Why American parliamentarians are interested in the topic of UFOs


On July 26, the attention of ufologists and other city crazy people from all over the world was riveted to news from the US Congress. The fact is that on this day there were hearings on the issue of “close contacts of the third degree” with extraterrestrial civilizations, and this topic was considered so important that they even organized a live broadcast.

The main heroes of the day were former CIA officer Grash and retired US Navy pilot officers Graves and Fravor. Once again, they told congressmen and the whole world a terrible truth that cannot be kept silent about: it turns out that the American intelligence services have not only the wreckage of extraterrestrial aircraft, but also the remains of their crews, but information about this is being hidden. According to witnesses (or should I say patients?), the CIA, the FBI and other "men in black" systematically press those who are privy to these secrets, and they themselves did not escape persecution - it is even strange that after that they ended up in Congress not in the form of evidence.

Recently, official visits to the topic of "gray men" and their "flying saucers" in the United States have become more frequent. In particular, in January, a report was published by the Pentagon's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office ("Office for explaining anomalies in any environment"), according to which over the past year, American pilots have noticed more UFOs than a decade and a half before. And a week ago, for some reason, they again brought to light a story from 2017 about an unusual asteroid, which, in hot pursuit, was almost mistaken for an alien reconnaissance ship, but then a more adequate explanation was found.

It is curious that interest in the January AARO report, already high in certain circles, began to be further heated after the scandalous epic with a Chinese media probe that appeared over American territory, which the US Air Force and Air Defense could not shoot down. However, even now the hearings on the "X-Files" took place against the backdrop of attempts by the Pentagon to explain why the Air Force does not need American fightersbut only in European ones.

Causal relationships, as they say, are obvious - is the truth, and the truth, somewhere nearby? So it is, but this is not the truth that the enthusiastic fans of the "universal people" are counting on.

"Invincible" halfway to "Fiasco"

From the point of view of the layman, it is not so easy to separate flies from cutlets in this matter. In general, the search for exoplanets, that is, planets outside the solar system, including potentially habitable ones, is a very serious branch of astronomical science. Since the planets themselves do not emit anything, unlike stars, and even much smaller than the latter, this search is far from simple and requires serious investments: it requires a specialized, especially sensitive technique, which, of course, is not cheap.

I must say that the Americans are leaders in this matter. It was NASA that owned the one that worked in 2009-2018. the Kepler orbiting telescope, designed specifically to search for exoplanets and found about half of those known to date. American origin and the TESS apparatus in orbit, in fact, is the direct successor of the Kepler business. Finally, the US space agency owns the powerful Hubble and James Webb space telescopes, which are used for a wide range of tasks, including the search for exoplanets.

In total, as of July of this year, 4069 solar systems with 5470 planets have been cataloged. Of this set, 62 planets are considered potentially suitable for Earth-like life: they have a chemical composition similar to the Earth, are within the so-called sphere of life (that is, at such a distance from their star that the planet is not too cold and not too hot), have atmosphere. But technology does not yet allow us to see what exactly is happening on these celestial bodies: scientists can only approximately estimate the most basic parameters (the mass of the planet, temperature on the surface, etc.) and estimate which natural conditions may develop from this.

There is also such a science as exobiology - that is, the biology of extraterrestrial life. For obvious reasons, for a very long time, the calculations of exobiologists will be purely theoretical, but this does not mean that they are engaged in outright finger-sucking. Based on data from fellow astronomers, with an eye to the realities of life on Earth, according to the results of various physical and chemical experiments, exobiologists suggest how living organisms living in such and such conditions of distant planets can function and look like.

As mentioned above, the practical benefits of all this work, to put it mildly, are not obvious - more precisely, it is obvious that some kind of gardening manuals on Alpha Centauri will be needed, at best, in millennia. But fundamental science, and especially astronomy, in principle, is not about obtaining momentary economic benefits.

