Immortality is near: scientists have found a way to live forever

People have been dreaming of immortality for millennia. From myths and alchemical experiments, mankind has advanced in the direction of prolonging life to serious scientific research.

Recently, a group of scientists from the University of Arizona USA managed to unravel an important stage in the activity of the telomerase enzyme. This enzyme is responsible for the length of the terminal sections of the DNA molecule, the division of which leads to cell death. If you find a way to restore the lost length of the telomeres of cells, you can prevent and even completely stop the aging process.

The results of the study will not only increase the duration of human life and delay aging, but will also contribute to the victory over a number of dangerous diseases. Telomerase therapy, if developed and applied, will help a person defeat ailments such as aplastic anemia or idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

It remains only to hope that scientific developments will not only continue, but will also transfer to the plane of practical medicine. Maybe time will pass and aging people really will be a thing of the past.
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  1. 0
    7 March 2018 01: 37
    Living forever, and even retired ?! Which of the existing economies will pull? And if only selected persons receive eternity, then the rest of the mass will not allow this. The natural development of geniuses will have to be stopped during the period of their highest working capacity and used as a constant source of fresh ideas, discoveries, inventions brought to automation. The same with writers, actors and actresses, artists and singers, politicians and strategists and so on ... It will be the elite of mankind, and the rest - just to live - according to the laws of nature!
    1. +2
      11 March 2018 09: 06
      Why retired? Preserve at working age. And the birth rate will almost disappear. As is already happening in Europe
  2. +2
    10 March 2018 22: 39
    No one is fighting disease and will not fight. It’s more profitable to sell drugs than to eradicate the disease itself. And the fact that scientists have found the cause of aging does not mean that they will be able to prevent it.
    1. 0
      11 March 2018 09: 05
      If they can, they can)