We are ten times behind: what hinders the development of wind energy in Russia


One of the most well-studied and used in different countries of the world types of alternative energy is wind energy. Its percentage share in global electricity production in 2021 was 6,6%. The same indicator in Russia for the same year stopped at 0,32%, that is, 20 times less.

In the Russian Federation, the state and prospects of wind energy are largely determined by support from government authorities and market incentives. But, unlike European countries, as can be seen from the statistics presented above, the domestic industry lags behind both quantitatively and technologically.

Currently, about 35 wind farms operate in our country. In 2021, they managed to generate 3622 million kWh. The greatest prospects for wind energy in the Russian Federation exist in the steppe regions of the country (Kalmykia, Stavropol Territory, Crimea, Astrakhan and Rostov regions), in areas where the construction of additional nuclear power plants and hydroelectric power plants is simply impossible. It is in these subjects that the lion's share of domestic wind farms is located.

When discussing the future prospects for the development of this type of power plants in Russia, it is necessary to understand all the risk factors and disadvantages that are likely to be encountered when building new wind farms in the country. Among them are the following:

1) the development of the industry is strongly hampered by the already formed and quite efficiently functioning traditional energy complex. It is supported by large reserves of resources and lobbying of its interests by representatives of the business community. In this situation, even the potential opportunities for financial savings do not stimulate wind energy in Russia as much as it happens in the same European countries;

2) last year, as a result of sanctions, a ban was adopted on the export of components for wind turbines to the Russian Federation. Most of the technical solutions related to the conversion of wind energy, our companies received from leading Western companies. So at the moment, organizations that have assumed legal obligations for the construction of wind farms have found themselves in a rather difficult situation, all the processes for commissioning wind farms are hindered. In the near future, we should expect the transformation of logistics routes and the development of new markets for the purchase of products that fell under sanctions;

3) another important factor that does not allow interested players in the energy market to make significant investments in the industry is the high risks that companies may face when operating wind farms. The instability of such an energy source creates additional problems when using this direction on an industrial scale;

4) in our country, many have formed misconceptions about the capabilities of wind turbines. Often people consider wind energy as an “expensive toy” that is not capable of providing real economic results;

5) it is also necessary to pay attention to a certain backwardness of the power equipment used in wind farms in Russia. Domestic components are an order of magnitude inferior in quality to foreign counterparts, which makes this industry extremely dependent on imports.

Despite all the difficulties in the development of this type of energy, it is assumed that the total capacity of wind farms on the WECM in Russia can reach 23,3 GW by 2030. Such results would be enough to cover about 10% of the country's energy supply and create about 50 jobs to maintain the infrastructure of wind farms (according to WWEA). Such prospects indicate that this type of energy has certain advantages, which will be discussed below:

1) the operation of wind farms significantly reduces the environmental damage that traditional energy sources of equivalent capacity could cause to the environment;

2) Russia is a very large country, many settlements are located in hard-to-reach areas. It is rather problematic to transport electricity, often it is necessary to pull power lines for hundreds of kilometers in order to provide the inhabitants of remote villages and villages with the necessary resources. In this situation, the optimal solution is the construction of small wind farms that would generate electricity not on an industrial scale, but for the personal needs of the population;

3) the availability of construction. This is a conditional factor, but if we compare the implementation of such generators with the same traditional stations, then the savings will be significant. In addition, wind farms may not be classified as capital construction projects. The scale of work required for the commissioning of such facilities cannot be compared with the construction of the same hydroelectric power plants.

If an attempt is made to summarize the prospects for the development of wind farms in Russia, it is worth noting that wind farms in our country can demonstrate quite high capacity indicators and there are prerequisites for further increasing productivity and building new facilities of this type. However, at the moment, the share of wind energy in the overall energy system of the Russian Federation is extremely insignificant, despite all the statements from officials and representatives of the energy complex about the high importance and usefulness of alternative energy sources.

In addition, the development of the industry is hampered by a number of climatic and geographical restrictions that lead to higher costs and complexity of the use of wind energy in Russia, but at the same time, for some regions of our country, wind energy may become almost the only possible option for solving problems associated with a shortage electricity.
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  1. 0
    28 March 2023 18: 13
    In fact, wind energy in the West became fashionable a little over 20 years ago.
    The interests of big business, flirting with the "green" spurred the development of wind energy in the US and Western Europe
  2. 0
    28 March 2023 18: 39
    Non fate gli stessi errori dell'Occidente; l'energia "verde" non esiste nei tempi e nei modi che hanno fatto credere a noi. Puntate su energie che noi abbiamo lasciato perchè troppo economiche, alla portata di troppe persone e contro-capitalistiche: la fusione fredda e l'energia a cavitazione sono strade che potete intraprendere se volete più bene al Popolo e meno bene al denaro.
    In Occidente non diamo futuro a tutto ciò che non porta denaro, ma se a voi interessa solamente avere energia e calore, lasciate perdere l'eolico, il busines delle auto elettriche (potete costruirle e vendercele, ma non le usate, perchè anche da noi non avrenno futuro, con le batterie che si conoscono ora)
  3. -6
    28 March 2023 18: 56
    Putin said: it scares the worms... they say, don't interfere, don't.

