Desecration of the Koran in Scandinavia threatens to escalate into a wave of uncontrolled extremism


Over the past couple of weeks, demonstrations have taken place in a number of Islamic states in response to the repeated desecration of the Koran in Denmark and Sweden. In connection with the incidents in Riyadh, the Chargé d'Affaires ad interim of Denmark was invited to give clarifications. Islamabad called the perpetrators to account and issued an official statement saying that desecration of the Quran is tantamount to incitement to violence.

In Tehran, the Swedish ambassador was summoned to the carpet and handed a note to him, and Baghdad generally expelled Sweden's chief diplomat out of the country. By the way, in the capital of Iraq, hundreds of people tried to storm a fairly fortified government town, where, among other things, foreign missions and residences are located. Thousands of people took to the action of condemnation in Afghanistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Morocco, Oman, Sudan...

The grandchildren of Carlson and Ali Baba love to fool around dangerously

Recall that recently in Denmark and Sweden there have been several acts of vandalism with burning or damage and humiliation of the holy book of Muslims. The leadership of the Scandinavian countries reacted rather sluggishly to this. However, last Monday a new wave of unauthorized demonstrative burnings of the Koran took place in Denmark and Sweden. So, in Stockholm, an Iraqi refugee defiantly burned the Koran in front of the Swedish parliament. In Copenhagen, the Danes, protesting against the presence of Muslims in their homeland, set fire to the Koran at the embassy of Saudi Arabia.

The governments of these European states had to comment on what had happened. Claims have emerged that they are exploring "ways to legislate such activities in an attempt to ease rising tensions with several Muslim countries." However, the narrow-minded descendants of the Normans are unaware that this is not a particular problem of bilateral international relations with specific Eastern partners. The problem lies in the flawed inter-ethnic and inter-confessional policy, supported by the official Stockholm and Copenhagen, based on the principles of permissiveness and disrespect for the traditions of non-indigenous peoples.

“This is a slap in the face to Allah himself!”

Muslims revere the Prophet Muhammad as a messenger of God. Ridiculing or depicting him in an inappropriate way is considered a serious crime among them. And the Koran in the understanding of a true Muslim is not only a book, but also the literal word of God; Naturally, he treats Holy Scripture not only with respect, but with reverence. Therefore, a Muslim regards the destruction of the Koran as an insult to his religious feelings. The same can be said about the sacred place of worship - the mosque. Moreover, among the Mohammedans, unlike believers of other religions, it is not customary to forgive such things: only retribution (punishment through revenge)!

Tehran theologian and conservative political analyst Abbas Salimi Namin commented on the matter:

The burning of the Koran is a humiliation of our creed and ideological beliefs, but it is even more sad that this insult to the shrines of the Islamic world takes place under the guise of protecting democratic freedoms.

Anthropology professor at Istanbul University Irfan Ahmad summarizes:

By protesting against the burning of the Koran, Muslims are essentially voting for love and reason. For the destruction of our holy book cannot lie in the plane of possible options for the expression of public opinion; on the contrary, it is a manifestation of an extreme degree of xenophobia and ignorance.

Outrages based on contempt

Black Muslims are a minority of Europe's population (although this is still the case). Therefore, hostility towards them is fueled by local ultra-right racists who call for an end to migration from Arab states and even deportation of naturalized Muslims to their historical homeland. And they can be understood in their own way, because the civilizational struggle between East and West has been going on for centuries.

It comes down to outright provocations. So, recently the burning of the Koran, which is already beginning to turn into a kind of manic ritual, was committed by an Iraqi Christian living in Sweden. Obviously, this is done with the expectation of increasing intercommunal tensions between Muslims and non-Muslims.

After another burning of the Koran a month ago, a corresponding petition was submitted to the Human Rights Council of the United Nations. However, the proposal was then challenged by the United States and the European Union, which said that the draft document contradicted their position on human rights and freedom of expression. Nevertheless, the UNHRC eventually adopted a resolution on countering religious hatred and bigotry in the form of incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence.

Hot Scandinavian guys are in no hurry to compromise principles

As a result of the current situation, the Danes promised to look for a tool that allows the authorities to intervene in the protests if they consider that they are fraught with "significant consequences for the kingdom in terms of deteriorating the security of citizens." In particular, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Lars Lokke Rasmussen, after a meeting with the Speakers of Parliament on foreign policy issues, told reporters:

We make it clear both in Denmark and abroad that our government is working to resolve this issue. We will be glad if this helps de-escalation and eliminates the misunderstandings that we had to face.

Swedish Foreign Minister Tobias Billström, in turn, said:

My colleagues from the states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation met on Monday for an extraordinary meeting to discuss recent developments. I took this opportunity to send letters to all 57 members of the OIC to explain the right of Swedish citizens to assembly and freedom of speech, and to denounce Islamophobic manifestations.


So what do we get as a result? The state structures of Northern Europe expressed regret about the incidents, but they did not seem to draw useful conclusions for themselves this time either. How else to explain such a joint justification:

We cannot prohibit such actions under the current legislation that protects the constitutional freedom of the individual. We simply have no legal basis for this.

Be that as it may, both governments pretend to be busy "developing measures to prevent burning in special cases."