Pentagon: We have no answer to Russia's new weapons

Russia is a peace-loving country. And in her quest for peace, she will destroy anyone who wants war.

Now, for this, our country has: a global-range missile with a nuclear power plant capable of highly efficient maneuvering and missile defense, there is a Vanguard planning winged block and a Dagger aviation missile system capable of exceeding the speed of sound in dense layers of the atmosphere military lasers, and finally, there are Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missiles with many separated warheads.

All these ultra-modern weapons are the response of the Russian Federation to the unilateral aggressive actions of the United States of America. Washington is inexorably striving to create a situation in which it can deliver an irresistible blow to its adversary with impunity, and our country will not be able to respond. The development of the latest weapons began in Russia immediately after it became clear that peace was not to be expected from the United States.

The mission of Putin’s missiles is to discount the missile defense umbrella that the United States has been building for decades on its territory and in vassal countries — Romania and Poland. The Russian "Sarmat" is capable of this. Production facilities for mass production of these deadly missiles are being built at the Krasnoyarsk Engineering Plant. All processes occurring in the production halls are monitored in real time at the National Center for Defense Management. Sterile purity and cold metal make it clear that weapons of mass destruction are produced here.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu guarantees that the state defense order will be completed on time. The Russian minister said:

The Supreme Commander praised the work to strengthen the Armed Forces, increase the country's defense. He stressed that today Russia has a modern, compact and high-tech army

Western "partners" could not but react in their corporate identity. The U.S. Department of State and Europe vied with each other to report alleged violations of international law. All the groundlessness of the insinuations of the German “partners” was noted by Maria Zakharova, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, when on behalf of the ministry she demanded evidence of grave accusations from Germany:

We would like to urge our German colleagues to clarify the violation of which specific international treaties and agreements in the field of arms control on the part of Russia? What do you have in mind?

The lair of the US military Pentagon nervously states that the US lag in the development of rocket of technologies could completely undermine US defense. To gain time for a new arms race, the United States of America threatens to surround Russia with a ring of 400 missile defense. Washington clearly wants to embark on Russia's path to world peace.
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  1. +2
    8 March 2018 14: 23
    You yourself claim to be "exceptional" We have finally believed you and are excluding you from the difficult mission of ruling the world. There are no exceptional ones now, and if someone starts to consider themselves as such again, we will also exclude wink
    1. +1
      8 March 2018 14: 56
      Peacefully wipe into powder, and then help with the restoration?
  2. +1
    9 March 2018 00: 54
    Washington, New York and Berlin cannot hide from our six types of weapons. Do not help them get away from retaliation is not 400 or 1000 missiles. Only the withdrawal of all missile defense systems from Europe, the return of NATO to the borders of the pre-Gorbachev treacherous period, when he sold the Rothschilds through their agent Rockefeller for 75 million dollars, Russia will agree to new negotiations. Russia no longer has confidence in liars and swindlers.
    The USA, England and Germany are sitting under the hood of the Rothschilds and it is not clear what the Russians are blaming.
    These countries are fake and fake, false, and Syria and Ukraine have proved this. The falsity will no longer pass.
    The second Ukraine will not help and the US nominee through the Left Front of the corrupt Udaltsov and the bribe taker Zyuganov from the Communist Party in the presidential elections in Russia.
    100 million Russians will never vote for their shit, which they slipped to the Russians in order to arrange a civil war in Russia, which the Nazis in the USA and the EU’s Germans love to arrange.
    1. 0
      9 March 2018 08: 16
      An interesting train of thought hi