Why are the Russians afraid of the West

To understand the meaning of words of foreign origin, it is enough just to accurately translate them into Russian. Everyone in Russia heard the word "Russophobia." But do we understand its meaning correctly? Many people think that it means HATE for Russia and all Russian. Is that so?

What is Russophobia?

Claustrophobia is FEAR of enclosed space, agoraphobia is FEAR of open doors. And Russophobia, if you translate this word literally, means FEAR of Russian. Why, then, are they talking about hatred? Maybe hatred comes from fear? Some people hate snakes or spiders because they do not understand them and are afraid. Perhaps spiders hate people the same way and for the same reason.

Today, the level of Russophobia in the "civilized" West is just off scale. Perhaps the inhabitants of Western countries have a negative attitude towards Russians, because they are afraid of them? And they are afraid because they do not understand. For a “civilized" person, the actions of Russians are irrational and unpredictable, so they scare, cause a feeling of mistrust.

I will try to confirm this statement with an example.

Case in the European Outback

It happened in one small provincial French town, suffering from an influx of migrants. Not the fact that all the events described are absolutely true. Perhaps a lot of invented details are added here, or maybe the whole story is invented. I do not know. As they say, for what I bought, for that I sell it.

So, in one small town in France there is a small private shop. Every morning fragrant, warm and crunchy baguettes are brought there. Locals usually come to the very opening of the store and line up.

And one such morning, when the store had already opened, but the seller had not yet begun to release the goods, this extraordinary event occurred. Baguettes stood in baskets, like pencils in a glass, and exuded the aroma of freshly baked bread. The queue waited patiently. But suddenly a flock of strong bearded guys of Middle Eastern descent came in. Five young Arabs, having fun in their own language, went to the baskets and took all the baguettes, and then stood in line.

The mood of the French standing in it noticeably deteriorated, but not a single exclamation of indignation sounded. But these people came for fresh bread that they did not get. But the French did not say anything, since they are civilized and tolerant citizens. Of course, visiting Arabs are a real disaster for the local French, but what can you do.

And at that moment, an exclamation in an unknown language was heard from the line: “What the fuck ...!” Two young men of Slavic appearance separated from the line and approached the Arabs. As the saying goes, trouble does not come alone. The second "trouble", going up to the first, without unnecessary conversations took away all the loaves.

But that was only the beginning. What happened next made it simple to be taken aback by all the French present. The Russians handed out “captured” baguettes to everyone in the line, one in hand. Moreover, the expression on their faces was such that it was impossible to refuse. When each Frenchman had a loaf in their hands, the guys left one for themselves, and the rest of the baguettes were returned to the Arabs. After that, without saying a word, they returned to the queue.

And imagine what a nightmare it was from the point of view of a civilized European. Two Russian guys not only took baguettes from the terrible Arabs, but also distributed them. If they wanted, they could even make the French eat these loaves.

And if the Russians did this with their bare hands, then what are they capable of having Kalashnikovs, tanks and aircraft. Of course, they should be afraid!

The actions of Russian people are devoid of any logic from the point of view of a resident of the "civilized" Western world. Therefore, they cause anxiety and fear.

It is this feeling of discomfort at the sight of Russians that is called Russophobia.
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  1. +3
    5 December 2018 14: 55
    Just Russian have a completely different mentality. There is nothing slavish about this, but there is a sense of pride, pity for the destitute, and the duty, always, in any situation, to come to the aid of those in need, without demanding anything in return.
  2. 0
    6 December 2018 16: 15
    Maybe a bike, but not fiction.
  3. +3
    7 December 2018 10: 03
    The actions of Russian people are devoid of any logic from the point of view of a resident of the "civilized" Western world. Therefore, they cause anxiety and fear.

    No, gentlemen! Take it deeper! Anglo-Saxons know very well who we really are.

    “There is one people that Herodotus (Herodotus of Halicarnassus - about 484 BC) - calls the Hyperboreans, the current name of this people - Muscovy - sounds in the predictions of Paracelsus. (Paracelsus -1493 - the famous Swiss alchemist, doctor, philosopher, natural scientist, natural philosopher of the Renaissance). Hyperboreans in their turbulent future history know a lot - and the terrible decline with a great number of all kinds of disasters and a powerful great prosperity with a great many of all kinds of benefits that will come at the beginning of the 21st century ... "

    The Anglo-Saxons are not only afraid of the revival of Hyperborea-Muscovy-Russia, but in every possible way prevent this. They are afraid of a change in the world order they created, where the "green candy wrapper" rules, and not the soul and heart. The revival of Hyperborea-Muscovy-Russia will bring peace and prosperity to all mankind, not just the Anglo-Saxons.

    ... and the ancient people who live in Muscovy will help them in this. In Muscovy, about which no one had ever thought of as a country in which something great could happen, great prosperity would shine on the humiliated and rejected. They will conquer the sun.
    1. +1
      7 December 2018 21: 06
      God grant. And then the world begins to go crazy.
    2. 0
      19 December 2018 19: 56
      Icarus already tried
  4. 0
    16 December 2018 02: 06
    I heard do not sleep at night ....