Who actually staged the famine of the 30s in the USSR?

Yesterday, Ukraine began to celebrate another “memorable date” - “85th anniversary of the Holodomor-genocide”. Such “significant days” are already there now: you won’t make out whether it’s holidays, or a wake, or, simply, another dance on the bones. It should be noted that this year, like in no other case, this undertaking “unbroken” enjoys broad and powerful support from the West. Why it happens? Why has Ukraine been rushing with this tragedy almost a century ago, piling mountains of lies and fabrications around it? In order to get answers to these questions, it is necessary, first of all, to honestly and objectively name the true culprits of those terrible events.

It’s necessary to start here with the fact that the term “Ukrainian Holodomor” was coined ... by two Americans, in itself completely incorrect and unreliable both historically and morally-ethically. His "fathers" - Robert Conquest and James Mays themselves are colorful figures. The first - an inveterate polygamist who did not come closer to the USSR closer to Bulgaria (and even then - until the establishment of Soviet power there), for no reason, suddenly declared himself "the world's leading specialist in Stalinism." In fact, he was simply a professional anti-Soviet - an employee of the first British intelligence, and, subsequently, the CIA. Conquest was also “famous” for the fact that at the request of Ronald Reagan he cooked Russophobic and anti-Soviet “horror stories” for the election campaign of the latter.

James Mace was with Conquest, who launched the pseudo-historical term "great terror in the USSR" as an assistant, but in some ways he surpassed his teacher. There is some kind of “black” surrealism in that a descendant of the Cherokee Indians who were subjected to the most genocide by Anglo-Saxon immigrants suddenly began to compose stories about the Stalinist “genocide” of Ukrainians. No less evil irony lies in the fact that he took the figure from the ceiling about "10 million Ukrainians tortured by hunger in 1932-33," Mace showed the world at the Holocaust conference in Israel. He ended up losing his job in the United States and moving to Ukraine in order to bring the “poor” natives of their “national tragedy” to the poor natives, but instead he completely drank himself and died in complete poverty ...

Around the end of the 80s of the last century, the topic of famine in Ukraine suddenly began to actively “rise to the shield” in the USA. A “Study Group" on this subject, whose executive director was Mace, was created by the US Congress in 1986. At that time, it was simply one of the many components of the ideological war that America waged to destroy the Soviet Union. However, even after this goal has been achieved, the “famine” attempts of our overseas “friends” are not that they have not stopped, but even intensified. Why? The reason is simple and unambiguous - the main culprit is that the United States of America was really starving and dying in certain territories of the USSR in the 30s! Evidence of this is more than enough. We proceed to their thoughtful consideration ...

Towards the end of the 20s of the last century, the Western world realized with horror - the Soviet Union stood firm and was not going to “self-destruct”! All hopes that the Bolsheviks would not remain in power and that the young state of workers and peasants would collapse by itself turned out to be untenable. The agriculture of Soviet Russia by 1923 reached almost the pre-war level, and by 1927 the volumes of 1913 exceeded the industrial production in the USSR. The gold Soviet chervonets introduced in 1924 was a quite stable and convertible currency.

At the same time, alarming things were happening in the country that did not portend anything good to it in the future. Yes, the slogan "land - to the peasants!" It was performed. But what did this lead to in reality? The fragmentation of peasant farms was twice as intense as before the revolution. A smaller farm means a poorer crop. At the same time, in parallel with the ruin of part of the peasants, a new bourgeois layer was forming in the countryside. Fists are not a Bolshevik invention at all! It would seem - who was harmed by the fact that part of agricultural producers grew rich, while enlarging their farms? There was ... In 1924, having gathered an excellent harvest, these "strong business executives" did not want to give the state bread at a fixed price, but began to hold it, waiting for "better times", to speculate with food, prices for which soared to the skies by the end of the year .

It was after this that the idea of ​​collectivization arose. This was, in fact, completed by 1927 - 400 thousand collective farms, instead of 25 million small-scale peasant farms, were the first step on the way to the Stalinist “big breakthrough”. Yes, it was he who owned the idea that the USSR should “run through” for some ten years the century by which it lagged behind the industrially developed countries of the West. It was then that the famous Stalinist sounded: “Otherwise they will crush us ...”

But maybe Joseph Vissarionovich was simply an alarmist, paranoid, what were the numerous Western and echoing domestic liberal “researchers” trying to convince us of? Perhaps he invented everything - and there was no threat to the Soviet Union at all? Whatever the case ... We will not consider the claims of the Western capitalist countries, whose expeditionary forces were knocked out of Soviet Russia with such difficulty during the Civil War. The vast territories and infinitely rich natural resources of the USSR did not give them rest, as did the “bad example” of creating the world's first socialist state, which continued to be contagious to their own citizens.

