How rich was Lenin?

Although almost a century has passed since the day of Lenin's death, debates about him have not subsided to this day. Some consider him an unattainable role model, others - the greatest villain. But he is too complex a figure to be described in one short phrase.

We will not get involved in these disputes, but try to figure out a simpler question: with what means did the leader of the world proletariat exist. By its status, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov could be quite called unemployed. Before the Bolsheviks came to power in the country, he had no permanent job. True, at the age of 18, already being involved in revolutionary activities and being under the supervision of the police, he worked for a short time as an assistant lawyer.

And at the same time, without a constant source of income, he did not live in poverty. You could even say that Ilyich led a prosperous and well-fed life, not needing anything. Moreover, he lived a lot abroad, having repeatedly visited many European countries.

All these facts raise the question: where did he get the money? Surely he had sources of income.

Relatives help

Although the Ulyanov family is difficult to attribute to any magnates, she lived in abundance. Their role was played by their noble origin and the presence of family property. In particular, we are talking about a family estate in Kokushkino. For some time the Ulyanovs also owned the estate in Alakaevka.

This property brought good income in the form of rent. The direct owner was considered Maria Alexandrovna, the mother of Vladimir Ilyich. In addition, she regularly received a pension for the loss of her husband. Of this money, Lenin's mother provided impressive material assistance to her son.

The leader’s brother Dmitry and his sister Anna also helped Vladimir whenever possible by sending translations.

Nadezhda Konstantinovna accompanied her husband everywhere and, of course, also did not work. But once she also made an impressive contribution to the family budget. The inheritance she received after the death of her aunt amounted to a huge sum for those times - 7 thousand rubles.

Great freelancer

Although Vladimir Ilyich did not have a permanent job, it is wrong to call him a loafer. He was distinguished by his enormous capacity for work, worked hard and made good money.

Lenin left behind a huge legacy in the form of books, articles, translations. He translated books from foreign languages, collaborated with many periodical legal and illegal publications. In fact, he can be called a freelancer. All this work was well paid, so he could not afford to save money and live on a grand scale.

Party treasury

Since the formation of the RSDLP, Lenin has been on party support. He was listed as the regular editor of the party publication, receiving a monthly salary of 50-70 rubles for this.

As you know, the party treasury consisted of membership fees and other external sources. Most often, such sources were expropriations. The revolutionaries called such a beautiful word the usual robberies of postal carriages and banking institutions.

Sponsors of the revolution

Oddly enough, but substantial material assistance to the cause of the revolution was rendered by people who had nothing to do with either the proletariat or its struggle for their rights.

For example, a prominent industrialist and well-known philanthropist Savva Morozov invested a lot of money in the Bolshevik party. Not only that, he transferred substantial funds for publishing, and also contributed to the distribution of leaflets and other disruptive materials among the workers of his enterprises.

His relative, a large businessman Nikolai Schmidt, also helped revolutionaries by investing impressive amounts in their work.

By the way, both capitalists died in strange circumstances.

Another major sponsor of the Russian revolution was the German Social Democrat Alexander Parvus, who had invested about 20 million rubles in Lenin’s cause. This is a rather interesting and mysterious person. It is believed that he worked for German intelligence.

There were rumors that Lenin himself worked for the Germans. Most likely, this is unlikely, but Germany could well finance the Russian revolution, because the Bolsheviks and the German government shared some interests. Both those and others advocated the destruction of the Russian Empire. True, in the future their interests diverged.

They also call other foreign and international organizations that benefited from the activities of Russian revolutionaries. Perhaps some funds came from them.

It is wrong to assume that Lenin and his party, even if they took this money, were foreign spies. Of course, they carried out their own plans, and did not advocate for the interests of others. It was just that their success at a certain stage was beneficial to other forces in Russia and abroad.

Is revolution a profitable business?

And still do policies and revolutionary activity - a profitable, profitable and exciting occupation.

Lenin could afford to travel around many countries, rent expensive apartments in European capitals, and eventually get at his full disposal the largest country in the world.

Can he be called a rich man? Unlikely. He did not deny himself anything, but he cannot be blamed for money-grubbing. He did not save up jewels, did not build palaces for himself. He did not need it. The purpose of his life was the desire to make ordinary people in our country happy, often even contrary to their desire and at the cost of numerous casualties.
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  1. +2
    13 November 2018 10: 05
    Another blackening with half-truth. After November 7 did you try?
    1. +2
      13 November 2018 18: 58
      And what is the slander about? Was Lenin very smart and plowed like a damn? Or was he a normal, living person, not an idol? Said A, speak and B.
  2. +3
    13 November 2018 19: 53
    Although the Ulyanov family is difficult to attribute to any magnates, she lived in abundance. Their noble origin played a role ...

    Well, what nonsense?
    Lenin's father, Ilya Nikolayevich Ulyanov, is the son of an Astrakhan tradesman who worked as a tailor-craftsman. Former serf from the village of Androsovo, Sergach okrug (county) of the Nizhny Novgorod province.
    Lenin's father earned the nobility after rising to a full state councilor. And that was in 1877, and in 1886 he had already died. So, Lenin's father became a nobleman 9 years before his death.
    What "noble origin" of the Ulyanov family is the author talking about?
  3. 0
    19 November 2018 20: 22
    In the current monetary terms, in relation to the dollar exchange rate at the beginning of the century and now, Lenin and other leaders who have taken power from the Provisional Government, in our time would be considered billionaires.
  4. 0
    7 January 2019 17: 34
    Although the Ulyanov family is difficult to attribute to any magnates, she lived in abundance. Their noble origin played a role ...

    You can not read further ...))