Ukrainian anti-aircraft missiles hit a number of objects in Odessa


Last night, the Russian army launched a massive attack on military facilities in Odessa. Cruise missiles "Caliber" and X-22 were used. The main targets of the attack were ammunition depots. In addition, it is known about the defeat of the Shkolny airfield. It was from this air harbor that the Armed Forces of Ukraine regularly launched drones into the territory of the Russian Federation. According to reports from the field, the detonation of ammunition at the airfield continued almost all night.

However, the distinguishing feature of the last strike was not at all the defeat of large military facilities, their Russian missiles were destroyed before. But last night, the Russian army managed to overload the Ukrainian air defense system.

In particular, at least three S-300 missiles fell immediately after launch, and two more exploded in the air, failing to hit the target. The failure of the Ukrainian air defense system this time directly affected the state of civilian facilities in Odessa, in particular, residential buildings, including high-rise buildings, were hit.

The fragments of S-300 missiles seriously damaged the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral, located in the center of the city. It is still difficult to judge the scale of the damage, but the first video footage from the scene indicates that a Ukrainian air defense missile hit the building.

Ukrainian anti-aircraft missiles hit a number of objects in Odessa

The fact is that if the X-22 missile, the warhead of which has enormous destructive power, had hit the cathedral, the cathedral would most likely have been completely destroyed. Most likely, the temple was struck by a missile of the S-300 complex that went off course.

It will be possible to finally dot all the "i" after the analysis of the rubble. But the Ukrainian side is unlikely to want to publish this information.
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  1. +2
    23 July 2023 09: 27
    Khakhlo is already squealing that this "aggressor" is destroying historical monuments on purpose, and not that their air defense is being launched by an ass-legged krivoruk.
  2. +1
    23 July 2023 10: 16
    Well, yes .. Warhead missiles S-300 150 kg against warhead KR Kh-22 Burya 960 kg. There is a difference.
    1. 0
      24 July 2023 14: 38
      Who knows what it was. Of course, the cathedral could not be the goal of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. However, options are possible. From the Ukrainian S-300 missile defense system to the downed head of our missile. Here in Belgorod, anti-aircraft gunners shot down a Ukrainian missile, and it fell on a multi-storey residential building and turned the top floor around. Luckily, no one was hurt. In a word - war, not NWO.
  3. +2
    23 July 2023 10: 17
    And what about the port of Yuzhny? Still intact? To know whose gesheft is there.
    1. 0
      24 July 2023 14: 41
      In general, the Yuzhny port is a multi-kilometer capital structure with cranes, piers, and warehouses. In order to completely destroy it, a raid of hundreds of heavy bombers is needed, and then perhaps in several raids. And missiles destroy certain important targets, and even then, the result is not always obvious.