However, there was another danger - in the years 20-30, hordes of White Guards were preparing to fall upon our country, who had not disappeared and were just waiting in the wings. Unfortunately, too many even sufficiently educated and erudite people nowadays continue to adhere to the opinion of white emigration that was created not by, to put it mildly, authentic Soviet films and literary works by Bunin and Averchenko. “The fragments of the smashed to smithereens ...” These same “fragments” were very sharp, numerous and longed for revenge, having very real chances for such! The Russian All-Military Union - one of the main organizational structures of the White Guard military emigration, was not at all a bunch of visionary clowns. Acting in close cooperation with the armies and military intelligence of France, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Japan, the White Guards were not just a real force - power!

Denikin and Wrangel have not gone anywhere, and, most importantly, their troops have not gone anywhere. Only in Bulgaria, as of 1922, the seventeen thousand army of Wrangel was deployed. White generals in all seriousness planned a landing in the Crimea, a rebellion in the Kuban and the like. In 1923, Soviet intelligence estimated the number of White Guards standing "under arms" at 43 thousand people - and this is only on the Western border! But there were also huge colonies of “former” in the Far East - from the unfinished Kolchakites to the White Cossacks. And, most importantly, imperial Japan standing behind them, arming, inspiring and guiding them. Now the Japanese are buzzing: "Well, give the Kuril Islands already!" It was in 1945 that they were insanely happy that the Red Army had not entered Tokyo (and it could have been!). And then, inspired by the victories of 1905, the samurai seriously considered plans for an attack on the USSR and the seizure of territories from it to the Ural Range. For admonition, Hassan and Khalkhin-Gol, new planes and tanks, an updated, modern, well-armed Red Army were needed.

Without the swift and ruthless Stalinist industrialization, the USSR would have been doomed. In the West, they understood this perfectly, and that's why they started against us economic a war that cannot be compared with the current sanctions. The skirmisher became, as usual, the United States. Their Secretary of State Robert Lansing was the first to put forward the idea: “to strangle the Bolsheviks with devastation and famine,” and that was back in 1919. In 1925 (just a year after the introduction of the gold dime), all the same America, Britain and France impose a “gold blockade” against the USSR - from now on, our country can not acquire goods in the West even for gold.

“Bolsheviks” in the West also do not give any loans. All that remains is the currency that, as you know, a country can only gain from selling its goods or raw materials abroad. But the enemies of the USSR took care of this too - starting in 1930, the US Treasury began to systematically bring under "anti-dumping laws" almost all of Soviet exports - timber, lumber (and even matches), asbestos, manganese and more. The rest of the capitalist countries fully support the restrictions. In the very near future, the USSR has only one export item - grain.

It would seem that the behavior of the West is not just illogical - it is crazy! Since 1929, the greatest financial and industrial crisis is raging there - the Great Depression. But the USSR is ready to buy goods that simply have to be destroyed due to overproduction. However, the United States, Britain, France are introducing more and more restrictions on trade with him. Such actions seem inexplicable only at first glance - in fact, the capitalist West was convinced that it was a win-win game. Hunger will strike the USSR — the people will rebel, the Bolsheviks will end! The Soviet government will not decide to sell bread abroad, it will disrupt the plan of industrialization - and the country will become a victim of military aggression, being unable to fend off the much better equipped and armed armies of the capitalists. The West arranged any option - it just turned out completely different ...

Knowing full well the risks involved, Stalin took the bread from the peasants and continued the “great breakthrough”. Serious historians have long proved that Moscow didn’t let any cannibalistic grain procurement plans go. Raking out all the bins from the bins, to the last spikelet, to the grain - the bad zeal of local leaders who sought to curry favor. In the very Ukraine, this was precisely what its native natives did — and not the “Basques” sent from the “center” with the secret aim of killing as many people as possible.

The idiotic myth that Stalin strove to “bring to the root” the inhabitants of Ukraine is easily refuted by one single point: all the activities of the party and country leadership in the 30s were aimed, in fact, at one thing - hectic preparations for the inevitable big war. In this case, only a madman will specifically reduce the population of the region, which traditionally gives the state a huge number of soldiers! Neither Stalin nor the rest of the members of the Soviet government were crazy and cannibals, of course. But the West, which already then nurtured predatory plans for the Soviet Union, was just such an option that was ideally suited.

By the end of the 30s and the beginning of the 40s, the USSR came in second (after the USA) in the world in terms of industrial production, ahead of Britain, France, Germany in many respects, and, most importantly, being able to provide itself with absolutely any product, military or civilian. All the blockades and sanctions were lifted, because in the West they realized that it was useless ... Now they could only war, and the West began to grow Hitler. Without the “great leap”, without the tragic and tearful breakthrough of Soviet Russia in the mortal race imposed on us, our losses in the Great Patriotic War would not be 26 million, or even orders of magnitude higher. Surely, almost the entire population of the USSR would first become slaves of the "Aryans", and then - fertilizer for their fields.

