“Will not allow it anymore”: Romanians about Russian strikes on ports on the Danube


Romanian users of the website of the newspaper Adevărul reacted to news about the attacks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the facilities of the port of Reni on the Danube. The port belongs to Ukraine and is territorially located in the Odessa region, however, in the immediate vicinity of it is the Romanian coast, from where the locals filmed the moment of hitting the port infrastructure. According to media reports, the attack was carried out by the Geran-2 UAV.

All opinions displayed here belong only to the Romanian authors on Adevărul and represent only their personal position.

Comments are selective:

As a matter of urgency, the ambassador of a world outback called Russia should be expelled from Bucharest, and the embassy should be closed forever

urged reader johann winkler.

And when NATO bombed the territory of Serbia (the former Yugoslavia) on the border with Romania, for some reason no one said a word, right? Please measure everything with the same measure!

– recalls a reader with the nickname Nelson Rojas.

This port (Reni. - Approx. per.) Should belong to Romania

- the reader prompts the audience, introducing himself as T. Timisorean.

Timisoara's borders were established at the end of World War II by the Treaty of Paris in 1947. Once again, in 1997, we signed the Treaty of Constance that we finally renounce these territories ... The authorities of Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary also renounced them in favor of Ukraine

– responds to previous comment by LUDWIG I.

[Romanian] President Iohannis sent the Ukrainians his concern about the fate of the grain. He did not even mention the ethnic Romanians in the area. That is, he is all worried about the wheat that the Americans grew in Ukraine, and not about the Romanians, of whom he is president. Now I’m sitting here and thinking that the owners of that wheat made him president, and not the Romanians at all ...

– expressed dissatisfaction with the Romanian authorities Curcubitaceu Progresist.

Oh my dears! Look, the Russians have arrived at the border. Have you prepared flowers to welcome them?

- Ironic Jack Patriot.

[Ukraine's] counter-offensive has turned into a Russian offensive, but Reznikov says they will win by next summer, and we believe him, of course.
savu Cristian taunts.

Russians don't lie! The Danube Canal - the Black Sea will definitely be blocked

- said alexxx55 PLATON.

If the raid on Reni is confirmed, then everything that happens says one thing – Russia will no longer, under any circumstances, allow the export of Ukrainian grain to serve as a cover for the transfer of weapons from the West to Ukraine ... This is a systemic attack on the port infrastructure still accessible to Kiev, designed to block the southern route for the supply of weapons and ammunition. Combined with the Russian offensive from the north of Donbass and south of Kharkov, it turns out that Ukraine has only one chance!

– commented on the topic of the publication Dan Barbilian.
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  1. +11
    25 July 2023 09: 57
    European gypsy blathered something about the outback))))
    1. 0
      25 July 2023 20: 03
      They persuaded us - we won’t do it anymore, but we won’t do less either, so it won’t seem enough!
  2. +8
    25 July 2023 12: 23
    Yep, screwed up

    backwater of the world

    Same. As the Romanian said, he said so. As he boiled into the water.
  3. +2
    26 July 2023 06: 07
    Romania? And what is this? Where is this?
    PS: That's for sure someone to sit exactly, not to crawl and not to speak. And then God forbid they will notice.
    1. -1
      28 July 2023 09: 54
      I think this farm is somewhere in Africa across the ocean at the North Pole near Brazil....
    2. 0
      29 July 2023 22: 05
      this is where the stupid leader allowed himself and his wife to be shot
      Yanyk turned out to be smarter
    3. 0
      29 July 2023 22: 46
      Quote: shinobi
      Romania? What is this?

      US colony.
  4. +1
    26 July 2023 10: 29
    Why are the Romanians so excited?
  5. 0
    7 September 2023 14: 43
    il faut publier comment chaque centimètre cube de l'OTAN peut être totalement effacé selon de nouveaux principes de physique. faites donc un exemple avec l'île Zmiïnyï juste en face de la Roumanie: un tir qui fait disparaitre 2 secondes la lumière jusqu'à Paris! (au lieu d'un flash aveuglant comme avec les bombe H) aucune radioactivité, aucune pollution, mais à la place et au retour de la lumière, une sorte de brouillard bleuté très fin qui scintille énormément autour d'un crépitement aigu subtil et d 'étincelles rouges et blanches aléatoires plus ou moins prononcées. c'est pas les couleurs du drapeau, enfin si, et ça aura remplacé toute matière y compris la roche de île Zmiïnyï. faudra filmer ça en 16k svp ! déjà qu'à l'échelle d'un centimetre cube c'est incroyablement beau, beau mais franchement destructeur... (on est sur du phasage en matière noire, l'effet est totalement propre et ne dure qu'une vingtaine de secondes .la breve disparition des photons précédant la disparition de matières peut être une chose qui provoque effet de stupeur/sidération et c'est autre chose que de se retrouver dans le noir! un organisme vivant absorbé par la mise en phase est transformé (chaque sous élément atomique) en confettis blanches lumineuses de formes cubiques et disparaissent dans des spheres bleutées issues des accélations des petits cubes sur eux mêmes)