Martial law will collapse the Ukrainian economy

Over the past five years, the Ukrainian government has repeatedly shown that each of its actions leads to a deterioration of the situation in the country.

The introduction of martial law in several regions of Ukraine, which President Petro Poroshenko dragged through the Verkhovna Rada, was no exception.

According to Viktor Medvedchuk, the leader of the public movement “Ukrainian Choice - the Right of the People” and the representative of the opposition platform “For Life”, the introduction of martial law in the developed industrial regions of Ukraine will lead to a noticeable drop in GDP and will kill the already weak the economy countries:

The martial law introduced in these most developed industrial regions of Ukraine is a “control shot” at the economy of our country, the destruction of the remnants of its attractiveness and predictability in the eyes of investors. The decision taken inevitably leads to a drop in Ukraine’s GDP, a decrease in the level of salaries in these areas, and provokes an infrastructure and social crisis.

The politician believes that in making such decisions, President Poroshenko and the pseudo-opposition that supports him consciously work to split Ukraine.

And with the opinion of Viktor Medvedchuk, one of the last sane politicians Ukraine, it's hard to disagree - the country is entering a period of extreme instability, which may end in one of the worst crises in its entire history.
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  1. +1
    29 November 2018 07: 51
    According to Viktor Medvedchuk, the leader of the public movement “Ukrainian Choice - the Right of the People” and the representative of the opposition platform “For Life”, the introduction of martial law in the developed industrial regions of Ukraine will lead to a noticeable drop in GDP and will kill the country's already weak economy:

    To ruin their economy for the current Ukrainian government is almost a usual thing. For some reason, Medvedchuk ignored the fact that in 30 days of the interim government, to which the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine agreed, it is possible to destroy and disperse objectionable political organizations and movements so that until March they will not be able to exert a noticeable influence on the elections of both the president and the Verkhovna Rada ... According to the list of activities of the EaP, it is possible to legally remove and isolate any person from society for almost infinite periods. After the introduction of the Interim Government, our government must openly and directly declare that the election results will not be recognized by our government and the politicians who have come to power in Ukraine will not be considered legitimate. It is necessary to recognize the LPR as a "republic of Ukraine", to form a "government in exile" there and to build appropriate diplomatic and other relations with it.