Why do foreigners like Russian men

The interest of foreign men in Russian women has always been consistently high, and the Russians answered and reciprocate. Among interethnic marriages, “foreigner - Russian woman” couples make up the majority, and some ladies purposefully get acquainted only with foreigners and money plays far from the main role here. What is the matter?

Negative myths and stereotypes about Russian men began to take root in public consciousness for a very long time - even in perestroika times. While Russian men fought in numerous wars, survived and pulled their families into the "dashing nineties", biased media convinced women of the worthlessness of their own male compatriots.

What Russian men do not blame! For some, they are too rude, for others, on the contrary, passive and cowardly, for others - aggressive. Almost always, Russian men are accused of drunkenness. But the best evaluation criterion is how foreign women from different countries relate to Russian men who are fed up with their own compatriots.

Olivia came to Moscow from France to work in one of the joint companies. Of course, she immediately drew attention to the Russian men, began to notice how they differ from her fellow citizens. According to Olivia, Russian men retain in themselves those “good old” masculine qualities and behavioral attitudes that have almost come to naught in Europe:

In France, we meet either passive men who are afraid to give you a hand or open the door, or aggressive migrants. Russian men are cultured, but also courageous, they are always ready to help a woman, since they consider her a weaker sex. I like it…

Many Russian publications write that our men allegedly do not care for themselves, are conniving to their appearance. But foreigners believe that this is not so. Mexican Leticia, who visited our country at the World Cup, is recognized:

Russian guys are very strong. It’s immediately obvious that they are watching themselves. After all, they are macho - in this they are similar to our guys, but much nicer

Margaret from the Netherlands does not particularly agree with her. She was also in our country and believes that for a Russian man it is much more important how his companion looks than he does. Therefore, on the streets of Russian cities we can see many couples where a woman flaunts in an expensive fur coat, gold jewelry, and a man in a modest tracksuit. Indeed, for a Russian guy, what his girlfriend looks like is a matter of his own prestige.

Communicating with foreigners and raising the topic of their relationship with Russian men, you understand that they see us completely different from what our own Russian press portrays us. Yes, and many Russians who left for Europe, Asia or Africa for their “unusual” husband, then become disappointed, begin to yearn for their homeland and for such familiar and pleasant Russian men. Says 43-year-old Evelina, who lived in Switzerland for 7 years:

This is here at home, he is “bad Vanka”, “drinks vodka”, and how you talk to the people of civilized Europe, who basically do not open the door to a lady, who don’t pay money to you in a cafe, borrow money from their own wives, you just want to go home. And Vanka already also wants to forgive everything
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  1. +5
    19 November 2018 14: 34
    And for a Russian peasant, it was never better than his women. They are alien aliens in Africa, although there are often exceptions.
    1. 0
      19 November 2018 19: 22
      Well, in Africa, there are hardly any exceptions ...
  2. +2
    19 November 2018 19: 15
    You need to look for a Russian peasant in the outback. That is, a horse ride from St. Petersburg to Moscow with stops in settlements.
  3. +2
    19 November 2018 21: 25
    Its some rear-wheel drive and there were other necrophiles and zoo lovers !!!
  4. 0
    20 November 2018 00: 35
    Ha. Take a look at the picture.
    If there is money, there is a man.
    No money - what for a foreigner needs.
    Look, Peskova ask
  5. +1
    20 November 2018 10: 24
    our peasants should be less confused with foreign inkwells, there they part with virginity already at school and it is unclear then according to the law of telegonia whose children will be born in our families.
    1. Owl
      21 November 2018 12: 22
      Well, my daughter went to school with black.
      Dad is white. Mom is a Slav. And five joint children are black.
      After the birth of the fifth child, the white dad stopped trying to have a white child ....
      This Slav was previously married to a Zimbabwean. There were no joint children. But then he left her and left for her homeland (like he inherited ...).
      1. 0
        23 November 2018 08: 29
        it's scary and nasty ...
  6. Owl
    21 November 2018 12: 14
    Yes. In Russia, the number of ZOO loves has risen sharply. Both male and female. Apparently boring ....
  7. +1
    21 November 2018 15: 52
    Russian men love evening and morning, seven days a week.