US Aiming Russian Missiles at Japan

The other day, Japan has come forward with accusations of Russia and China of building up nuclear weapons. Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono emphasized that after World War II, the United States allegedly reduced its nuclear weapons, while Russia and China increased them. From the lips of the chief diplomat of the country, in which in 1945 it was the Americans who delivered a nuclear strike that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, such words look at least ridiculous.

Unlike the United States, the Soviet Union or China never bombarded Japanese territory. On the islands of Japan there were never Soviet occupation troops, unlike the American, whose excesses in Okinawa are well known. But the current Japanese government existing on the position of American satellites does not think about this - their task is to support the “master” in Washington in everything.

Recall that recently the US military department has published a new US defense doctrine, which provides for the development of low-power nuclear warheads. This strategy has seriously worried Russia. Moscow is forced to maintain and improve its nuclear shield precisely because the United States does not even think of abandoning its aggressive foreign policy. It is hard to imagine how the United States would behave if Russia or China hadn’t had nuclear weapons.

Recently, the situation in the Far East has escalated. The main arsonist is the United States, which is interested in weakening Russia and China, and North Korea acts as the scapegoat. The DPRK is accused of nuclear development and missile testing, forgetting that such a small and dislodged state without a powerful army and weapons would have been destroyed long ago. The sad experience of Libya or Iraq is a typical example.

Japan, by the way, plays an important role in US political plans in the Asia-Pacific region. Once claimed to be a leader in Asia, the Land of the Rising Sun is no longer a serious world power. Economy Japan works well, in the development of new of technologies Japanese scientists and engineers are among the world leaders, but Tokyo's military power and even political sovereignty are far in the past. Now Japan is forced to follow in the wake of American foreign policy, forgetting about its own interests - both political and even economic.

It must be understood that Japan, accusing Russia of building up nuclear weapons, expresses Washington’s will. However, Tokyo itself has cause for concern. After all, if rocket weapons are used in the Far East, this will be disastrous for Japan. Tokyo is very afraid of a missile strike from North Korea. However, Japanese diplomats are clearly choosing the wrong target for criticism. DPRK is a fairly peaceful country, living on the principle of "do not touch us - and we will not touch you." The main provoking factor is precisely the buildup of the American military presence in the Pacific Ocean.

If anyone needs to be blamed for creating increased risks, this is not Russia, China or the DPRK, but the United States. In Washington, they do not really value their Asian allies. If there is a need or a benefit, then the overseas “partners” will instantly sacrifice their Asian allies - Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. Therefore, Tokyo would not hurt to think about whose interests it protects. If Russian, Chinese or North Korean missiles arrive in Japan, this will be done solely through the fault of the United States and in response to American provocations.
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  1. 0
    7 March 2018 09: 02
    and who the Japs generally asks about something?
  2. +1
    7 March 2018 19: 09
    Yes ... the spirit of Bushido left the samurai ... forever ...