Diamonds or diamonds: what will Russia choose?


The Russian Federation is a leader in the mining and export of diamonds; our country occupies almost a third of the world diamond market. The reserves of this resource on the planet reach 1,5 billion carats (1 carat = 0,2 grams), and the average production level is about 118 million carats per year. In Russia, the key diamond regions are Yakutia and the Arkhangelsk region, and 95% of all diamonds mined in the Russian Federation come from Alrosa, which is one of the world leaders in the precious stones market.

The history of the diamond mining industry in Russia dates back to 1954, when the Zarnitsa kimberlite pipe was discovered in Yakutia, which has the status of the first primary diamond deposit in the USSR. Gradually, the Soviet Union became the owner of a diamond mineral resource base of world importance. Despite this, it is necessary to note the fact that in the XNUMXth century our country failed to become an independent player in the diamond market, being satisfied with the role of a simple exporter of diamonds, the main buyer of which was the De Beers company, which at that time had the status of an absolute monopolist in this market.

In the nineties of the last century, market relations came into the life of Russia. In order to preserve the diamond mining complex formed in the USSR, a single joint-stock company, Almazy Rossii-Sakha, was created in 1992 (renamed Alrosa in 1998). The basis of its resource and industrial base was the enterprises of Yakutalmaz (a Soviet trust engaged in diamond mining). As of 2021, AK Alrosa is the largest producer of diamonds in carats on the planet. The company's share in the global mining of precious stones is 27%, in domestic production it reaches 95%.

It is worth noting that the Russian diamond industry still retains a significant part of non-market elements. This decision was made due to the fact that the diamond mining industry was classified as a strategic sector economics, and the diamonds themselves were regarded as a currency value. In addition, it was decided that the structures of AK Alrosa will control all processes related to the study, extraction, production and sale of precious stones. At that time, this path of development could be considered absolutely opposite to the course taken by the government of the Russian Federation towards the disaggregation of production associations and their transformation into independent enterprises. Thirty years later, we can conclude that the creation of such a large vertically integrated company was an absolutely smart decision, which made it possible to preserve the domestic diamond mining industry in difficult times for the country’s economy. The company's shares were distributed between the governments of the Russian Federation and Yakutia, the workforce and the administrations of the regions where mining is carried out, which, in turn, retained full control over the diamond industry by the state, despite the growing privatization boom around it.

In 2013, the company held an IPO, during which 16% of the shares became publicly available, which made it possible to raise 41,3 billion rubles. Already in 2020, Alrosa for the first time overtook De Beers in terms of revenue from the sale of natural rough and polished diamonds, which made the Russian company the leader of the global diamond market.

The spring events of 2022 led to the United States of America limiting the import of cut diamonds from Russia. An exception was made for raw materials that are processed in other states. Within a couple of months, the G7 countries introduced a similar ban. By joint efforts, states unfriendly to the Russian Federation agreed to track the origin and turnover of Russian diamonds entering the international market. Such a decision looks as logical as possible; in the West it was assumed that this would allow an order of magnitude to reduce Russia’s additional income, which our country received through the sale of already cut diamonds, which are somewhat more expensive on the world market. The most interesting thing is that before the sanctions, the Russian Federation processed only about 4% of mined precious stones, so such measures had virtually no negative economic effect on our state. As a result, only the geography of Russian diamond exports has undergone certain changes. Alrosa began to place its main emphasis on India, the UAE and Israel, where precious stones were processed and sold further, no longer falling under sanctions. Despite this, it is necessary to understand that the European Union is currently actively working to introduce new restrictions on the diamond industry of the Russian Federation. Only the authorities of Belgium, which is one of the key consumers of diamonds from Russia, actively oppose this.

Among other things, Alrosa also faced other sanctions problems. Thus, some well-known jewelry houses began to announce their refusal to use diamonds from the Russian Federation in their products. The disconnection of Russian financial institutions from SWIFT has made transactions with domestic companies difficult. However, ousting our country from the world diamond market, given its significant share, is quite problematic. In any case, the industry is gradually adapting to new economic realities.

