian films. The mathematical logic of the statement is correct, but this information was presented as a serious victory for the state film industry. Not a word was said about the fact that such results became possible only in conditions of almost complete absence of competition in the market, due to the loss of the most popular foreign film products.

The coronavirus pandemic also played an important role in the deplorable situation in which domestic cinemas found themselves. The point here is not even the temporary closure of most leisure places during quarantine, but the departure of many viewers to the online cinema segment. Such tools have become a good alternative to a classic trip to the cinema, and subscribing to online services is no longer considered a waste of money; its main advantage is the opportunity to watch the film you like at any time convenient for you. Thus, according to the results of the research, the online cinema market at the end of 2022 increased by 5% and reached 63,3 billion rubles against 60,3 billion rubles compared to the same figure for 2021. Towards the end of 2022, online cinemas faced the same problem as their classic “brothers”. Many Russian platforms have encountered unsolvable difficulties in renewing licenses with major film studios, and many popular films have simply become unavailable to viewers. At the moment, the reorientation to the Asian market that has begun has not had the desired effect; the fact that the new content is an order of magnitude inferior in quality to its American competitors played a certain role here.

It is logical to assume that in this situation, a significant part of clients reoriented towards the pirate segment. For example, according to one of the sociological surveys conducted, 25% of online cinema viewers are going to refuse to pay for online services. The reason lies in the increase in subscription costs and the reduction in film library.

In attempts to find ways to effectively exist in a changed market, cinemas are resorting to various tricks. For example, many of them have re-released foreign and domestic films, assuming that the classics will force viewers to return to cinemas. Against the backdrop of all the difficulties, the average cost of going to the movies in Russia also increased. Thus, the price of a ticket to such a place at the end of January 2022 was 323,7 rubles (+13,2% compared to the same figure in 2021).

Cinemas are also resorting to more radical tricks. In many cinemas, screenings of overseas new films continued, which did not receive a distribution certificate due to their withdrawal from the Russian market. Completely different methods were used for this. The simplest of them is unofficial distribution, in which case the cinema does not even need to try to comply with legal standards. Within a few months, “free pre-session services” became fashionable. The use of such a mechanism assumes that the viewer initially watches a new foreign film, and after a short break - a domestic one. It is not difficult to understand that after a break the cinema hall, as a rule, remains completely empty. In addition, some cinemas have the option of renting halls, in which case the cinema completely disavows the illegal screening of foreign films, shifting all responsibility to third-party organizations that rent its space.

As we can see, there are many ways to work with prohibited content in Russia. However, it is necessary to remember and understand that by showing foreign films, cinemas violate not only the copyrights of film studios, but also the laws of the Russian Federation, since films cannot be shown to the viewer without a rental certificate, an age limit and bypassing the official sale of tickets. Despite this fact, the state is currently not interfering in any way with what happened, realizing that a significant part of this market rests on American new products.

In addition, the current market situation has led to many customers making the simplest decision for themselves by turning to pirated platforms for downloading and watching movies and TV series. This problem has always been particularly acute in countries where the population is fairly familiar with the key principles of copyright law, but now the problem has become even more serious.

To summarize, we can conclude that the sanctions have indeed had a rather serious impact on domestic film distribution. On the one hand, the departure of foreign media giants from the territory of the Russian Federation caused an impressive economic a blow to the Russian film industry, on the other hand, it gave impetus to the development of film creators in our country. At the moment, it lags far behind its leading foreign competitors. We are talking about the technical equipment of film studios, and about the financing of new projects, and about the artistic content of the films being created.
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  1. +3
    13 November 2023 18: 48
    Sadly, our people themselves choose Western mass culture and Western values ​​- in the most convincing way - with their wallets. We haven't come up with anything against American "soft power". Young people listen to Western music, watch Western films and TV series, hang out on Western/franchise shows..
    The States, as always and everywhere, are indoctrinating young people in Russia. And it is young people who will lead the country into the arms of the West in a dozen or two years. The States know how to play for the long haul...and we can’t do anything about it. The decline of the USSR began with the penetration of Western mass culture, and this is how Russia will end.
    1. -1
      13 November 2023 20: 15
      Why did you choose Sweden and not Israel?
      PS The British know how to play for a long time, but American migrant workers do not. They are still very young.
      1. -5
        13 November 2023 20: 29
        But on the merits of the question?
        PS Work. Grant for my daughter.
        1. -2
          13 November 2023 21: 35
          Quote: Strange guest
          As sad as it may be, our people themselves...

