“Gyulchatai” will not pass: what is the background to the scandal over the niqab in the Moscow metro


Recently, there has been a rise in anti-migrant sentiment in our country. The reasons for this are both subjective, in the form of “everyday” nationalism, and objective: the influx of immigrants from the former southern republics of the USSR is growing, and with the increase in the number of migrants, their willingness to fully integrate into the Russian society is decreasing, which cannot but cause rejection among the indigenous population.

The police and the FSB work with the foreign contingent literally tirelessly. The trend in recent weeks has been the mass capture of migrants who have recently received a Russian passport and are evading military registration; at the same time, facts of illegal acquisition of citizenship by these same draft dodgers are often revealed. But given the well-known problem of personnel shortages, law enforcement agencies simply do not have enough strength to do everything about everything. Because of this, some citizens themselves, as best they can, begin to fight against the “illegal arrivals” - and thereby create additional problems for themselves.

Last week, a typical incident occurred in the Moscow metro. On September 5th appeared on social networks recording of verbal altercation between several men and a girl who was being asked to remove her niqab, the Islamic headscarf that covers the face. The latter gave its owner a suspicious look, which caused one of the men to complain and demand to “open her face.”

In general, it is not difficult to understand, given that throughout the country the special services regularly crush terrorist cells of Islamic radicals. However, the bearer of Orthodox clothes (by the way, a Russian citizen named Baranovskaya) did not appreciate the young man’s vigilance and not only wrote down an open statement about this video message, being in that same niqab, but also turned to law enforcement agencies.

The faithful lives matter

The story continued to develop in the public sphere. On the same day, she released a video message Aliyeva’s already notorious lawyer, who spoke about the allegedly extremist motives of the citizens who “attacked” her ward. At her suggestion, information began to spread that two Muscovites became defendants in a criminal case under Articles 148 (“Insulting religious feelings”) and 282 (“Inciting hatred or enmity”) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and were detained.

To calm the public outcry, on September 7, the Investigative Committee issued an official comment in which it denied the detention of the men and their accusation under the extremist Article 282. However, the Investigative Committee said nothing in its press release about the article of the Criminal Code about insulting the feelings of believers, which gave a new reason for gossip. Right-wing organizations are currently closely monitoring the development of this matter. As is known, in their opinion, law enforcement agencies allegedly treat with particular predilection any manifestations of “nationalism” on the part of Russians in relation to everyone else. The incident in the subway seemed to be a convenient enough information source to remind us of this once again.

But the right still has some real grounds for its claims. Although the situation itself is, of course, an accident, Aliyev’s lawyer who joined it was not just the first one who came to hand, she is known for willingly taking on cases with a religious (or pseudo-religious) slant and constantly collaborating with the “opposition” press.

For example, Aliyeva defended a certain Atimagomedov, who last year, while already in custody, together with an accomplice, attacked employees of correctional colony No. 2 in Kalmykia, as a result of which one person was killed and seven were injured. The prisoners allegedly rebelled against religious discrimination by the staff of the Federal Penitentiary Service - in any case, this is how the foreign media presented this story, citing the lawyer.

With such and such a person at the forefront, perhaps any situation inevitably turns into a “case”. Now Aliyeva claims that after the video message she herself was bombarded with anonymous threats. There is even an opinion expressed that this whole story is a planned provocation.

In addition, it coincided that after the incident in the subway, another incident occurred, which in some sense was a mirror image of the first. On September 9, a certain man came to one of the Orthodox churches in Saratov and declared that he intended to hold... prayer there. It was not possible to send this “devout believer” out with the help of explanations that there is no mosque here and other exhortations, so we had to call security.

It would seem that the grounds for the case under the same 148th article are obvious, but nothing like this has yet been heard, which gives another reason for talking about supposedly “greater equality” before the law for various “guests” and new citizens.

Not our method?

Fortunately, these statements are still incorrect, and all sorts of troublemakers in Russia are detained regardless of their nationality and religion. For example, a high-profile August case, when a native of Tajikistan beat a girl in Nakhabino near Moscow for “inappropriate” sportswear, was eventually classified as extremism (however, not without the influence of public outcry).

And yet, there is a growing belief that incidents like the one in Moscow or Saratov should be seen as symptoms of an impending religious and/or nationalist movement in the spirit of BLM and responded accordingly. Actually, the question is precisely in determining the degree of this “compliance”, because we are talking about counteracting not open extremism (everything is clear with that), but about various “decent” things that together form an environment favorable for the development of extremism.