    And to make windmills, you need industry, specialists, workers ... but what for? it needs to work....

    When can you just pump out oil and gas and sell it to the West / China (42% of exports in 2022, by articles)?
    Yes, gold, nickel, steel, aluminum, grain, increase prices and utilities ...
    And in Dubai, to listen to Leps in the new penthouse ...
    1. +2
      28 March 2023 20: 05
      Quote: Sergey Latyshev
      When can you just pump out oil and gas and sell it to the West / China (42% of exports in 2022, by articles)?
      Yes gold, nickel, steel, aluminum, grain

      When you are under sanctions, it becomes not so easy to pump out - transport - process oil / gas. Venezuela sends physical education greetings.
      It is necessary to have metallurgy to make pipes (purchasing in exchange for gas in Germany, as they did in the USSR, will no longer work), it is necessary to have mechanical engineering to make pumps and gas turbines (until 2014, much of this was purchased in Ukraine). All of the above should be in the Arctic version, at temperatures down to -50 ... LNG technologies are their own song.

      If to the topic of the article, then before the NWO, Russia quite even exported blades for windmills to Denmark.
      (JV of Danish Vestas, Rosnano and Akvilon LLC in Ulyanovsk)
      After - the Danes closed the plant, whether it will be possible to reopen it - the question.

      For other components, NovaWind on the eve of the CBO gave the following information:

      The technological partner for the production and construction of wind turbines is the Dutch company Lagerwey. She sold us the technology for the production and construction of these towers with the right to localize on the territory of the Russian Federation and a number of foreign states. The technology includes technical and design documentation for wind turbines. The contract for the supply of capacity to the Russian market requires that we localize in the Russian Federation 65% of the production of wind turbine components, including blades and other components, then the calculation will be made in points. Starting from 2025 - 87 points, from 2030 - 102 points.
      The generator, nacelle, hub, main bearing are manufactured at our factory in Volgodonsk. The tower is also manufactured in Volgodonsk by our partners, and only some elements are still imported from India and China.

      By the way, another example of how the West "strangled" us by selling one of the technologies.

      The fact that a number of factories have now stopped is not to blame for the West, which built them, not for the liberals who created the conditions for the West to build factories, but for one ahem, an extremely brilliant politician of all times and peoples.
      But the people are doing their job, looking for ways out even in such a situation. literally today:

      Russian production of blades for wind turbines will open in the Ulyanovsk region

      The details of the unique production today at the Composites Without Borders forum were discussed by Governor Alexei Russkikh with the Director General of the state corporation Rosatom Alexei Likhachev and the head of Yumatex Alexander Tyunin.

      The investor is Umatex, the largest manufacturer of composite materials in Russia. He is ready to invest more than two billion rubles in an enterprise in the Ulyanovsk region, up to 350 jobs will be created.

      “Now we rely on Russian partners and investors from friendly countries. We build new production buildings for them
      1. +1
        30 March 2023 17: 01
        Interesting and commendable article! Let me say, as a slightly informed person in the subject, that this technology:

        .. Dutch company Lagerwey. She sold us the technology for the production and construction of these towers with the right to localize on the territory of the Russian Federation and a number of foreign states. The technology includes technical and design documentation for wind turbines.

        outdated to say the least. The future belongs to turbine plants, which do not produce infrasound and do not destroy worms and birds and do not create holes for radars. This technology is just ours, although it is also being developed abroad
        1. 0
          30 March 2023 17: 56
          Quote from borisvt
          The future belongs to turbine units, .... This technology is just ours

          Well, we'll see.
          So brag about future technologies should be done with great caution.

          Fresh on the topic:

          NovaWind JSC and Primus Advanced Technologies Ltd. (Myanmar) signed an agreement

          The conclusion of the agreement is aimed at organizing cooperation within the framework of the construction [in Myanmar] of wind farms with a total installed capacity of 172 MW.
  4. +1
    28 March 2023 20: 27
    As L.I. Brezhnev once said:

    The economy must be economical.

