The once joint project of a passenger airliner between Russia and China has entered the design stage


The fate of the project to develop the wide-body long-haul airliner COMAC C929 has finally become clear. At the first CATA aviation conference, organized by the China Air Transport Association, the Deputy General Director of the China State Aerospace Manufacturing Company made a presentation. equipment COMAC Qi Xuefeng. He said that the COMAC C929 has entered the detailed design stage.

Let us remember that initially this aircraft was a joint project of the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China. The idea of ​​joint development is reflected in the name of the aircraft. It was originally called CR929. The first letters are short for China and Russia. However, work on the project proceeded very slowly, and due to Western sanctions against the Russian aerospace industry, the Russian Federation had to withdraw from the project altogether.

But China continued development. And now this project is called C929. Experts note that this means the aircraft is of purely Chinese origin.

According to Qi Xuefeng, deputy general director of the Chinese state-owned aerospace company COMAC, the C929 will have from 250 to 350 passenger seats. The flight range of the basic version will be 12 thousand kilometers. The airliner is expected to enter commercial service after 2030.

Let us add that initially it was planned to use Russian PD-35 engines in the new aircraft. However, now the airliner's manufacturers intend to purchase them from Rolls-Royce.
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  1. +4
    7 November 2023 12: 20
    A loss of face for sure, alas.
    Aviation specialists will also remember that India was let down with the transport plane, we are pushing back the deadlines with the superjet, we haven’t heard anything about checkmate and the supersonic business jet for a long time....
    But Serdyukov and the President of Tatarstan are on horseback...
    1. +4
      7 November 2023 12: 54
      This means that the management of the Russian economy is unsatisfactory, since most significant projects fail. Today's economic progress, which does not cause the economy to fail, is due to orders from the military-industrial complex and for the export of resources. But this is temporary, state-wide economic development is stagnant. Conclusion: There was no reformatting of Yeltsin's public administration, only cosmetic amendments, and the liberal comprador basis was not destroyed, here are the results, the withdrawal of hundreds of billions of US dollars annually, the stagnation of the Russian economy without credit opportunities, the emigration of youth, etc.... How to recover, only replacement of the old board team through elections.
      1. 0
        7 November 2023 13: 14
        Through elections you can get Navalny’s command. so sometimes it is more effective through the whip and the gallows. hi
        1. -1
          7 November 2023 14: 54
          Don't write this like that, otherwise I almost vomited
          And learn to filter what they write, it’s not bad for the country, it’s not bad for the country, Russia has gained experience, it’s even more good than if this plane was launched into series together.
        2. 0
          7 November 2023 23: 35
          (Sergei Tokarev) It is not clear to whom you are handing the whip and the gallows. Navalny’s team has no support from the people, only a few marginalized people and foreign agents in this team. The patriots, whom they are trying to push aside and not allow to participate in the elections, can gain a majority. (To distinguish patriots from pseudo-patriots - provocateurs launched by today's servants).
    2. 0
      19 November 2023 16: 29
      A loss of face for sure, alas.
      Aviation specialists will also remember that India was let down with the transport plane, we are pushing back the deadlines with the superjet, we haven’t heard anything about checkmate and the supersonic business jet for a long time....
      But Serdyukov and the President of Tatarstan are on horseback...

      And with such a face they are allowed into the elite club of airplane pilots. When they stop launching it, then, apparently, they will start moving.
  2. +2
    18 November 2023 15: 56
    Quote: Vladimir Tuzakov
    This means that the management of the Russian economy is unsatisfactory, since most significant projects fail. Today's economic progress, which does not cause the economy to fail, is due to orders from the military-industrial complex and for the export of resources. But this is temporary, state-wide economic development is stagnant. Conclusion: There was no reformatting of Yeltsin's public administration, only cosmetic amendments, and the liberal comprador basis was not destroyed, here are the results, the withdrawal of hundreds of billions of US dollars annually, the stagnation of the Russian economy without credit opportunities, the emigration of youth, etc.... How to recover, only replacement of the old board team through elections.

    It's like that. Compradors walk free, and the foundations of the Gorbachev-Yeltsin system have not been violated. In general, Russia is in a terrible state: in comparison with China, where salaries are 2 times higher than Russian ones, in Russia there is only an outflow of capital, probably hundreds of billions of dollars a year!
    1. 0
      19 November 2023 17: 05
      Child, in China, wages for hard workers are no higher than 15-17 thousand, translated into rubles.
  3. 0
    19 November 2023 17: 04
    The main thing in an airplane is the engines. But the Chinese do not know how to produce them; they are infinitely far from modern engine building. They wanted to get the PD-35 production technology from us, but ours showed them with their hand FROM THE SCREW and the Chinese realized that they had nothing to catch.
  4. 0
    20 November 2023 13: 19
    Quote: igor.igorev
    Child, in China, wages for hard workers are no higher than 15-17 thousand, translated into rubles.

    So they don’t buy at three prices... Everything is their own...