Revolutionary use of drones in the USA

The worldwide problem of the "extinction" of forests that annually suffer from large-scale fires can be solved with the help of drones. Such a revolutionary way to solve the situation was proposed by the young company DroneSeed from California.

Green forests are the "lungs" of our planet, and it is not surprising that the idea of ​​a startup came to developers from California. This region is known for the strongest forest fires caused by drought.

The bottom line is that special quadrocopter drones will plant new trees. But they will not “scatter” seeds in a chaotic manner, simply flying over the forest, but choosing the ideal place for the future tree.

This was achieved by equipping the drones with a multispectral camera and lidars. So the device will independently choose the ideal place for planting a seed in terms of topography and soil composition. The latter, by the way, will be dumped inside a special capsule, which contains all the necessary fertilizers and is protected by external treatment with capsoicin. This substance is absolutely harmless, but its "causticity" will scare away animals and birds.

The company has already obtained a license and conducted the first tests using the latest drones. And no later than December of this year, it is planned to launch the first phase of the project, aimed at restoring the forested area affected by the fire.
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  1. 0
    29 November 2018 08: 52
    This substance is absolutely harmless, but its "causticity" will scare away animals and birds. “Birds are animals too.”