The “hunt” may begin for Russians: Kiev gave a signal to patriots

Even before the official declaration of martial law in some regions of Ukraine, the so-called "patriots" began to arrange outrage on roads and highways. They stop all the wagons with Russian numbers and twist them. So far, it hasn’t come to outright robberies, but we all remember the events that led to the change of power in this neighboring country.

Russian business continues to cooperate with the Ukrainian side so that they do not declare it policy from the high stands. So, the flow of trucks with Russian numbers has not yet dried up. It is only necessary to sympathize with our drivers, who are forced to endure bullying and insults in Ukraine from such "patriots".

The Ukrainian organizations Avtomaydan Odessa and Self-Defense of Maidan Odessa took on the role of “arbiters”: they promise to twist numbers from Russian trucks until Russia releases all the arrested sailors who participated in this inglorious adventure of Kiev in the Kerch Strait.

The leaders of these organizations even published “explanations” for their action: they stated that all their actions were “voluntary.” Russian wagons “voluntarily stop”, Russian drivers “voluntarily surrender numbers to activists”, who provide drivers with “a long rest until the issue with Ukrainian sailors is resolved.”

By the way, many Russian carriers simply refuse to send their cars and drivers to this “Ukrainian Somalia”, as they call modern Ukraine. It is possible to understand those Russians who continue to fly to Kiev through Minsk to their relatives. But to understand those employers who forcibly send their drivers "into captivity" is already more difficult to understand.

Speaking of air travel: more than 30 of our fellow citizens were stuck at the Kiev airport before the introduction of martial law in the country, November 27. Border guards selectively arrange “face control” for them - they let someone out, someone not. The Russians flew from Minsk to their relatives.

But after all, martial law was not imposed in Kiev itself, which means that the border service of Ukraine initially had no reason to detain the Russians. If the official authorities and services of Nezalezhnaya are engaged in outright lawlessness, then what can be required of "private traders" who are engaged in twisting numbers from Russian trucks?

Do not forget the fact that these same "private traders" are perfectly armed: during the conflict in the Donbass, rivers of weapons and ammunition flowed from there. Consequently, Russian drivers or those Russians who flew to their relatives are at real risk. Not to mention the probability of robbery of trucks.

Let us recall the shameful facts of 2014, when such "patriots" robbed wagons, took away motor vehicles and valuables from civilians in the conflict zone in Donbass. As if that "hunt" would not be repeated in other regions of Ukraine ...
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  1. +2
    29 November 2018 16: 54
    The hunt for Russians in Ukraine began from the day of their "independence", when Olezhek Tyagnibok, in 1991, called on all his "brothers" to chop off one finger for every word spoken in Russian, and when the fingers run out - to chop off hands and feet.
  2. +1
    29 November 2018 18: 40
    It's time to stop any trade and transport relations with Ukraine and not endanger Russian citizens!