Having assessed the geopolitical changes that have occurred, the Russian authorities did not stand aside. Thus, already in the summer of 2022, the Russian government introduced amendments to the Tax Code to introduce a zero VAT rate on the purchase of rough and polished diamonds. It was assumed that the changes would increase domestic demand for investment diamonds, thereby minimizing the negative consequences of sanctions for AK Alrosa, by partially switching exports to the domestic market.

In addition, the issue of cutting mined diamonds inside Russia is especially acute. It is more economically smart to sell a processed product, which thereby increases its price. Unfortunately, in the Russian Federation there was practically no cutting of precious stones on an industrial scale, and taking into account the sanctions decisions, one should not expect changes for the better in the foreseeable future. Currently, it is much more profitable for domestic companies to sell rough diamonds for export. In other countries, there have long been legislative restrictions on the export of precious stones that have not been processed within the state (South Africa, Botswana). In this matter, Russia is significantly inferior to them, which leads to an unenviable position for domestic cutters, who lose a significant part of their potential income, losing it to foreign jewelers.
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  1. +6
    21 October 2023 17: 50
    After such articles, it would not be a mistake to call the Russian Federation a Resource - sending raw materials for decades without testing or progress in processing raw materials in the country, and so on for many supplies of raw materials abroad... Of course, private business will always take the easiest path, but this is not officials from the state were engaged, which means they did not fulfill the responsibility of protecting state interests... And who should ask the state. officials for the following: omissions, negligence, or possibly conspiracy and criminal activity.
    1. -5
      21 October 2023 18: 06
      There is nothing wrong when you sell an unfinished product (raw materials). The main thing is that the money from it goes to its intended purpose (to the benefit of the state, and not the conditional Chubais)
      1. +5
        22 October 2023 15: 41
        When the Smolensk plant and other gem cutting plants are on a “starvation diet”, not receiving raw materials, Israeli enterprises receive diamond material in full from the Russian Federation - this is called collusion and criminal activity by Russian officials. Kickbacks are shared with regulators and other officials, such crimes last for decades, with the purchase of villas and houses in prestigious places, families and offspring living abroad. Corruption and embezzlement, a cancer that is corroding the Russian Federation.....
      2. +4
        23 October 2023 13: 48
        There are quite a lot of bad things about this.
        Processing extracted resources increases the cost of their sale.
        It will be much more expensive to sell a chair, rather than just a cut down tree.
  2. +3
    21 October 2023 20: 17
    Firstly, they didn’t remember how, through Kozlenok, in the 90s, spi officials sold the entire diamond fund overseas.
    Secondly, the country has diamond processing facilities (Smolensk), but they are on a starvation diet. It’s easier to drive raw materials over the hill, and it’s more profitable for someone. Well, they drive.
  3. +5
    22 October 2023 05: 08
    Bruliki, brulikaii - are, of course, expensive, I would like to pay more attention to industrial diamonds, which the author does not write about. Considering the existing demand for processing tools, which we produce in small quantities, but could... there is another company in the Russian Federation engaged in diamond mining, this is Almazy Anabara. The thing is that diamonds are kimberlite and impact, depending on the method of their formation. Anabar impact diamonds have no jewelry value, but have no analogues in their hardness, since they differ from kimberlite diamonds in their crystal lattice, and there are no such diamonds anywhere else in the world. Russia has a chance to become a key manufacturer of diamond tools in the world - this must be taken advantage of.
    1. +4
      22 October 2023 09: 33
      It is worth noting that Almazy Anabara is a subsidiary of the same AK Alrosa.
  4. +1
    22 October 2023 08: 54
    Diamonds, definitely. For the simple reason that when they are cut in Russia and other countries, up to 60% of the precious stone is lost. In Israel, thanks to the latest and secret technologies, -13%. Therefore, up to 80% of all diamonds on the planet are cut in Israel. And the international diamond exchange, where 50% of all world diamond transactions take place, is located in Tel Aviv. Business. Nothing personal. Diamond cutting is a traditional occupation of Jews in Belgium and Holland. They founded this industry in Israel.
    1. -1
      23 October 2023 11: 57
      You are changing the essence of what is happening. Technically, there is no difference in production, it’s theft and other “shefts” of officials that result in losses from what they stole, which is why there is a difference in the output products. In Israel they don’t steal from themselves, in the Russian Federation they steal “in black” everywhere and everywhere, which has become one of the foundations of the stagnation of the state.
  5. +6
    22 October 2023 12: 10
    This mineral is widely used in construction and medicine, in instrument making and in industries related to chemical production.
    Diamonds are one of the elements of space and nuclear programs and are used in the field of nanotechnology and the mining industry.
    The fact that we associate diamonds only as precious stones suggests that we do not have an industry for their use. All that remains is to trade “Motherland”.

