A long-range cruise missile was created for the Su-57 aircraft


For the Russian multi-role fighter of the fifth generation Su-57, a long-range cruise missile for intra-fuselage placement was created. This is reported with reference to a source RIA News. According to the publication, the new ammunition is distinguished by a perfectly polished folding wing design.

The latest long-range cruise missile for intra-fuselage deployment has been developed for the Su-57. With a smaller size, the missile has a comparable range to those products that are used in long-range aviation on the Tu-95MS and Tu-160 strategic bombers

– said the source of the agency.

According to him, a significant reduction in the dimensions of the new ammunition was achieved due to the perfectly refined design of the folding wing and internal layout, as well as the use of a new small-sized bypass turbojet engine.

Let us remind you that the Su-57 is a fifth-generation multirole fighter. The aircraft was created using of technologies stealth and advanced electronics. It is capable of carrying weapons in the internal compartments of the fuselage.

One of the main advantages of the Su-57 fighter, according to experts, is its ability to develop supersonic cruising speed and maneuver with high overloads.

Let us add that the Su-57 fighter has already proven itself excellent during a special military operation in Ukraine.
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  1. +1
    31 October 2023 23: 56
    Once it fits inside, it means a small charge and subsonic.
    And Ukraine is being shot right through by conventional cruise missiles in almost any direction.
    but still a pass.
  2. 0
    1 November 2023 19: 50
    It carries only 4 missiles, its stealth is questionable, the engine is old and weak, and the radar is only better than its predecessors. So for now, 4++ aircraft are more profitable and efficient, but the development of aircraft manufacturing is necessary! Therefore, it is unlikely that it is necessary to increase the amount of hidden ammunition in the Su-57lv in this airframe), in general in 5th generation aircraft, like themselves, especially with new engines!