          This is essentially what it is. What kind of people are you? laughing
          1. -2
            13 November 2023 22: 26
            I'm talking about the Russian people)
            1. +2
              13 November 2023 22: 53
              What kind of people are you?
              1. 0
                13 November 2023 23: 00
                We don't have a fifth column)
                I’m not asking about your nation)
                For me, the person is first and foremost important. And for you? Nationality? Russia is for russians? Do I understand you correctly?
                1. +2
                  13 November 2023 23: 56
                  Quote: Strange guest
                  For me, the person is first and foremost important. And for you?

                  Apparently you don’t consider Palestinians to be people.
                  How long can you lie? Tired of it. hi
    2. +3
      13 November 2023 20: 16
      They had an intelligence officer who used to say: there is no need to fight with the USSR, but it is necessary to corrupt and corrupt 3 generations of their youth and that’s all. I think we have already lost one generation. The next one will create religion, culture. And the third country. God forbid of course. We need to do something.
      1. -1
        13 November 2023 21: 53
        It's me. Hello everyone, now it’s clear why they themselves became corrupted. And I thought it was a sin that they decided to destroy Christianity in order to get to Orthodoxy, Russia and sow Satanism.
      2. +1
        13 November 2023 22: 46
        Quote from etoyavsemprivet
        And the third country.

        So already one generation surrendered the country in 1991.
  2. +1
    13 November 2023 18: 58
    “A still from the Russian film “Sky”” at the beginning of the note - IMHO, proves the deplorable state of Russian cinema.
    When you can’t even make a normal 3D scene with the money left over after drinking...
    1. +1
      13 November 2023 19: 54
      Well, yes, the graphics in the Tundra look several times more realistic.))) And most importantly, you can fly and capture the picture completely free) If this is really a still from a movie, then it’s understandable why the viewer, spoiled by graphics, does not want to watch this... something... level computer toys from the mid 2000s
  3. 0
    13 November 2023 19: 58
    This problem has always been particularly acute in countries where the population is fairly familiar with the key principles of copyright law, but now the problem has become even more serious.

    This problem always occurs in countries with low incomes, do not confuse “soft with warm”
    1. +1
      14 November 2023 09: 14
      In my opinion, you are now confusing “soft with warm”, after all. Copyright develops separately and is weakly related to the level of income of the population. Forming an attitude towards it rather depends on mentality rather than finances.
      1. 0
        14 November 2023 21: 20
        I agree. But it’s foolish to expect otherwise, where the scratcher is welcomed from the highest rostrum.
      2. 0
        14 November 2023 21: 44
        No, it’s you who are confusing)) if you’re talking about the population. The development of legislation does not concern the population; this is the prerogative of the relevant departments, but implementation is the will of the population. It is precisely the level of income that directly influences the choice: a license or a pirate, and not education in the field of copyright.)) If people have difficulty meeting their primary needs, then the copyright holders will lose their paws). Well, if, of course, you have lived in Russia/CIS recently, you must have seen the development of piracy and the gradual introduction of licensed products. Only with increasing incomes did people begin to buy licensed copies more or less en masse. And now, with the decline in the quality of everything and everyone, even if they have money, a significant part prefers to first check for pirates, and only then, if they like the product, buy a license. They are trying to cram in too much garbage) The situation perfectly demonstrates that despite the fact that 99,99% know what copyright is, finances come first). I'm talking specifically about products for home use. Cinemas were always open officially. In general, in the current situation, Russia should be granted all rights in relation to countries that directly or indirectly cause damage to it.
        1. +1
          15 November 2023 13: 48
          You are confusing compliance with laws with understanding them.
          In our country, most people didn’t give a damn about copyright, not because their incomes are small, but because, in principle, they don’t really understand what copyright is.
          In our State Duma, brilliant ideas still sometimes pop up that football, for example, should be broadcast free of charge on public channels. And this, I repeat, is not because we live poorly, but because we simply do not understand that any product is created for money, and the creators want to monetize their efforts and financial costs.
          Believe me, even if everyone in our country earns millions, piracy will not leave Russia. Most Russians are not ashamed to steal material goods, let alone intangible ones, when people do not understand who the owner of a film, series or sports broadcast is.
          1. +1
            15 November 2023 14: 40
            Quote: Viktor Anufriev
            Most Russians are not ashamed to steal material goods, let alone intangible ones