    Selling the country's resources to a potential enemy means selling the Motherland.

    I.V. Stalin.
    1. +1
      23 October 2023 14: 00
      Quote: steel maker
      Selling the country's resources to a potential enemy means selling the Motherland.

      I.V. Stalin.

      However, under Stalin, at the height of the Korean War, chromium and manganese ore were actively sold to the United States.
      1. -2
        23 October 2023 21: 43
        And not only the Korean War, during the Second World War, jewelry diamonds were taken to America on airplanes, in whole boxes, uncontrollably, everyone is silent about this.
  6. 0
    22 October 2023 15: 17
    Diamonds or diamonds: what will Russia choose?

    Russia will choose what they tell it. Traders in Amsterdam will tell you.
  7. +2
    23 October 2023 08: 01
    Diamonds or diamonds: what will Russia choose?

    The Russian government has already chosen - crackers for the people, the rest for the oligarchs.
    1. 0
      23 October 2023 12: 36
      Quote: prior
      crackers for the people, the rest for the oligarchs.

      Well, just now a swimming pool was opened in a provincial regional center in the Tambov region.
      For oligarchs, you say? and are there many oligarchs in Zherdevka?

      And there are quite a few such examples, even against the backdrop of the Northern Military District.
      1. +1
        23 October 2023 13: 46
        Sorry, but what is this information for?
        1. -2
          23 October 2023 14: 12
          Quote: Viktor Anufriev
          Why is this information here?

          Reply to comment by Hon. prior (Vlad).

          And the fact that Smolensk Crystal was not even mentioned in the article is on the conscience of the authors of the article.
          1. +3
            23 October 2023 14: 38
            It is worth recognizing that the opening of a pool against the backdrop of multi-billion dollar exports can easily be mistaken for crackers.
            Besides, how impressive should the opening of a swimming pool be, which is, in principle, the responsibility of the state? And what is being done with budget funds?

            By the way, regarding Crystal, this is also a structural division of the same Alrosa. And, by the way, the article says that 4% of mined diamonds are processed in Russia. "Crystal" processes part of this 4%.
            1. -1
              23 October 2023 14: 59
              Quote: Viktor Anufriev
              the article states that 4% of mined diamonds are processed in Russia

              Well, the phrase bothered me more

              in the Russian Federation there was practically no cutting of precious stones on an industrial scale

              Quote: Viktor Anufriev
              opening of the pool... crackers.

              Hmm, why wouldn’t you want crackers, on the scale of 13 thousand settlements?

              against the backdrop of multi-billion dollar exports

              All resources in the Russian Federation in 2021 were extracted in the amount of about $3500 thousand per year per person.
              At the exchange rate at that time, it was almost exactly the same as the average pension.
              1. +2
                23 October 2023 15: 18
                Quote from Nelton.
                All resources in the Russian Federation in 2021 were extracted in the amount of about $3500 thousand per year per person.

                Well, consider this, if we have already begun to average and generalize. 3500 dollars per year per person, at the exchange rate of those years, is about 250 rubles per year per person.
                Now let’s multiply this by the population of Zherdevka (13 people). It turns out 000 billion rubles a year, this is the share of the population of Zherdevka from exports, and once every twenty years they opened a swimming pool for 3,2 million.

