NATO plans to deploy 300 troops near Russian borders


The North Atlantic Alliance is developing a plan to deploy a XNUMX-strong group of troops near the borders of Russia. This is reported by the publication "Strategic Culture Foundation".

It is specified that NATO plans to create a layered defense against the Russian Federation. The first echelon will include soldiers from the armies of Norway, Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Their total number is planned to increase to one hundred thousand people.

Second echelon troops are going to be deployed in Germany, as well as in Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy and France. According to the plan of the NATO military leaders, these troops should advance within a week to strengthen the northeastern flank of NATO, as well as the southeastern direction.

As for the third echelon, it is planned to be deployed in the countries of Western Europe.

Despite the fact that they want to conduct a final analysis of this document only this July at the NATO summit in Vilnius, experts are already naming its main pain points.

For example, not all NATO countries are ready to increase the share of military spending to 2% of GDP. The main problem is that the document being developed implies finding the required number of aircraft, tanks, ships and ammunition from each participant.

However, due to a serious increase in the price of energy resources in Europe, the cost of producing ammunition has risen markedly. And those stocks that were stored in European warehouses have already been transferred to Ukraine. In a word, it was smooth on paper, but they forgot about the ravines.
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  1. +2
    21 March 2023 16: 34
    Yes, even a million. If they turn up, this will be the beginning of the end - the Russian Federation will launch a massive nuclear strike
    1. 0
      22 March 2023 09: 19
      Sarmat does not have much arithmetic ........
      Here it is with better geometry, it is larger in area, in area ....
  2. +2
    21 March 2023 16: 54
    Already recruiting...

  3. +1
    21 March 2023 21: 06
    I am 62 years old, but I will be the first to the draft board to destroy these creatures