Who takes bribes? In Russia, a portrait of a corrupt

The problem of corruption is very acute in modern Russia. Therefore, the University of the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation decided to draw up a comprehensive portrait of the average bribe taker. The official representative of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation Alexander Kurennoy said that this portrait is very different from the common stereotype regarding the personality of a corrupt official.

Who takes bribes? In Russia, a portrait of a corrupt

Active and energetic professionals usually take bribes. They are sociable, resistant to stress, ready to work a lot and effectively. The average corrupt official is a person from 40 years old and older, with higher education, most often a man. Most corrupt officials are by no means mired in vices - they do not use drugs, practically do not drink, and treat their families well.

What makes such professionals take bribes? The University of the Prosecutor General’s Office found that the cause of corruption is far from greed. Bribes are taken because of the desire for power, self-affirmation. Sometimes the cause of corruption is even revenge on the bosses.

What conclusions can be drawn from this study? It turns out that it is useless for officials to raise salaries - they do not take bribes out of poverty, but they should have tightened control over potential bribes. Moreover, far from always a bribe taker is a classic immoral type who skips the proceeds in restaurants and casinos.
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  1. +1
    7 December 2018 09: 07
    Anti-bribery laws are passed by the same, albeit potential, but bribery.
    Ridding the country of this outrage is not simple, but very simple - for this it is necessary to deprive the bribe taker of his entire base, for which he is trying, of family well-being, that is, with the proven fact of a bribe, the bribe taker and the whole his family, - deprived of everything that they have, and had. You do not need to land, but you need to break the sword above it.
    All. He and his loved ones will lose their luxurious life for the next decades. Everything from scratch, but already without permission to work in any structure of activity, including IP, PE, etc. not to mention state-owned enterprises. But this requires the willpower of the state.

    Only here is the state - that is what they are - bribe takers.