                It’s quite possible to call it a cracker, I think.
                1. -2
                  23 October 2023 16: 07
                  Quote: Viktor Anufriev
                  It turns out 3,2 billion rubles a year, this is the share of the population of Zherdevka from exports, and once every twenty years they opened a swimming pool for 200 million.

                  They were also paid pensions, roads were maintained,
                  schools, public sector employees.

                  And of that money for resources, a lot was spent on the cost of production and transportation to the point where the announced amounts can be received.

                  The bulk of the funds goes to federal programs.
                  1. +3
                    23 October 2023 16: 15
                    Quote from Nelton.
                    They were also paid pensions, roads were maintained,
                    schools, public sector employees.

                    Again, I don’t understand why you give credit to the state for what it is in fact obligated to do?
                    All this is done at the expense of the people; the state, in principle, does not have its own money to thank them for what is its main responsibility.
      2. -1
        23 October 2023 16: 52
        For oligarchs, you say? and are there many oligarchs in Zherdevka?

        Well, judging by the photo, the oligarchs have a hard time. It's kind of empty in the hall. Because the price of this pleasure is beyond the reach of many locals
        1. +1
          23 October 2023 17: 12
          Quote from Voo
          for the oligarchs of the local spill. It's kind of empty in the hall. Because the price of this pleasure is beyond the reach of many locals

          Well, here they are, oligarchs - the activities of children...

          Quote: Viktor Anufriev
          All this is done at the expense of the people; the state, in principle, does not have its own money to thank them for what is its main responsibility.

          All this is certainly true.
          However, there was a thesis above that the state does NOT do anything like that, it only serves the oligarchs.

          And at the same time, in Yakutia itself they are developing diamond cutting with varying degrees of success.
          At one time it was stated that

          "EPL Diamond" occupies 50% of the diamond jewelry market in Moscow

          1. 0
            24 October 2023 00: 29

            Paratunka. Unofficial photo.
      3. 0
        23 October 2023 19: 53
        a swimming pool was opened in the regional center of the Tambov region

        Praising politicians for building a new hospital, highway or railway with public money is like praising an ATM for dispensing your money.

        David Bowin.
  8. +2
    23 October 2023 18: 19
    Quote from Nelton.
    However, there was a thesis above that the state does NOT do anything like that, it only serves the oligarchs.

    Well, that wasn't my thesis.

    Quote from Nelton.
    And at the same time, in Yakutia itself they are developing diamond cutting with varying degrees of success.

    And all this was said in the article. At the moment, 4% of all mined diamonds are processed in the Russian Federation, which is negligible.
    1. 0
      24 October 2023 11: 26
      Quote: Viktor Anufriev
      Well, that wasn't my thesis.


      Quote: steel maker
      Praising politicians for building a new hospital, highway or railway with public money is like praising an ATM for dispensing your money.

      I do not suggest to praise politicians.
      I suggest a little less to scold an “ATM” that, on the whole, dispenses your money quite well, but does not scatter it to everyone.

      Quote: Viktor Anufriev
      Currently, 4% of all mined diamonds are processed in the Russian Federation

      Now this is a different approach.
      The Russian market, as far as I know (the last time I was in a jewelry store was 5 years ago), is generally occupied by Russian manufacturers.

      As for exports, Russian jewelers will have to desperately compete not only with Israel and Belgium, but with India, where 90% of the world’s precious stones are cut and polished
      And the Indians work with the bulk of consumer goods small stones, and the work is largely manual (at least that’s what they wrote N years ago)
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. +2
        25 October 2023 02: 11
        I'm not suggesting praising politicians.
        I suggest scolding the “ATM” a little less, which, on the whole, quite regularly dispenses your money, but does not scatter it to everyone.

        Money with which, what can you buy? And to whom? Citizens with 5th column? If swimming pools are built here, it is not thanks to, but against the will of businessmen and the state. And with diamonds it will be simple, cheap and, most importantly, for those who need it.
      3. +2
        25 October 2023 10: 12
        I suggest scolding the “ATM” a little less

        It’s not like he’s stupid, but you definitely can’t call him smart!