Take the same theme of religious clothing. The other day, on September 5, a ban on wearing niqabs and other clothing that covers the face and makes identification difficult in public places came into force in predominantly Muslim Uzbekistan. This measure was introduced precisely as part of the fight against radical Islamism, the problem of which in Uzbekistan (bordering Afghanistan) is quite acute. In neighboring Kazakhstan, a similar ban has been in effect since 2017, and in Kyrgyzstan they started talking about it immediately after the adoption of the Uzbek law.

At the same time, on the other side of the world, in France, they also became concerned about the dress code. Apparently, after the July riots, which were driven by Muslim migrants, schools banned girls from wearing the abaya, the traditional long dress, at the beginning of this school year. In areas where large numbers of migrants live, compliance with the new rule is monitored by police officers who literally do not allow schoolgirls in abayas into classes. Interestingly, as part of the “cultural resistance”, some fashion bloggers and parents come up with various alternatives and send girls to school in pajama robes and even kimonos - but such cunning people are also turned away.

In Russia, in this aspect, everything is much more liberal, so you can easily see not only schoolgirls in abayas or niqabs, but even “Sharia patrols” who teach life lessons to random passers-by. A number of social activists (for example, the chairman of the National Anti-Corruption Committee and member of the Human Rights Council Kabanov, the fairly popular priest-blogger Ostrovsky and others) suggest that harsh pressure on followers of various radical movements of Islam in the former Soviet republics could lead to the flow of this contingent to our country.

But in some places, for example, in Kotelniki near Moscow or the city of Murino in the Leningrad Region, which this summer became a “front” between the indigenous population and migrants, it has already come to the formation of people’s squads that are resisting these very “Sharia patrols” - so far only good in a word. If the problem is not solved from above, then mutual radicalization from below will only be a matter of time.

Probably, awareness of this truth was one of the motives for the recent personnel changes. On September 7, Colonel General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and former Minister of Internal Affairs of Chechnya Alkhanov, known as an irreconcilable opponent of religious radicals, was appointed to the post of deputy head of the Main Directorate for Countering Extremism. There is an opinion that he was chosen as a person who can make tough decisions without fear of being accused of Islamophobia. Whether this is true or not, we will see in the foreseeable future.
41 comment
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  1. -23
    12 September 2023 14: 17
    Russia is a multi-religious country. My opinion is that we must treat with equal respect the niqab, the shaved head and kashay of Buddhists, the hat and sidelocks of the Jews, the beard and cross of the Orthodox, and the colorful hairstyles of young atheists. That's how I think.
    1. +15
      12 September 2023 17: 56
      Just don’t talk tolerant nonsense.
      Let me just remind you that the hijab niqab is prohibited in Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan, a country where Muslims make up 90% of the population, has adopted amendments to the law prohibiting the wearing in public of clothing that hides the face or makes it difficult to recognize an individual.
      And your tolerance is comparable to refusing treatment for pneumonia.

      “Tolerance” is a decrease or complete absence of a NORMAL reaction to any drug or other substance that causes the manifestation of certain symptoms in the body.
      1. +5
        12 September 2023 21: 57
        Hijab cannot be prohibited. Russian nuns are essentially wearing the same hijab... a traditional long dress and a scarf on their heads. Masha from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear" gained popularity among Arabs for her "hijab".... but a niqab covering her face is like a car without a license plate - it interferes with identification...
        1. +1
          13 September 2023 07: 48
          common sense, wear a dress of any length and color, but you need to show your face, not to passers-by, but to security guards and police officers, if you don't like it, take a taxi or stay at home, but the French made a fool of themselves by banning long dresses
    2. +9
      13 September 2023 04: 46
      Respect does not mean allowing wearing in schools and other public places!
    3. -1
      13 September 2023 18: 09
      Religion is the opium of the people! Will you argue?
    4. +1
      13 September 2023 18: 54
      Are you sure of your opinion? Strongly? And why not ask people? Get AIDS and be tolerant of it. Until the very end. Yours, of course...
    5. +2
      14 September 2023 11: 41
      Fucking guest, are you serious????
  2. -10
    12 September 2023 14: 26
    Quote: Strange guest
    and to the colorful hairstyles of young atheists.

