"Weak Russian men": what to answer the Swedish accusations?

A number of statements by the Swedish journalist Elin Jonsson, who made a report from the "school of the fathers" in Cherepovets, caused a wide public outcry. It should be noted that initially her article about Russia was done in a positive manner, and nothing portended trouble.

Swedish Television talks about an interesting public project that was implemented in the industrial city of Cherepovets. Tired workers after a 12-hour shift at the factory near the stove do not go to drink vodka, but learn to be good active fathers. Adult uncles read aloud tales for children at the local Samovar Museum.

The founder of the school, Alexander Kuklin, tells what motivated him to do this:

Local dads are harsh factory workers. They are more used to being courageous and making money than raising children ... But somewhere deep down they want to be their beloved dads and communicate more with their children.

Moreover, such schools are already open in many cities, in the “northern capital” alone there are a dozen of them. Russian men are now preparing in advance for the appearance of a new little man in the family. In general, the Swedes made a good report on which one could put an end to, but some additional comments by Jonsson herself spoiled the general positive impression:

While the woman rolls up her sleeves and takes on some dirty work to feed her family, the man sits at home, pity himself and drink.

According to the Swede, in modern Russia, when divorced, children remain with their mothers, and not with their fathers, because "Russian men have weakened." And they weakened due to two world wars and "imprisonment in the Gulag." And what ultimately came out of them is not suitable for work, nor for raising children, and even child support can not always be expected, so women have to perform male functions. The general meaning is approximately the following, and this definitely discords with the way the founder sees the tasks of the Cherepovets school of fathers.

What I want to note about this:

At first, The Gulag is the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which previously controlled the places of detention. Therefore, "to sit in the GULAG" could only employees of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs at their workplaces. And Solzhenitsyn.

SecondlyIndeed, the USSR suffered enormous losses in the First World War and the greatest in the Great Patriotic War. But this does not mean at all that the survivors are a kind of “genetic garbage” that generates the weak. On the contrary, if from the generation of Soviet people who reached Berlin in 1945 “made nails”, then those nails would not be stronger.

Thirdlysurviving the Great Patriotic War, Russian men and women rebuilt the country in record time and created a real superpower, before whose power half of the globe trembled. It is precisely because of the large losses among the male population of the USSR during the war that Russian women are accustomed to physical labor and do not consider it shameful, unlike Western women.

Fourthly, yes, it has historically been the case in Russia that, when divorced, children usually remain with their mothers. A man working 12 hours at a factory can hardly be an exemplary single father. But the example of Cherepovets shows that even a stern hard worker is not ready to drink vodka with friends after the shift, but to learn to be a good parent.

Fifthly, men are all different: someone fundamentally refuses to pay child support, but others pay them regularly, some men pity themselves and drink vodka, while others seek and find work and go to the gym regularly.

