An assistant robot will work on the ISS

On July 2, 2018, SpaceX delivered the first CIMON artificial intelligence assistant robot to the International Space Station (ISS). This interactive mobile crew companion (Crew Interactive Mobile CompanioN) was created specifically for the German Center for Aviation and Cosmonautics, and was set up for testing by the astronaut (astronaut) Alexander Gerst.

The assistant robot was developed by Airbus. It is a sphere resembling a volleyball ball weighing five kilograms, equipped with artificial intelligence Watson AI from IBM, a screen with an animated face and fourteen fans (they help to “swim” in zero gravity).

And now, the developer company reported that in November 2018 the first tests of this assistant robot on board the ISS were performed. His navigation system, the operation of sensors and video cameras were tested.

Alexander Gerst worked with him for an hour and a half, after which CIMON returned to its place in the ISS module. CIMON is able to convert voice requests to text, communicates with ground stations and issues a response. So the developers are sure that it will be useful in carrying out various scientific and technical work on the ISS.