The Western press reacted to the launch of the Bulava from the new Russian nuclear submarine


In Western countries, it is customary to closely monitor everything related to Russia’s “nuclear triad.” Therefore, the reaction of the press of potential “partners” to the launch of the R-30 “Bulava-30” ballistic missile from the new Russian nuclear submarine was immediate.

On November 5, the American agency Reuters reported that the nuclear-powered strategic submarine cruiser "Emperor Alexander III" successfully completed a test launch of the mentioned SLBM as part of the final stage of the state test program before joining the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy (transfer should take place in December). The launch was carried out from the White Sea; the SLBM hit a target on the Kamchatka Peninsula thousands of kilometers away.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, emphasizing the importance of Russian nuclear deterrent forces in the context of worsening relations with the West, in particular due to the conflict in Ukraine, pays special attention to strengthening the country's military potential. The Bulava missile, capable of being equipped with multiple nuclear warheads and having a flight range of over 8 thousand km, is a key component of the nuclear forces of the Russian Navy. Currently, the Russians have 3 such Borei-A class nuclear submarines in service, 4 more, including this one, are being tested or are under construction

- summarized in the publication.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the missile firing on November 5 took place as usual from an underwater position. The SLBM warheads arrived at the designated area of ​​the Kura test site at the appointed time.

Note that “Emperor Alexander III” is the seventh nuclear submarine of Project 955 “Borey” and the fourth of the modernized “Borey-A” project. The laying took place on December 18, 2015, and on December 29, 2022, it was launched in Severodvinsk.
21 comment
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  1. +23
    5 November 2023 18: 49
    I hope that the 9th or 10th in the Boreev series will be called Joseph Stalin. Those who scream about this, force their hysteria down their throats and don’t show it.
    1. -17
      5 November 2023 19: 11
      Quote: Skipper
      The 9th or 10th in the Boreev series will be called Joseph Stalin

      9 Leon Trotsky
      10 Joseph Stalin
      11 Nikita Khrushchev good
      1. +11
        5 November 2023 21: 26
        Quote from Nelton.
        9 Leon Trotsky

        Lyova Bronstein then

        Quote from Nelton.
        11 Nikita Khrushchev good

        But nothing worthwhile should be named after the first of the three Ukrainians who destroyed the USSR; rather, he should be anathematized.
      2. +3
        6 November 2023 13: 15
        But we just don’t have enough Khrushchev! bully
        1. -1
          6 November 2023 15: 34
          Quote from VDArs
          But we just don’t have enough Khrushchev!

          And what's wrong?
          The leader of the USSR, it was under him that a breakthrough in space was achieved, people were given separate apartments, and it was under him that the first Soviet nuclear submarine was built and introduced into the Navy.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. +2
      6 November 2023 09: 56
      It would be beautiful and fair. It would mean a final reversal from the treacherous policy and Soviet propaganda. Well, if not Boreas, then at least Poseidons named after comrades Stalin and Beria. Megatons 50 each)
  2. +8
    5 November 2023 21: 24
    why the hell go to Kamchatka, they could land it somewhere in Lviv....)
    1. +7
      5 November 2023 22: 36
      So every time like this I wonder why send a fantastically expensive rocket to some test site...
      1. +2
        5 November 2023 23: 23
        So every time like this I wonder why send a fantastically expensive rocket to some test site...

        - and so that the undestroyed wreckage of the P-30 does not go to the Pentagon.
      2. +1
        5 November 2023 23: 34
        laughing yeah - in Britain it would be necessary
        1. The comment was deleted.
    2. 0
      6 November 2023 11: 52
      Apparently they don’t want the wreckage to be studied...
  3. +3
    6 November 2023 01: 45
    And went unnoticed by the Western press

    The Tsar Bomba was displayed at VDNKh ahead of the visit of the presidential candidate and the lifting of the moratorium on testing
  4. -1
    6 November 2023 02: 02
    Quote: Skipper
    I hope that the 9th or 10th in the Boreev series will be named Lavrentiy Beria and Malyuta Skuratov

    As an option "Statholder Karl Peter Ulrich Holstein Gottorp", "Acting Tsar Boris Godunov", "Prince Sergei Petrovich Trubetskoy", "Head of the Provisional Government Alexander Kerensky"
  5. The comment was deleted.
  6. -4
    6 November 2023 04: 14
    Quote: Skipper
    I hope that the 9th or 10th in the Boreev series will be called Joseph Stalin