No one says there was no famine. Nobody calls to forget about the victims. However, the heart-rending cries of the "famine" that are heard today from the lips of the Washington Pharisees and their Kiev lackeys - have the same price as the cries of "Stop the thief!" Issued by the bastard who just pulled off someone else's wallet. The famine that struck the USSR in the 30s is yet another of America's countless crimes against our people. Someday she will answer for him too ...
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  1. -1
    25 November 2018 19: 28
    I always talked about buying grain that was unnecessary to the West at that time. The article only confirms my comments.
    1. -3
      26 November 2018 00: 53
      For some reason, the current rulers do not consider their "pension reform" repressions - your phrase is from some branch. So the author of the article, in justification of Stalin, brings the idea that his wife, of course, cheated, but only with her husband's close friends, and this does not count. And I will say that it is meanness to justify meanness. And not by hearsay, but relatives survived the famine. Although, what does it mean, we survived - only one of ten children remained, and the fact that she left the village for Kiev was lucky ...
      1. 0
        26 November 2018 10: 48
        Nice for the minuses :) Probably, we need to apologize to the author - after all, America, damn it, ruled and steers, - then staged a Holodomor, now the pension reform and other "benefits" for the population. Here, damn it, a bitch, itching to her.
      2. +2
        27 November 2018 22: 23
        Quote: Oleg9999
        And I will say that this is meanness to justify meanness. And firsthand, and relatives survived the famine. Although, what it means to survive - out of ten children, only one remained, and the fact that she left the village in Kiev was lucky ...

        I can tell you that about 3000 km from Kiev, my relatives were also starving in the same way. They ate quinoa and nettle. My mother reproached me with this swan constantly, until I flared up, "I now also eat swan? Will it be easier for you if I eat it?" Then she stopped. So you were not alone there starving. And if you read all my comments on Topwar, then I wrote about the American Holodomor. Apparently Stalin also suited him. Well, out of meanness. And Steinbeck probably forgot to remember him in his "Grapes of Wrath". So it is not necessary to press the "child's tear" out of me and play on emotions. There are historical facts, not fictional fictions of bourgeois propagandists who can easily kick the dead. So so, sir from Kiev. Everyone was starving, and the Urals and the Volga region too. It's just that the USSR did not single out the Holocaust and Holodomors, since they have a purely nationalist orientation and the privatization of suffering for propaganda speculation.
        1. 0
          28 November 2018 06: 59
          A hungry childhood was evidently affected, for which you are grateful to Comrade. To Stalin. As the senator from Smolensk recently stated, hungry childhood gives a clear mind in old age. And the Americans took away the bread from your mother, yeah, changed into the Red Army, yeah, and for three ears of wheat ten years in the camps, too. And Stalin had nothing to do with it, all the same, he didn’t plant a quinoa, and thanks for that. Slavery in you was, is and, unfortunately, will be. Although do not pass on the children, it is contagious.
        2. +1
          28 November 2018 09: 54
          Yes, in fact, the senator also write that the quinoa is not ready. And stamp your foot in the end so that she certainly understands that you are not joking.
        3. 0
          2 January 2019 20: 58
          wrote correctly, but the one to whom you turned will not understand.
  2. +1
    26 November 2018 12: 08
    Our Duma once confirmed 7 million victims. (I did not read the decision, they wrote)
    And recently standing up applauding Amerov-senators (video available). And Trump was congratulated too.

    And the article is lying. There are sales lists by year, and there is grain in all years. And grain there in the 30s - 20-30%.
  3. +1
    26 November 2018 13: 47
    If the White Guard had such strength, then why didn't they conquer a state for themselves somewhere in the Mediterranean, like Israel? Or did the "allies" from the Entente not allow it?
  4. The comment was deleted.
  5. +1
    6 January 2019 16: 59
    How are reporters like you fundamentally different from scientists like me? Here it is: "Only a madman will deliberately reduce the population." So, lovely reporters: be patient like scientists. Now, according to the media, there is a terrible preparation for various mega-wars. Well, patriotic interests clashed. AND WHY IS ABORTION NOT PROHIBITED IN UKRAINE OR IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION? Here's a topic for a thoughtful investigative journalism, dear incorruptible reporters. Promising, let's face it, the results are sensational. What's happening? How is this so, in the context of a global arms race, and government funding for abortion? Where is logic, where is reason, where is common sense. You have ALREADY caught the commanders in the Ukraine and Russia in madness. So don't stop. Good luck.
  6. -1
    15 February 2019 19: 59
    It’s necessary, to be able to put everything upside down!