            This is not a question of morality, it is the inertia of education, the inertia of the Soviet “everything is popular, everything is common.” People are used to it, and they raised their children in the same way, that if something is published, then that’s it, the author has already received his fee from the state and now everyone can use it.
            I think it will take another 15-20 years for people to get used to the fact that under capitalism everything is somewhat different. That there is no “big daddy” who buys and then gives away goodies practically for nothing.
  4. +2
    13 November 2023 20: 28
    Soviet feature cinema is lost forever. In its place came the groin-like Western culture with actors' Gwynplaine smiles, moose lips and deep deep "faux" cleavages. Where the main character must be naked and show a sex scene at least once or twice. That is, art where subtle feelings tugging at the soul are played out and consciousness is elevated has been converted into vulgarity for cattle. It's a pity.
    1. 0
      13 November 2023 20: 42
      Art has gone to the masses lol
      1. +1
        13 November 2023 21: 17
        In world cinema, they distinguish the specifics of Hollywood and Bollywood, both entertaining for citizens below the average level, and both are successful in Russia. Why, and it just so happens, there is no big money for culture, and there is no Rollywood (Russian quality). They have long forgotten about Mosfilm and Lenfilm... Whatever rules the country, these are the results. While the principle rules - steal and leave, so what kind of Rollywoods will appear in such situations. In the Russian Federation, it is more profitable to withdraw money, in principle there are no prohibitions or incentives, and there is no one willing to work, invest and create, so what kind of Russian cinema is it, imitating Hollywood on meager budgets..
    2. 0
      15 November 2023 13: 52
      Well, there is no need to drag Gwynplaine into this, this is a classic and serious work.
  5. +3
    14 November 2023 02: 19
    Recently, the Russian film industry has been learning to survive in difficult conditions.

    And before that it bloomed and smelled.

    Domestic cinemas survived the coronavirus pandemic, and are currently trying to exist under sanctions.

    But if we take cinemas as the film industry, then yes. In the absence of Western domestic content, our film industry is left, like a lost kitten, to squeak loudly for someone to feed the poor fellow. In the absence of a cogent ideology, people find answers from other sources. And the film industry can only entertain.
    1. 0
      15 November 2023 13: 53
      But ideology, excuse me, can be instructive?
      How's that?
  6. 0
    14 November 2023 08: 10
    We know how to make TV series, but movies are mostly full of shitty humor about who farted, fell, got drunk.
    Horror and action films are almost never made
  7. 0
    15 November 2023 14: 35
    Lordfilm rules wassat
  8. +2
    16 November 2023 20: 53
    Recently, the Russian film industry has been learning to survive in difficult conditions.

    There is no Russian film industry. All Russian cinema is amateurish, mediocrity and vulgarity!!! I took the risk of going to Cheburashka. There was so much excitement, and I thought: suddenly something really worthwhile. I left the show about 20 minutes after it started - there’s nothing else you can do to lure me to the cinema to watch Russian films. At home only c.f. I look at the USSR - that’s where the positivity and sincerity are
  9. 0
    20 November 2023 20: 45
    So far, “our” cinema has not even bothered to make even a short film about the exploits of our soldiers. In 2 years of SVO, not a single film. And in the same Ukraine and in the USA more than a dozen of them were stamped. This is how we lose the information war by handing over the minds of our citizens to someone else’s, hostile propaganda!
    The film "Hell's Finest" was produced by a private film company with Prigozhin's money.
    And state film companies and television, using people's money, invite various scarecrows and Urgants and make lies about the exploits of the White Guards...