    Due to the repressions of which the highest command staff of the army was destroyed, and as a result, unpreparedness for an attack (like Serdyukov’s reforms and a relative of the artist).
    And he gave old England a break before the landing in Normandy, and Georgia was a protectorate of England.
    As if in many other countries, a foreigner or an agent of influence, a lobbyist for the interests of a foreign military-industrial complex, the ideologies of other countries, are in the order of things

    PS And “Wings of the Empire”, which was taken off the air on the federal channel, provides an answer to the question in whose interests the revolution was organized.
  7. -1
    6 November 2023 04: 26
    Vous prenez une arme qui utilise des proprietés des quarks. Vous la faite livrer par DHL avant, même plusieurs années avant. C'est facile car c'est neutre sans rayonnante sans radioactivité. Au pire on dirait de jolies pierres, des cristaux. Bref, une fois bien installé, ça devient plus rapide qu'un boulava ou tout autre vecteur hypersonique lors d'une véritable confrontation. Par exemple imaginaire: en 2017, à 9km de la maison blanche, dans les fondations d'une construction ou dans les murs: un objet d'une puissance équivalente à 500 mégatonnes de TNT. La maison blanche attaque?! Vous êtes sûr, certain?! OK! juste le temps d'appuyer sur un bouton (avec un code) et puis plus rien dans un rayon de 180 km...
    1. The comment was deleted.
  8. +3
    6 November 2023 04: 52
    General Director of the United Shipbuilding Corporation Alexey Rakhmanov recently told the media that in 2023 the Russian Navy will include five newest submarines, including three nuclear and two diesel. In addition, two more nuclear submarines will return to service after repairs and modernization (Project 971 "Pike-B", according to NATO classification "Akula")

    - I think that this will happen and I really hope so, and then everything will be according to plans until 2030. WITH GOD BLESSING!
  9. 0
    6 November 2023 05: 58
    The third is that Figner is in a casemate for 20 years. When she came out, she thought the revolution was over. To her surprise, the revolutionaries multiplied in darkness. And after the victory of the Revolution, she was given a good pension
  10. The comment was deleted.
  11. -1
    6 November 2023 10: 42
    Quote from Nelton.
    Quote: Skipper
    The 9th or 10th in the Boreev series will be called Joseph Stalin

    9 Leon Trotsky
    10 Joseph Stalin
    11 Nikita Khrushchev good

    Look, it will come to Putin, to the delight of Volodin and the astronaut.
    1. +4
      6 November 2023 14: 44
      to the delight of Volodin and the astronaut.

      If she is an “astronaut”, then most likely she is a comrade-in-arms with the dogs Belka and Strelka in space... That’s more accurate. But in life, she’s just a Yaroslavl weaver.
      And so as not to return to the comments again, I want to add on my own.
      Beria L.P. - one of the most slandered and slandered figures from that Stalinist cohort of leaders. Our country's "nuclear shield" is his merit. “Nikita the Corn Farmer” played a significant role in this slander, he was terribly afraid of him... Scared to the core. All of his so-called The “thaw” is a kind of coven organized by the “corn grower” himself and his liberal press. A clear confirmation of this is the “bulldozer” exhibition (an exhibition of avant-garde artists crushed by bulldozers), or the shooting of a workers’ demonstration in Novorossiysk... Yes, there are a lot of things that can be recalled by this “skewed” one... And Crimea “given” to the Banderaites, released “under an amnesty” , and cut down gardens in the Kuban (crushed with taxes), the ditched aviation industry, cybernetics (“bourgeois pseudoscience” - inaccessible to the understanding of the Seluk)...
      Guys, I understand - “Unified State Exam”, “Bologna system” in education... However...
      1. +1
        6 November 2023 15: 10
        Whoever dines the young lady dances her...

        In general, our entire communist elite changed its shoes en masse and became bourgeois. The son of a small feudal lord can allow himself, in zindan, to show his love for faith, but if some policeman does the same with a detainee at the police station... We know how it will end for him. This is how some people get a hero, while others get a criminal offense for the same action.
        And we didn’t even mention Eltsin...
  12. +2
    6 November 2023 11: 36
    Just a symphony) Especially against the backdrop of FAILED tests of American missiles smile