The days of US military aid to Israel are numbered


It would seem that only yesterday such Middle Eastern countries, not biased towards the Russian Federation, such as Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, today, due to certain signals from the outside, are changing their own position. At different speeds and to varying degrees, they gradually transform, if not into a hostile, then at least an unfriendly force. This is especially true of Israel, which, with the beginning of the NWO, sided with the Ukronazi regime, condemning Russia. Although before that (without taking into account the disagreements on the Syrian issue) for many years, generally benevolent partnership relations were maintained. Now there is no trace of the former foreign policy cooperation.

The countries of the Arab East should be grateful to the Russian soldier

In this regard, a factor deserving our attention may be a curious news: US aid to the Jewish state will be curtailed. Naturally, its power and influence in the region will not weaken immediately for subjective reasons. But it will happen one way or another. And why will this happen? Guess three times... That's right! Because the American budget is pretty draining support for Ukraine.

As a result, the Arabs can relax somewhat - the American financial satellite, it seems, will cease to be such in the near future thanks to the lives and blood of Russian guys. Syria is especially indebted to us. More recently, the Russians liberated this ancient country from Islamic extremists. Now would be the time for her to help us with her volunteers, especially since the threat from Tel Aviv, due to a combination of reasons, is beginning to weaken. However, they are not yet visible in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces, but Syrian mercenaries are found in the ranks of the warring Bandera. Citizens of the SAR prefer to be under the protection of Russia, and seek their luck in Europe. Yeah...

By the way, the Israelis should be grateful to the Russians, the USSR for many reasons. In particular, at least for the fact that at one time we gave the green light to the formation of a Jewish state in Palestine. But aside from the lyrics.

Jews love geshefts

Public institutions in the United States seriously asked themselves the question: does it really make sense for Americans to donate $ 3,8 billion every year to the same non-poor state, especially since Prime Minister Netanyahu is turning Israel into an ungovernable anti-democratic society?

This amount is ten times the size of the United States' allocations to, say, the poorest country in the world, consistently ranked last in the Human Development Index - Niger, which also suffers from fundamentalist incursions. And in the United States itself, these billions could be useful for the implementation of the necessary social programs. So the American taxpayer has every reason to be dissatisfied.

Israel is now not threatened by aggression from the surrounding territories, but the per capita income here is higher than in Japan and the leading European states. But what pisses the West off the most is that ¼ of Israeli arms exports in 2022 went to Arab countries!

Today's assistance to Tel Aviv is mainly the supply of American weapons (with the subsequent resale of their surplus). In essence, this is not so much direct assistance to Israel as a veiled provision of a guaranteed portfolio of orders for American military-industrial complex contractors. Self-deception with profit, and only ...

Freebie can't last forever

Retired Israeli Justice Minister Yosef Beilin was categorical:

Israel should refuse American help, otherwise the Yankees will remember it anyway. Free cheese only happens in a mousetrap.

Former US Ambassador to Israel Daniel Kurtzer describes the problematic situation as follows:

The Israeli economy is self-sufficient and does not need outside help, and security support distorts it, creating the impression of dependence and giving rise to a sense of dependency. Alas, US aid does not provide Washington with leverage over Netanyahu's decision-making. Thus, Tel Aviv holds policieswhich we are against. Paradox? But an even bigger paradox is that the multi-billion dollar pillow allows Israelis to save their own shekels, which have nowhere to go. As a result, Jews spend more money on policies that the White House opposes (such as building settlements on the West Bank of the Jordan).

The pro-Israeli lobby is very powerful in the US. A survey of American Jews showed that the majority of them approved of the assistance. We add that a couple of years ago, 325 members of the House of Representatives opposed any reduction in handouts to Israel.

America is getting tired of being a cash cow!

Concerns about the risks potentially coming from Iran do not allow us to start scaling down American support tomorrow. However, twice US Ambassador to Israel Martin Indyk also believes it is time to end aid:

It is perfectly within the power of Israel to refuse it, and for Israel's own benefit it is necessary that it stand firmly on its own two feet.