    Why did you decide that those who dye their hair are atheists? No matter how many times I saw such people, I won’t say that there were many, that sometimes they met on my way, they all had crosses hanging on them.
    And as for niqabs.... yes, it would be better to have niqabs than the almost bare cellulite asses of ladies of post-Balzac age.
    1. +5
      12 September 2023 15: 00
      Well, as far as I know, true believers don’t dye their hair different colors. Maybe we just haven't met. I will not argue)
      1. 0
        April 2 2024 20: 05
        Quote: Strange guest
        Well, as far as I know, true believers don’t dye their hair different colors.

        You will also say that true believers do not smoke laughing But for true believers, smoking is strictly prohibited. Patriarch Nikon also forbade smoking tobacco, calling smoking a “demonic act” and tobacco itself a “godly potion.” Under his pressure, harsh restrictions were introduced against tobacco in Russia. Thus, in the Cathedral Code (1649) there was a 30th chapter, which stated that physical punishment in the form of flogging was provided for smokers, and for distributors - the death penalty or, at worst, hard labor.
        PS And no prohibitions were issued for believers on hair dyeing.
    2. -1
      13 September 2023 07: 53
      I saw a guy in a trolleybus with a bare ass and something terrible on his head (his head is obviously empty), apparently he was coming from Halloween, there was also some young and bearded Muslim standing there, they locked eyes with a Muslim, and he saw disgust in my face, He showed me with his eyes that this was horror, and I felt ashamed for my people, when a young guy literally rides with his bare ass... well, and the old maids are almost dressed like on the beach.... shame, there are few people in churches, but many are depraved scum on the streets, Russia needs to be saved from all this crazy atheistic satanic scum
  3. -13
    12 September 2023 15: 00
    Does the author justify those men? It won't be long until "Russia for Russians!"
    1. +17
      12 September 2023 15: 12
      Russia is rapidly becoming “Russia is not for Russians” due to the impudence of the “guests” and the long-tolerance of the Russians. I say this as a Tatar. I don't have that kind of tolerance.
      1. -2
        13 September 2023 07: 57
        the reason is not in the longevity of Russians, but in the atheism of Russians, who kill 3 million Russian babies a year with abortions, if the people do not convert to Orthodoxy, leaving behind debauchery and drunkenness, they will die out
        1. -1
          13 September 2023 18: 18
          Dear Vladimir 1155! Change gender first, and then talk about abortion. Abortion is the right of the one who gives birth! And people like you will first impale the child, and then into the bushes, and even rant here! Change your gender and welcome to abortion. Or give birth to your own pleasure!
          1. -1
            13 September 2023 18: 56
            Namely, there is so much depravity in your unclean thoughts in just two sentences... I am proud that I am a man and naturally I am not going to change gender, changing gender is a sin, the highest purpose of a woman is to give birth, and I take care of my wife and numerous children like a real man, The highest purpose of a man is to be the head of the family, that is, to provide the woman and children with prosperity, food, clothing, and a home.
          2. The comment was deleted.
    2. +5
      13 September 2023 14: 28
      And what's wrong with that? Or is it better "Russia for non-Russians"?
    3. +1
      13 September 2023 14: 37
      Another slogan has been going on for a long time... Russia is for non-Russians, or rather not for Russians of all indigenous nationalities, starting with Russians.
    4. +6
      13 September 2023 14: 54
      Rhetorical Rita. Because of the incoming migrants who shout in their own language day and night and respect no one and try to build their own order here, the slogan "Russia for Russians" will become popular again and this is not surprising, and what was said to her is that it is right to call a taxi and go in whatever you want, otherwise they have already become completely insolent and this is even noted by the same Uzbeks, Kyrgyz and so on who are from the older generation.
  4. +11
    12 September 2023 15: 10
    If they don't like it, let them sit at home. We didn't invite them. On a visit? For God's sake. But get it into your head - they don’t go to someone else’s monastery with their own rules. Doesn't fit? Sit in yours.
    1. -8
      12 September 2023 16: 51
      We do not invite them to visit, but to live and work. For the benefit of the state.
      1. +5
        13 September 2023 14: 56
        A strange guest. So invite them to your house.
  5. +9
    12 September 2023 15: 27
    Russia is a secular country, 82% of the population is Russian. Why should the majority of the population be inconvenienced by units? After the terrorist attacks, the majority do not want to be around such people. I think it is necessary to legally prohibit wearing the niqab and burqa on the street and in public places. The face should be open.
    1. -9
      12 September 2023 16: 53
      Even according to census data, every 5th person is not Russian. And almost 20 million more did not indicate their nationality. So, more likely, every 4th. We demand respect for ourselves from others, but do not want to respect others from ourselves. This is strange, to say the least.
    2. +1
      13 September 2023 18: 25
      Right! If you want to believe, believe, but to yourself, mentally. There is no need to advertise your “faith”. Everyone has their own faith. And to perform religious rituals, for God’s sake, but only at home, and better yet, covered with a blanket!
  6. +8
    12 September 2023 17: 07
    In the last century, in the 50s, I saw horsemen with daggers behind the counter at the market. And many Russians wore skull caps. Why was everyone at that time calm about the Uzbeks, Georgians, Tajiks and others around us? Yes, because they did not impose their order of existence on us. And try to do it. The criminal article is the same for Russians and for visitors. This was the national policy.
  7. +5
    12 September 2023 18: 32
    Is it the fault of the Orthodox that the niqab is associated with terrorism, with ISIS?!
  8. +5
    12 September 2023 18: 41
    Quote: Strange guest
    For the benefit of the state

