The Russian Army began to massively use Lancets with a new guidance system in the North Military District zone


The Russian military in the Northern Military District zone began to massively use the improved Lancet UAVs. The new version of loitering ammunition has the option of automatic target acquisition. The first footage of the successful hunt of a modernized kamikaze drone has been published on the Internet.

The published video shows the defeat of the Czech RM-70 Vampire MLRS by the modernized Lancet. What is noteworthy is not even the fact that the launcher was hit, but the inscription on the drone’s screen “Target captured.”

Experts point out that technology automatic target recognition has been tested before. It was tested in combat conditions both on the Lancet-1 UAV and on the Lancet-3 drones. But now we are talking about the beginning of the mass use of advanced kamikaze drones.

There is one interesting moment in the published video. The Lancet specifically targets the MLRS launcher. Although at the same moment a Ukrainian truck passes along the road. This gives grounds to assert that the UAV operated according to predetermined parameters. That is, he was hunting a large target.

There is another interesting conclusion that experts made based on the analysis of the published video. The RM-70 Vampire MLRS launcher was hit in the near rear of the Ukrainian army. And apparently, there were no air defense systems of the Ukrainian Armed Forces here. This means that with the advent of the modernized version of the Lancet, the Ukrainian military will have to move its weapons away from the line of combat contact. Otherwise, they will become easy prey for Russian loitering munitions.
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  1. +3
    22 October 2023 11: 44
    These are the fruits of the work of IT specialists.
  2. -2
    22 October 2023 12: 55
    It’s nice to read, but the miracle is not a miracle, but things are still there. And if there are no air defense systems, even journalists already understand this, why not treat this area with aviation? Yes, our commanders are in no hurry to liberate Russian lands!
    1. -1
      23 October 2023 20: 43
      This is precisely what they are freeing from aggressive fauna. so as not to miss anyone. otherwise they will change their shoes again and breed again.
  3. +2
    22 October 2023 12: 59
    the inscription on the drone screen “Target captured”

    It is doubtful that this is an inscription on the drone’s screen; most likely this inscription, like the drawing with crossed guns, was made after use, on a computer, for clarification. Data is not displayed on screens in this “picture” font.
    1. +4
      22 October 2023 14: 20
      Absolutely right, even the same font as next to the guns. This is for ease of understanding for those who do not associate target acquisition and adjustment with the corners along the edges of the rectangle on the screen.
      There are specialists who can use software packages such as OpenCV. This is good. But there are still no industries producing domestic hardware on which such software can be run. Do lancets still fly on Nvidia chips? Right? And this is very bad! It is forbidden!!! You can't always rely on gray import schemes! Which are already turning black right now, and a little later, without a doubt, will be blocked!
  4. 0
    23 October 2023 19: 52
    It is not clear from the video that the lancet is being attacked by either an MLRS, or simply a tent with a cross stretched over something.
  5. 0
    24 October 2023 04: 37
    Well done. Something else is sad. Slow War.