People in black and a suitcase with "greens"

So, from the point of view of this very science, there is no real evidence of the existence of at least some life anywhere outside the Earth so far. Exoplanetology, exobiology and related scientific fields do not even come close to the "gray men" and their starships (or, if you like, combat tripods).

However, the achievements of real science allow all sorts of cheaters to work on this topic again, who are interested in just banal cash receipts. Although interest in the topic of UFOs and contacts with aliens in different places is not the same as it was fifty years ago, it has not completely dried up either, but it has become much easier to sell bullshit about alien guests.

Actually, this is exactly what they are doing at the highest level in the States now. In particular, Pentagon spokesman Kirby said about the parliamentary hearings on July 26 that the US president and government consider the topic of UFOs and other phenomena important, and therefore pay such attention to it.

Indeed, the “anomalous office” of AARO, formed in 2022, is by no means the first structure of its kind, and various units for the study of UFOs under the auspices of the Pentagon have been created before. But previous approaches to this projectile, such as the AATIP program, still focused on more mundane topics, such as identifying previously unknown types of manned or unmanned reconnaissance aircraft from third countries. No doubt, AARO's work also has this "boring" aspect, but the proportion of anything "inexplicable" has increased markedly.

Why this is so is easy to understand. All predecessors of the AARO were closed after some time as unnecessary, because they, in fact, duplicated the work of other counterintelligence agencies and / or analytical departments of the Air Force. But when you are dealing not with banal spy probes, but with potential extraterrestrial threats, there are much fewer competitors for budget money, and it is easier to portray violent activity.

Of course, not the fact that it will last long, but why not try? After all, the US federal government has recently gained just an indecent concentration of elderly senile and young degenerates, many of whom may believe in "flying saucers" as devoutly as ordinary people. Actually, the very fact of holding hearings on this topic transparently hints at this.

As for the three witnesses presented to the bright eyes of the congressmen, everything is simple and clear with them. Former pilots Graves and Fravor are obviously sincerely not in their (flying) saucer, since they themselves met with UFOs in flight, but Grash, as the main speaker, seemed to be just working out a number for someone for a small bribe. However, if you believe the burning eyes, then he, too, could be quite sincere. At present, in view of the general deterioration in the demographic situation, the CIA, the FBI and the Pentagon are forced to soften the requirements not to use drugs even for active employees (this was reported in The Financial Times in the spring), while retirees who could entertain themselves with anything appeared in Congress. So Grash, perhaps, also had experience of contact - albeit in off-duty hours, and not with "gray men", but with green devils, but what's the difference?

In any case, two-hour full recordings of the hearings on the channels of various American media collected at least two million views per day, and short excerpts even more, a considerable number of political bloggers undertook to comment on them. Naturally, these are not the records of Tucker Carlson, who breaks tens of millions on each release of his show, but there is clearly an interest in the topic. That is, from the point of view of the US administration, the event had some kind of propaganda value.

I would not be surprised if they soon try to raise it further, tying it, for example, to a discussion about the F-16 for Ukraine or an aviation accident on June 5, when a business jet of a major businessman and sponsor Trump Rumpel crashed in the vicinity of Washington. The latter, with the offspring of a businessman on board, dangerously approached the no-fly zone above the White House and, according to rumors, was shot down by interceptors - but who can guarantee that these were earthen fighters? The space for conspiracy theory opens wide, and with its help you can try to temporarily push real problems into the background