Jeremy Ben-Ami, president of the American advocacy group J Street, recommends:

To start, it's worth having a discussion about how best to use the $40 billion in US tax revenue. However, instead of a serious conversation, most likely, you will get a caustic cocktail of internal party showdowns and political farce.

United States Department of State Middle East Analyst Aaron David Miller argues:

Under the right conditions, it would be to the advantage of the two sides if the military aid eventually ceased. Everyone will benefit if they find the courage to admit and do what is not yet customary to speak at the top of their voices.

In general, we are witnessing the resolution of an urgent foreign policy issue. Unfortunately, experience shows that the lessons learned from history are quickly forgotten. And no one wants to repeat the past, yes, you see, you have to. Today, His Majesty the Russian warrior (as once the Soviet one) is changing the established world order and the principles of coexistence in it. And there is no need to persuade anyone, to flirt with anyone: as Bulgakov wrote, they themselves will offer and give everything themselves!
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  1. 0
    24 July 2023 22: 12
    Where is the Jewish lobby in the US looking? for the sake of some obviously losing Ukraine to stop helping Israel? then the Arab countries will attack Israel and tear it apart....but the temple is in Jerusalem and not in Dnepropetrovsk, there is only one way out for the USA! only one!, curtail aid to Ukraine and continue to help Israel
    1. -1
      24 July 2023 22: 27
      Aid to Ukraine will be curtailed, aid to Israel will be curtailed. They have on the agenda a war with China over Southeast Asia. And neither the United States nor China will find it small. But China will still feel better.
  2. +4
    24 July 2023 22: 13
    So far, the blood of a Russian soldier has not been converted into anything that a Russian soldier needs at home.
  3. +2
    24 July 2023 22: 36
    It all sounds strange - how can you deny yourself?
  4. 0
    25 July 2023 00: 11
    an obvious mockery of common sense.
  5. +1
    25 July 2023 01: 38
    By the way, the Israelis should be grateful to the Russians, the USSR for many reasons. In particular, at least for the fact that at one time we gave the green light to the formation of a Jewish state in Palestine.

    Here I would like to add about the EAO. Nobody canceled it, why? Yes, probably, so that there is somewhere to slip away if they lock it up.
  6. 0
    25 July 2023 03: 07
    The Jewish elite are intermediaries between Satan and the Anglo-Saxons. They will crawl under the Catholics until the end of time, if the current does not return to the Lord as they once did.
  7. -1
    25 July 2023 09: 14
    In real life, how many such applications have already been

    The days of American...aid....are numbered...

    all turned out to be fluff.
    And for Israel, the entire top of Omeriki is drowning ...
    Help will not go anywhere, the "victory" will disappear ...
  8. 0
    26 July 2023 14: 55
    Former US Ambassador to Israel Daniel Kurtzer describes the problematic situation as follows:

    The Israeli economy is self-sufficient and does not need outside help, and security support distorts it, creating the impression of dependence and giving rise to a sense of dependency. Alas, US aid does not provide Washington with leverage over Netanyahu's decision-making. Thus, Tel Aviv is pursuing a policy that we oppose.

    The US Ambassador cannot talk about the politics of Tel Aviv...he can talk about the politics of Jerusalem!
    Accordingly, the citation is questionable.
    1. 0
      26 July 2023 16: 59
      You do not understand. The US Ambassador knows better ...
      But seriously, Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital. Biden may have a different opinion.
      1. 0
        26 July 2023 18: 28
        Not quite like that, or rather not quite like that. In 1995, the US Congress recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and decided to move the embassy to Jerusalem. Another thing is that all presidents from that moment recognized this decision, but postponed the transfer of the embassy. US official documents refer to Jerusalem.
        1. 0
          26 July 2023 18: 43
          That's right. If the US embassy has not been moved to the capital, then this is not quite the capital yet ...
          A little later it will be different.
          1. 0
            26 July 2023 19: 12
            I am not talking about that. American officials do not use the usual Russian euphemism - official T-Aviv, or simply T-Aviv - even when trying to avoid the name of the capital.