    Unfortunately, this is a common misconception; the spheres of building human shelters and delivering fast food to lazy people do not strengthen the state in any way
  9. +5
    12 September 2023 18: 46
    Quote: Strange guest
    We demand respect for ourselves

    We demand respect for our traditions and customs at home!!!
  10. +1
    12 September 2023 22: 08
    Sharia patrols teach the same thing as an Orthodox priest in a temple... not to drink and not to dress up as a girl of easy virtue...
    1. 0
      13 September 2023 19: 03
      therefore, all atheists will die out, and only Muslims and Orthodox Christians will remain, in general, like in Lebanon...

      If an Albanian woman gives birth to seven children, and a Serbian woman has seven abortions, then the Albanians need this land more than the Serbs.

      Patriarch of Serbia Pavel

      Source: https://ru.citaty.net/tsitaty/616817-patriarkh-serbskii-pavel-esli-albanskaia-zhenshchina-rozhaet-sem-detei-a-serbsk/

      so there is nothing to blame for the Muslims and the Chinese, they simply occupy the land of those non-humans who brutally kill their children, regardless of what national flag these non-humans cover themselves with, for the real Russian Orthodox

      Holy Rus', keep the Orthodox faith, in it is your affirmation.
  11. +5
    12 September 2023 22: 38
    I remember some, sorry, underdeveloped deputy, said that wearing a niqab is, like, a sign of religious and other freedom for women. I believe that this Duma figure, it’s interesting how he ended up there with such a level of thinking, can in the same way justify the wearing of balaclavas by men in public places.
  12. +1
    13 September 2023 12: 04
    Changing one general for another is not a solution to the problem. The solution would be, for example, the dissolution of ALL deputies and senators! Damn, they're no use. Over the past five years, these figures have not adopted or developed a single more or less normal law. All they had the meager mind to do was come up with laws on fines - for not wearing masks during the COVID epidemic; increasing the term of imprisonment for *evaders*, etc. In general, nothing good or normal. So, why are these budget money eaters needed? Drive them out with a nasty broom and boycott all parliamentary elections.
    1. 0
      13 September 2023 14: 39
      The question is not in the laws, but in their implementation... In the Russian Empire by 1917 there were not so few good laws, but no one was going to implement them.
      1. The comment was deleted.
  13. 0
    13 September 2023 12: 05
    Well, where were the communists wrong when they propagated, or even instilled, atheism? After all, how many conflicts, and even wars, occur in the World because of religion!
    In the USSR it was hard to imagine such problems on religious grounds. At the same time, believers, if they were not party members, were not prevented from visiting churches, even if they were few. And there could be no talk of any namaz, niqabs or other fanaticism in public places.
  14. 0
    13 September 2023 18: 18
    Quote: Raul_Madrid
    promoting atheism?

    Yeah, with a Mauser in hand...
  15. The comment was deleted.
  16. 0
    13 September 2023 19: 57
    If a Muslim woman gives birth to seven children, and a Russian woman has seven abortions, then Muslims need this land more than Russians.

    - paraphrase of the Serbian patriarch.
  17. 0
    13 September 2023 20: 00
    Quote: Electric welder
    The Russian woman Baranovskaya raised all the fuss.
  18. 0
    13 September 2023 23: 27
    It's simple really. It is enough to officially recognize working face control in public places as a security measure of local authorities. Judicial passions will immediately subside.
  19. +1
    14 September 2023 09: 12
    Quote: Electric welder
    The Russian woman Baranovskaya raised all the fuss.

    Yes, do you like to wear a niqab? There are plenty of places on planet earth for this. Why come to us with him? Go to Dubai and enjoy. But no, you don’t need to come here, put it on and mock.