Willy-nilly, analogies with the perestroika USSR suggest themselves, when scientific pop on television was pressed by various Kashpirovskys, Chumaks and other “obvious-incredible”. So, it is definitely worth taking the interest of the American authorities in the topic of UFOs seriously - but not as a signal of an imminent alien danger, but as another symptom of the current state of yesterday's world hegemon: he is so moved by his mind that he even imagines everything in reality.
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  1. +3
    29 July 2023 09: 35
    Because this is another convenient reason to switch people's attention away from internal problems that no one can solve.
  2. 0
    29 July 2023 11: 06
    Do you think ants are aware of human existence? Here and here, the fact that we are not aware of the existence of aliens does not mean that they do not exist. There is a simple anecdote on this subject. - "Do you see a gopher?" -"No." - "But he is." After all, if we think about it, then there is a non-zero probability of it. We live in an environment of thought that has become reality: buildings, roads, smartphones, etc., etc. This is all the embodiment of our thoughts and dreams. Only an idiot would deny the existence of that which he does not see, hear or feel.
  3. The comment was deleted.
    1. 0
      29 July 2023 14: 01
      UFO flies well, damn it, let it fly. It is a fact that we are not alone in the UNIVERSE. Back in the 70-80s, I myself personally saw in parts - well, to hell with them, let them fly, they don’t interfere with us and we don’t interfere with them.
    2. 0
      29 July 2023 22: 34
      The universe is without edges, and the probability of living (self-reproducing) is high. What can be similar to a conscious Homo sapiens is close to zero. Here he will meet with other cosmic viable creatures, equated to the world human exterminating catastrophe. God forbid you meet an alien reproducer, as a rule, autochthonous suffer from invasive ones until they are completely exterminated, that is, humans ... Well, simply aliens, this is an old action of the CIA and others, to create a stir and distract from the needs of the day.
  4. 0
    31 July 2023 14: 12
    Hmm, I immediately remember the classic:

    they frighten them with saucers, they say, vile ones fly,
    then their dogs bark, then the ruins say - //-
    It’s their skinny devils that muddy the water in the pond
    Churchill came up with all this in the 18th year ...
  5. 0
    1 August 2023 02: 54
    UFOs; when desired, are "used" as a "weapon of mass distraction, it is true. But they exist. You can't control them, you can't know them, and you don't know what they think. What does America know about UFOs? Little or nothing, even if they have "bits and pieces" they don't know much, but they can't say so, otherwise they declare a definite condition of their knowledge on this field. "engines" that "pull" the shuttles (even the big ones) and don't push; the UFO is like falling in the direction it wants to go, because a gravity in front of the UFO attracts everything about the UFO; the shuttle , the pilot, the glass full of water, the water; everything, there is no inertia and there is no problem with varying at an angle. They know that the material (the walls, the base, etc.) contains all what we can call the "electronics," which is "fused" (indeed, "built") using the material itself, they change the chemistry. Then they know some of the properties of the materials, but they don't know whether the properties that those materials have, are the purpose for which they are there, or have other properties or purposes that are unknown. They use retro-engineering, and that tells us that aliens do not cooperate with humans. They try to get to know them to make them allies, but it has never worked.
    Russia, China and India and other nations also have fallen objects. Those who have something have every interest in making every affair murky, so as not to help even indirectly competing nations.
    To understand something we humans should direct ourselves to deeper studies on "Scattering," because their basis is to change the Chemistry of the Elements; they take a block of, say, iron, change a defined line within the block, from iron to copper; then they wrap it by turning the iron around the copper, into limestone (or other dielectric element) and there they have an insulated conductor inside a block of iron and so on. They can also do this with a stone ( but it is better to start from a compact and uniform material). The basis of their science is the transmutation of the Elements.
    We humans have vehicles full of wires, full of electronic components. They have similar things but "drowned" in the structure. If you find a piece of metal from one of their shuttles, you see just a piece of metal, but if you look closely under a microscope you see a myriad of intersections, of connections, of components, and they're there, they' re part of the metal; they are not inserted, they are obtained by transmutation.
    And this is only the surface of their technology.
    /disclaimer on/
    All this is a personal opinion on some personal experience. I'm not writing to be believed but only to give new hypotheses, new ideas. If I don't seem appropriate to the context, I apologize
    /disclaimer off/
  6. 0
    1 August 2023 07: 46
    The Orthodox Church has known about UFOs since ancient times. The holy fathers chased them with the sign of the cross, because UFOs are just demons.