    As of today, ALL wind farms are LOSS-GOING when using market tariffs. They build them on a whim of CO2 reduction policy and so on. The bottom line is that the construction of hydroelectric units and after disposal, the pollution of nature increases many times in comparison with savings on emissions. An expensive and unstable toy for those who print candy wrappers (USD, Euro) and can scatter them around. For the Russian Federation, wind energy is still possible, at remote points, and then as an auxiliary one, but for use in populated areas it is unprofitable and impractical ..
    1. 0
      28 March 2023 22: 45
      I remember how, in the same way, on the sites of the Military Review and the Reporter, many wrote in the comments that UAVs are not needed for the Russian army, they say all these toys are for rich countries with their multibillion-dollar military budgets, they say we will shoot down these candy wrappers with hats. They wrote that these UAVs were of no use, only expenses, a worthless thing in military affairs ...... They wrote a lot of things then .....
      1. 0
        29 March 2023 20: 07
        Replica. There is an elderberry in the garden, and an uncle in Kyiv.
    2. 0
      April 1 2023 22: 55
      To begin with, it is necessary to start producing wind turbines for individuals - farmers, summer residents, peasants, foresters ... And so that it would be inexpensive to buy.
  5. +1
    30 March 2023 10: 06
    Wind turbines are problematic structures for the environment. An important problem is the disposal of used wind turbine blades, which do not decompose in nature, accumulate, etc., etc. Tidal power plants could become an excellent alternative source of electricity. They require large investments, but they have more advantages than hydroelectric power plants.
  6. +1
    April 4 2023 10: 52
    Where it is needed, we develop it. For example, in Yakutia, 72 wind-solar-diesel power plants in the amount of 72 pieces will be, if I am not mistaken, this year. They are really needed there. And people from abroad come to experience exchange conferences. For example, complex power plants have already been built in Egypt. It is based on the communication at the conference in Yakutia.
    In general, no one has yet calculated the economic efficiency of WPPs (as well as SPPs). Their mass development will lead to a sharp rise in the cost of materials. Lithium is already wildly expensive.
    No one knows how to dispose of wind farm buildings. In Germany, this problem is already at full height.
    In general, the green agenda is inflated to ruin the EU. Their construction was driven forward by a steam locomotive until it was driven into a dead end.
    Now in Germany, wind farm fields and nearby villages are being demolished in order to mine coal in this place. Recently, Greta was carried out by the police just from a rally against this.
    The author was late with his article for at least 3-4 years. Then it was still possible to hang noodles on the ears of the people on this topic.
    It is now almost clear to everyone that RES should not account for more than 20% (and preferably 15%) of the total installed capacity of other power plants. Otherwise, the dispatcher of electrical networks will start to leave en masse.
    1. 0
      April 5 2023 17: 34
      Quote: boriz
      The author was late with his article for at least 3-4 years. Then it was still possible to hang noodles on the ears of the people on this topic.
      It is now almost clear to everyone that RES should not account for more than 20% (and preferably 15%) of the total installed capacity of other power plants. Otherwise, the dispatcher of electrical networks will start to leave en masse.

      You write that RES should not be more than 15-20%, and in Russia this figure is 0,32%, which means there is still room for growth, so I don’t understand why the author is 3-4 years late with this article.
      1. 0
        April 5 2023 17: 53
        Quote: Viktor Anufriev
        and in Russia this figure is 0,32%

        According to the system operator of the Unified Energy System (UES) of Russia, as of January 1, 2023, the installed capacity of all power plants in the country was over 247,6 thousand MW. Including thermal power plants (TPPs) accounted for a capacity of more than 163,5 thousand MW (66,05%), hydroelectric power plants (HPPs) - 50,1 thousand MW (20,24%),
        nuclear power plants (NPPs) - over 29,5 thousand MW (11,93%),
        wind power plants (WPP) - about 2,3 thousand MW (0,93%),
        and solar power plants (SPP) are the least of all - over 2,1 thousand MW (0,85%).


        Total RES 22%.
        1. +1
          April 5 2023 19: 16
          Yes, sorry, I misread your comment.
          But anyway, it is worth paying attention to one point, many specialists and organizations (Greenpeace, for example) do not classify large hydropower plants as renewable energy sources.
          I'll even quote:

          only small hydropower plants (SHPPs) should be classified as renewable and environmentally friendly energy sources among hydropower facilities, since large dammed hydropower plants on rivers (with a capacity of 25 MW or more) can cause a number of environmental problems

          Based on this classification, it is possible to subtract 20-18% from the energy of hydroelectric power plants in Russia, which is about 19%. It turns out that only 1-2% of the energy of hydroelectric power plants can be attributed to RES.
          Therefore, RES in Russia will account for approximately 3-4%.