So generalizing, as the Swedes did, is extremely incorrect.
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  1. +11
    14 November 2018 16: 40
    Why be surprised? It's simple, the Swede invented this nonsense from envy! As I saw that we do not have same-sex marriages, but do not accept the Russian blue mentality, I immediately envied the Russians, she could not bear it! So I came up with nonsense to get nonsense.
    1. +7
      14 November 2018 17: 27
      Why pay attention to these Swedes.
      They have the most sensible that in addition to "VOLVO" and "SAAB" came out - it's ABBA !!! wink
  2. +7
    14 November 2018 17: 34
    I did not notice that the migrants would soon drive the Swedes to the ghetto. There are already plenty of places where not only simple courageous Swedes can go, but also police officers. In some cities, almost half of the city is controlled.
  3. +11
    14 November 2018 21: 21
    Well, let's summarize.
    In the short term, men in Sweden will be either black or rear-wheel drive.
    1. +3
      14 November 2018 22: 18
      Above is a very correct observation. Apparently because the men "weakened" they are recruiting "strong and hardworking" from the Middle East and Africa - the flag is in their hands, Swedes and Co., in the near future they will backfire on how "hardworking" they are and everything else. .. These will certainly pay alimony to them ... Let this lady write about her men, if they are still there, Swedish ... otherwise, in my opinion, the most European representatives there are already in the overwhelming majority of Turks ...
    2. 0
      1 January 2019 16: 51
      rather not the "near future" but already.
  4. +4
    15 November 2018 08: 33
    In the world, and Russia is no exception, there are different people. Both women and men. If you take each country separately, then in each of them you can find many problems, both domestic and economic. Modern problems in the family (including frequent divorces, alcoholism, infantility, drug addiction, cruelty, violence, irresponsibility in upbringing) - the essence of the essence of what they fought (including THE SAME journalists) with the USSR. What was BEFORE the collapse - little resembled the current situation. Let's remember what all these champions voted at that time for equality, freedom, emancipation and other "freedoms"? After all, what they fought for - they got it! The result of THIS FIGHT is ALL THESE problems! The results are a weakening of state influence in ideology (remember: "FAMILY IS A CELL OF SOCIETY!" ???). After all, how was it before? The wife could also complain about a weak (in the sense of a "green snake") peasant in the party committee (whether it helped or not - another question) of a plant, an enterprise, etc. Now WHERE will she complain ??? God? .. The state attached a HUGE value to strengthening families, helped (as much as possible). Today what? And here's what: "... the state owes you NOTHING, NOBODY forced you to give birth ...". And this is not the opinion of some not clever official. This is the opinion of the PUBLIC OFFICER, and she broadcasts the POLICY OF THE STATE TO THE FAMILY! This is not an accidental statement.
    The thing is that SUCH statements are at first (sort of) "random", and later they will increasingly be expressed by officials of our state. The problem is not in the people, but in the fact that since civil servants allow this, then, although not explicitly, it IS in the state program. The state does not need citizens, the state needs taxes, i.e. - loot.
    What do you want? Of freedom? So here she is your freedom! Freedom of the state from the people - THE GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT OF CIVILIZATION !!! If the state does not understand that ALL people, all its citizens, people are its main wealth, then this state will not last long ... Either the people will change the state’s policy, or he (the people) will simply disappear from the face of the planet ...
    And yes - I am NOT calling for an overthrow, for a revolution or for some "Maidan". I am for the state to finally change its mind and understand that we are a real value for it, and not positions or loot. And so that it finally returns to the slogan "Family is the unit of society!" (or rather, the state!) was back in business!
    1. 0
      14 January 2024 00: 01
      Don't remember God in vanity. Yes! You must be an Orthodox Christian, like her ancestors... and pray for your alcoholic husband. Then everything will be fine.
  5. +3
    15 November 2018 08: 50
    And one more thing - since when should we be interested in the opinion of some Swedes? Who is she? She is NOBODY and calling her NO!
    Is this the one who shot the film "Jamala's Struggle" about the occupation of Crimea by Russia? Is this the one that "covered in detail" the war in Chechnya?
    Everything is much simpler - this is an agent of influence who is being promoted from abroad and with the help of local "free" media.
    ... damn ... how terrible she is ... like a cross between a horse and a monkey ...
    1. +2
      15 November 2018 10: 26
      Really! I forgot about black migrants!
      And in this case, the Swedes have several options:
      To be raped
      Marry a migrant and accept his customs and faith, because other options in marriage with those who have come together are impossible.
      To remain in splendid isolation.
  6. -1
    15 November 2018 10: 56
    Ha. Compared to our articles on hundreds of raped Germans / Swedes / English women, etc., this is just a children's party.

    Places taken out of context are being discussed, but about
    "Tired workers after a 12-hour shift at the plant near the stove do not go to drink vodka, but learn to be good active fathers." Not a word ...
    change there 12 hours? and learn right away? and they have no time to rest? about the mode of operation - no, no ....
  7. +2
    15 November 2018 11: 52
    - Michael, you recently visited Russia, what can you say about them?
    - You know sir, this backward country is Russia: there men still sleep with women ...

    Well, if by such criteria, then God forbid Russia to continue to be "backward".
    In '95, I was in Sweden exactly on the course on conducting rescue operations after man-made, natural and other disasters around the world, they are strong in this. Even then, experts said: a couple of generations and blue-eyed Swedes will be a rarity - as if they looked into the water. If the Russian men have weakened, according to this "journalist", then we must admit that the Scandinavian men have simply degenerated ...
  8. 0
    15 November 2018 20: 23
    Weak Russian men ": what to answer to the Swedish accusations?

    Then American blacks who? If they have a president like that.

  9. 0
    16 November 2018 06: 46
    Of course, "incorrect" .... But there is some truth in her words ....
  10. 0
    16 November 2018 07: 11
    The Swede is in many ways right.

    World War I,
    Civil War,
    Bolshevik Terror,
    The Second World War

    almost knocked out the whole color of the Russian people,
    those who stayed are really basically a marriage and this terrible catastrophe is irreversible.

    In addition, both Europe and Russia in the coming decades will simply dissolve in the flow of migrants from Asia and Africa and will disappear just as the great civilizations of the White Race (who did not pay any attention to issues of Racial Cleanliness)

    White Indian Civilization,
    White Egyptian Civilization,
    Ancient Rome,
    Slavic Russia
  11. 0
    18 November 2018 14: 11
    At a choir to put somewhere in a tavern, and then ask - if he survives and the cuckoo does not fly up !!!
  12. +1
    13 December 2018 12: 20
    What can I say? ... Envy silently !!! ... laughing
  13. 0
    13 January 2024 23: 57
    She's partly right, of course!
    But of course, if people remembered the Faith of their ancestors... about Orthodoxy... then everything would be fine in Russia.
    In the meantime, everything is crooked - askew.
    But thank God, it’s better than in Europe.