The world's first electric motorcycle printed on a 3D printer in Germany

The German company BigRep created the world's first electric motorcycle printed on a 3D printer. Using additive of technologies all elements except the electrical part were made.

A total of 15 parts were printed, of which a motorcycle was assembled. Among them can be called a frame, rim, airless tires. The battery, electric motor and headlights were made using traditional technology.

The largest printed solid element has dimensions 120x45x20 centimeters. Considering that the overall dimensions of the electric motorcycle are 190x90x55 cm, this is impressive. The product has a weight of about 60 kilograms.

The creators of this two-wheeled vehicle paid great attention to the wheels, using a number of interesting innovations to create them. For example, it is worth mentioning deformable elements that play the role of shock absorbers. The front wheel has less weight than the rear. This makes driving a motorcycle more convenient.

BigRep called its brainchild "Nera e-motorcycle." We are not talking about the mass production of such electric motorcycles, especially since the company did not set such a goal for itself. The motorcycle was created to demonstrate the technical capabilities of 3D printers produced by this manufacturer.