Germany and France - against toughening anti-Russian sanctions

The provocation organized by Ukraine in the waters of the Kerch Strait did not bring the result that Kiev was counting on.

Despite calls by the Ukrainian authorities to strengthen sanctions against Russia, the international community reacted rather restrained to the incident.

Quite indicative in this respect is the reaction of Berlin and London, which, according to the German publication Die Welt, at a secret meeting of European diplomats in Brussels, simultaneously opposed the tightening of anti-Russian sanctions and stated the need to "develop confidence-building measures."

And this despite the fact that individual high-ranking politicians from European countries, the question of increasing sanctions pressure on Russia was nevertheless raised.

This reaction of the two leading countries of the European Union indicates that the EU, on the one hand, is already tired of the increasingly insane tricks of the Ukrainian authorities, and on the other, they understand that over the past years, restrictive measures against Russia have not only yielded no result, but also negatively affect the countries of the European Union.

One gets the impression that now the leaders of Europe have stood still waiting for another miss of Petro Poroshenko, which will allow them to completely abandon all obligations to Ukraine.